Certified Public Accountants Association(CPAA)

Information – For making a complaint about a Member of CPAA

Members of CPAA must comply with a wide range of professional, ethical and legislative requirements.

In the event that you are not satisfied with the work of a Member of CPAA you may lodge a formal complaint. CPAA views complaints seriously and therefore welcomes accurate information.

Please note that CPAA is not in a position to offer a remedy to you as the process cannot award damages or restitution of property, it is strictly limited to the disciplining of a Member and the imposition of fines or effects on membership status.

CPAA must not be used as an influence against a Member. CPAA may decide to dismiss or discontinue investigating your complaint if this occurs.

To assist in the preparation of your complaint please note the following:

Fee Disputes

Since the accountancy profession is deregulated, CPAA will not become involved in fee disputes between a client and a Member of CPAA. Fees are a commercial matter and CPAA does not recommend any fee scale. Unless the contrary is clearly indicated, fees are chargeable for an initial consultation.

In the event of a fee dispute you may wish to use mediation, which is conducted on a commercial basis and must be agreed to by each party. CPAA is unable to appoint a mediator. CPAA has no power to enforce any agreement between the parties in mediation.

Complaint Process

CPAA will usually only accept a signed written complaint where the identity of the complainant is known.

CPAA does not accept anonymous complaints.

A complaint will not be accepted unless you provide all the information requested including documentation in support of the complaint.

CPAA will acknowledge your written complaint and advise you of further procedures.

The time taken to investigate a complaint varies from case to case and will depend on a number of factors, including the response times from the Member and yourself to enquiries, the complexity of the matter and any relevant legal issues. CPAA aims to finalise most complaints within 7 months from date of receipt of a complete complaint.

You will be notified in writing of the outcome of your complaint.

To ascertain if the person in your complaint is a Member of CPAA you can use our search facility on our website or contact our head office on 01204 693988.

Certified Public Accountants Association (CPAA)


This form is used to make a complaint about a member of CPAA All details must be completed.

1. Member’s details

Member’s name: ______

Practice name ______

Practice address ______



Postcode ______

2. Complainant(s) details


Postal address ______



Telephone: ______

Facsimile: ______

3. Complaints made on behalf of someone else

Are you authorised to complain on behalf of the person? Yes No


Address ______




Telephone: ______

Facsimile: ______

E-mail address: @ ______

Relationship to the Complainant: ______

4. Actions taken by complainant to resolve the issue

Have you taken any action to resolve the issue prior to lodging this form? Yes No

If you have indicated ‘Yes’ please give a brief summary of the actions. (You are asked to provide full details about the complaint in the next section).

(If you require extra room please attach additional pages).

5. What is the complaint?

(Please set out, in chronological order, the circumstances giving rise to the complaint. You should make sure the entire background of the complaint is described as clearly as possible and that evidence is attached where applicable.

(If you require extra room please attach additional pages).

6. Evidence

All complaints must include:-

i. Correspondence between the complainant and the member of CPAA; and

ii. Correspondence between the complainant and any third parties

iii. Copies of accounts,VAT & PAYE documents, income and corporation tax returns –if relevant to the complaint. Please obscure any tax reference number.

No complaint will be processed until this information is received.

Please list documents attached









1. I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief that the information and/or documents that I provide are true and correct.

2. I understand that CPAA may disclose the information in this complaint to the Member and, if required, to any regulatory authority.

3. I/we agree that the Member may release all information contained within my client files held by the


4. I/we understand that these authorisations remain in force until the matter which is the subject of the

authorisation is resolved or until I/we otherwise revoke his authority.

5. I/we understand that if CPAA finds that this complaint is sufficient to justify a sanction against the

Member I/we may be asked to give evidence in a disciplinary hearing.

6. I/we agree to inform CPAA if proceedings in a Court or Tribunal are instituted by or against the

Member about whom I am complaining. I understand that CPAA may suspend investigation of this

complaint until such proceedings are finalised.

7. I/we have read and consent to CPAA's collection, use and disclosure of the information supplied in

this form (see Privacy Statement below).

8. I/we understand that once a complaint is made and not withstanding that the complainant withdraws

complaint, CPAA may act on its own accord in assembling evidence or laying the complaint. CPAA

may continue to investigate a complaint if there is sufficient evidence available, without the

complainant’s participation.


Signature / Print Name


This authority must be signed by the actual complainant or proof of proper authority provided where the complainant actsas an agent for a third party. If the complainant is a corporation the person lodging the complaint must be duly authorised by that corporation and proof of such authorisation provided to CPAA

Please forward the completed form to

Disciplinary Investigating Officer,


Unit F, 1st Floor Lostock Office Park,

Lynstock Way,

