Pebblebrook High School Orchestra


2013 – 2014

991 Old Alabama Road

Mableton, GA 30126

(770) 819-2521 ext 236

Rae Litowich, Orchestra Director

Zinta Perkins, Principal

Pebblebrook High School Orchestra

991 Old Alabama Road ~Mableton, GA 30126

August 2013

Dear Students and Parents,

Welcome to the 2012-2013 Orchestra program at Pebblebrook High School. I hope you had a safe, relaxing and enjoyable summer.

I am very excited for our upcoming school year! Our orchestra enjoyed great success last year, not only on our own stage, but at Large Group Performance Evaluation by receiving the rating of “superior” from all judges. It is my goal to help your student continue down the path of excellence on which he/she has already started. In order to do this there have been a few changes to the handbook for this school year, and I ask that you please take the time to read through this packet and familiarize yourself with the policies and procedures of the Pebblebrook High School Orchestra program.

There will be many opportunities for growth and performance throughout the school year. This will include the opportunity to audition for our new after school honors chamber group, community service performances, and participate in joint performances with the band as we unite the instrumental programs to create the PHS Symphony Orchestra.

The orchestra also uses a texting service called Remind101 that allows me to send out class reminders (i.e. practice charts are due tomorrow, did you tell your parents about after school rehearsal?, is your uniform ready for the concert? Don’t forget to bring your $25.00 Orchestra Fee). If you would like to receive these reminders, please see the Remind101 section of the orchestra handbook. I found that texting seems to be the most efficient way of communicating with the students!

As always, please let me know if you have any questions, or if you would like to volunteer your time to help as a chaperone, or coordinate a fundraiser! The orchestra voicemail does not always let me know there are messages, and e mail is probably the fastest, and most reliable way to contact me. I am looking forward to an amazing year.


J. Rae Litowich

PebblebrookHigh School Orchestra Director

(770) 819-2521 ext. 236 Orchestra Office

My email address:


Beginning Orchestra

This orchestra is made primarily of freshman, and or students who are experiencing their first year of high school orchestra. The focus for the year will be to set a firm foundation of the skills and techniques needed for performance, as well as those needed to rehearse properly as an orchestral ensemble. This class meets during 3rd block directly after lunch. Please be advised that no food or drink should be entering the orchestra classroom. The tardy policy is also strictly enforced. The beginning orchestra will perform a minimum of four concerts throughout the school year.

Advanced Orchestra

This orchestra is by audition only, and only available to 10th-12th grade students who have already completed Beginning Orchestra. Students in this orchestra should already have the skills and techniques necessary to play GMEA Level 4 music and higher. These students should also already know, understand,and consistently demonstrate the focus this music requires during all rehearsals. The advanced orchestra will also combine this year with the advanced band to work as a symphonic orchestra on top of the normal orchestra concerts this year, resulting in an additional two performances.

Chamber Orchestra

The Chamber Orchestra will be by audition only, consist of only a few individuals (chamber groups are by definition small), and will meet after school a minimum of once a week. This orchestra will be open to anyone currently enrolled in the orchestra program. The focus of this group will be to work on more advanced literature, and perform out in the community as a form of community service, as well as on our orchestra concerts. This literature will include classical, hymns, holiday, and pop. As we will be rehearsing after school, students should only audition if they are able to attend rehearsals, and have reliable transportation. We will not have enough money to take busses to all our performance locations, and your ability to drive, get a ride, or carpool will be extremely important.



1. Be respectful of all people, instruments, and equipment.

2. Follow all classroom procedures correctly

3. Be on time and prepared for class

4. With the exception of a tuning app in the first few minutes of class, all cell phones should be put away

5. No food or drink during rehearsal (water is ok)

Conduct and Consequences

In a participation and performance-based class, exceptional conduct is nonnegotiable.The PHS Orchestra will implement the disciplinary measures/consequences established by Pebblebrook High School. Students demonstrating chronic behavior issues that affect rehearsal, or the orchestra program, can be placed on probation, or removed from the orchestra by the director.



Skills and Techniques/Performance60% (wpr=10%)

Singing alone, and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

Playing on instruments, alone, and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

Reading and notating music.

Creative Expression and Communication5%

Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments.

Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines.

Critical Analysis/Investigation5%

Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

Evaluating music, and music performances.

Cultural and Historical Context5%

Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Common Assessments5%

Final Exam20%



Daily Participation

Students will earn a 5 point Daily Participation grade for being present, punctual, prepared (has instrument, music, shoulder rest, and pencil) and for participating in rehearsal in a productive manner.Next to performing, participation is the most important aspect in orchestra. Students who are unprepared, refuse to participate, are insubordinate/disrespectful, or hinder the progress of rehearsal will lose points. Students may also be asked to pack up and switch to a written assignment at the discretion of the director.

Participation points will also be deducted daily for fingernails that are too long. It is physically impossible to play a string instrument correctly with long fingernails whether they are synthetic or real. All orchestra musicians should be able to play on the tip of their finger when curved. The one exception to the finger length policy will be the week leading up to prom.

Tests and Quizzes

Tests and quizzes (written or playing) are formative assessments which may be announced or unannounced. Playing tests may also be recorded and or played in front of the class. Performing in front of others is not easy, and being required to do it in class will help you become more used to controlling any nervousness. Any missed playing tests will be taken during class in the same manner the rest of the class took the test the day you return.


Individual practice is an essential component for success. Students are required to practice the following amount of time outside class each week: Beginning Orchestra=100 min., Advanced Orchestra=150 min. Students will be given practice charts every Thursday. These charts are to be signed by a parent or guardian to verify the amount of practice. Students need to completely fill out (add up the minutes) their practice charts. Practice charts filled out incorrectly will not be accepted. If you lose the practice chart there are moreavailable on the director stand. 10 points will be deducted off your score for each school day the chart is late. The orchestra room is available before school (doors open at 7:45 am) for practice time, and after school upon request (Tuesdays are not available). Instruments should be going in and out of the orchestra room on a regular basis!


Concerts will be categorized as summative assessments and participation is required. Full credit requires students to report on time and perform in correct concert attire. Attendance is taken on stage 15 minutes prior to our start time. Students will also be deducted 10 points for every missing or incorrect part of their orchestra uniform. Please make sure your uniform is ready prior to the performance date!

Final Exam

The Final Exam is given at the end of each semester and will be comprehensive of all material covered in class. The final exam may include written and playing components.


Orchestra students will do a graded solo performance at the end of the year to measure whether or not each student has learned the skills and techniques required for his/her orchestra class. Juries will also serve as placement auditions for the following year, and will act as half of the spring semester’s final exam. Since a jury is longer than a normal audition, after school time will be used for this event.

Missed Concert/Rehearsal Make-Up Policy

Missing a concert/rehearsal changes the sound of the entire orchestra. Excuses will be evaluated on an individual basis. Parents should contact the director (email preferred) 48 hours prior to the event. Notifying the director after the event should only need to occur if there was a medical emergency. Remember, it is the responsibility of the student to ask for make-up work. All make-up work for a missed concert or rehearsal must be completed within 5 days of the student’s return.


Concert Attire Policy

The orchestra has a set concert uniform. Having a set uniform and strict jewelry policy allows us to look like a unit, and allows the audience to focus on the music they hear, instead of on the fashion decisions they see.Ladies must wear the required black dress with black closed toed dress shoes. Gentlemen must wear tuxedo pants, wing tipped tuxedo shirt, black satin bow tie, black studs, and the required tuxedo vest, with black socks, and black dress shoes. Please see the attached order form page for more information.

No jewelry on stage may be made from string, yarn, or plastic lanyard.

Jewelry for ladies:

Necklacesshould be short enough on ladies to sit on your skin and not hang on the dress

should only be a single strand (nothing bulky, or consisting of multiple layers)

should be gold, silver, black, or pearls

Earringsshould be studs, nothing that dangles

Braceletsyou may only wear one, it cannot make noise, no bright colors

Watchonly if your band is black, and it does not beep

Ringsonly one, and it must be made of metal and not interfere with your ability to perform

Jewelry Men:

Necklacemust be hidden under your tuxedo shirt

Earringsmust be studs, nothing that dangles

Braceletsyou may only wear one, it cannot make noise, no bright colors, and should be hidden under your tuxedo shirt

Watchcannot beep, and should be worn under your tuxedo shirt

Ringsonly one, and it must be made of metal and not interfere with your ability to perform

If you are unsure if your jewelry meets the above requirements, please bring it to the director for approval.

The director has the final say on what jewelry may be worn on stage. Jewelry must also be in code with the

PHS handbook.


Fundraising and Orchestra Fees

Each year, the orchestra faces costly expenses for repairs for normal wear and tear, music, new instruments, accessories, equipment, LGPE fees, transportation, field trips, and student awards. Only some of these expenses are paid for through school and county funding. Since we are also raising money this year for our Florida trip, your participation will be even more important than last year. Certain fundraisers will go directly to a line in our account set aside for your student instead of the general fund. To give your child the maximum amount of fundraising opportunities to pay for the trip we are asking that all orchestra students donate a$25.00 orchestra fee. This way we have collectively put money towards transportation, LGPE, and awards (three things the county will not pay for) and our future fundraising can go directly to your student.

Students will be able to use the profits from fundraisers towards the orchestra trip, but will not receive these funds for spending money, or as cash in any way. The profit he/she earns fundraising will reduce the overall amount owed to the travel company. Any funds exceeding the cost of the trip will stay in the orchestra account and can be used for any other monies owed (such as the cost of a new string).

Please be aware that certain events cost money, and may need to be paid by the student (such as audition fees for events outside of Pebblebrook).



High School students are encouraged to rent or buy an instrument. Violins and violas are rather inexpensive to rent and many stores offer rent-to-own plans. When renting or purchasing a string instrument, be sure you know the correct size and these specifications: quality string instruments should have a maple scroll, neck, back, and ribs. The top should be spruce. The pegs, nut, fingerboard, tailpieceand saddle should be ebony. The instrument should have “true” inlaid purfling. All instruments will need a bow and rosin;violin and viola players need a shoulder rest; cello and bass players need a rock stop.

A limited number of school instruments are available for student use in the classroom. The director will confer with interested students and parents to determine availability. Parents, if you determine that you are not financially able to rent or purchase an instrument, please contact me quickly.


The orchestra room does come with a set of available lockers that will be assigned first to those bringing non-school instruments from home. Combination locks will be available from the director. Please be advised that the instrument lockers are meant for the instrument, and are not a substitution for a school locker, and should be kept food and beverage free.


Remind 101 is a safe way for me to text reminders to students and parents. If you would like to sign up, text the information below to the phone number listed (you must include the @ symbol).

Beginning Orchestratext: @begintto:646-392-7332

Advanced Orchestratext: @advorchto:646-392-7332


The orchestra blog can be found on the school’s website by clicking on the director’s name (listed under fine arts). Here, you will find important calendar updates, and reminders about upcoming events. A copy of this handbook is also available for your reference.


Orchestra members are able to participate in many extracurricular activities, which are fun and educational for the student and may benefit the orchestra. I encourage students to take part in private lessons, extra performances at Solo and Ensemble, chamber music groups, youth symphonies, and community and church orchestras. Please let me know when and where you are peforming, and if you would like any help preparing any auditions. I highly encourage our students to perform for Solo and Ensemble, as well as audition for All-State, and District orchestra. These events have quick approaching deadlines in the fall. More information will be coming soon.


We have read the Pebblebrook High School Orchestra 2013-2014 Handbook.

We understand and will adhere to the rules, procedures and expectations of this program.

Misconduct in class, mishandling or damaging instruments or equipment may forfeit a student’s privilege to use a school instrument or to remain in the orchestra program.The replacementor repair cost of any theft, loss or damage that occurs to a school instrument or school equipment, while in a student’s care, at or away from school, is the expected financial responsibility of that student and parent/guardian.


STUDENT (Please print name neatly) STUDENT Signature


Parent 1/Guardian (Please print name neatly) Parent 1/Guardian Signature

(_____)______Cell Ph# (_____)______Home Ph#

(_____)______Work Ph# (_____)______Other Ph#



Parent 2/Guardian (Please print name neatly) Parent 2/Guardian Signature

(_____)______Cell Ph# (_____)______Home Ph#

(_____)______Work Ph# (_____)______Other Ph#
