University Seminar for Mathematics Majors

Course: 9-100-07

Semester: Fall 2002

Bldg/Rm: Bakeless 107

Credits: 01

Professor: John Polhill Co-Facilitator: Kathy Kollar

Office: 1123 MCHS Office: G-15 Elwell

E-mail: E-mail:

Phone: x 4508 Phone: x 4112

Office Hrs: M 3:00 – 4:00 Office Hrs: M-F 8am – 4:30 pm

MW 5:15 – 6:15

W 12:00 – 1:00

F 9:00 – 10:00

Date Activities Homework Assignment

Aug. 26 / First day of class:
-  Introductions
-  Activity
-  Review syllabus
-  Review class website
-  Review Journal entries/format / -  Advisor Assignment
-  Journal due 9/9
-  Topic: What I’d like to learn about BU
Sept. 9 / -  Activity
-  Time Management (planner, lists, staying ahead) / - Take Keirsey Personality
Inventory and bring
results to 9/16 class
Sept. 16 / -  Review Learning styles and Critical thinking
-  Discuss Keirsey results / - Journal due 9/23
Sept. 23 / - Guest Speaker: Dr. Barry Jackson / - Write reflection paper
due 9/30
Sept. 24
Tuesday / - FIELD TRIP to the Bloomsburg Fair / FREE day for college students with BU ID
Sept. 30 / - Guest Speaker: Ms. Jeanne Fitzgerald / - Create own resume and
cover letter for 10/7
Oct. 4
Friday / -  Math Department’s Career Day
Oct. 7 / -  Stress Management / - Journal due 10/14
Oct. 14 / -  Advisement Day
-  Guest Speaker: Dr. Pomfret / Create 4-year class schedule; due 10/28
Oct. 19
Saturday / -  FIELD TRIP to NSA Cryptology Museum in
Maryland (This trip may instead be November 16 – An update will come ASAP) / Meet bus in front of McCormick building
Oct. 21 / NO CLASS
Oct. 28 / - Actuary Panel (location TBA)
Campus Resources Quiz / - Journal due 11/4
Nov. 4 / -  Credit Card presentation
-  Fun Math Day
Nov. 11 / - Managing Relationships (roommate, romantic, family) / - Journal due 11/18
Nov. 18 / If Actuary Panel on 10/28, then Campus Resources Quiz today
Nov. 25 / * Food Day / - Journal due 12/9
Dec. 2 / - Course evaluations
Dec. 9 / - Return all homework and final reflection paper / Have a great winter break!


Students’ efforts and work will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Assignment / Points
1.  Project 1: Resume and cover letter / 100
2.  Project 2: 4-year class schedule / 100
3.  Project 3: Personality Test / 50
4.  Journal e-mails (5 total) / 100 (20 each)
5.  Reflection papers / 100
6. Class participation / 50


90 – 100 A

80 – 89.9 B

70 – 79.9 C

60 – 69.9 D

59.9 and below E