 / BT
ATM In-Span HandOver
Operations and Maintenance Manual

Title:ATM In-Span Hand-Over Operations and Maintenance Manual

Issue:Issue 1

Date:20th July 2002

Author:Harry Underwood.

pp 3A6

Elder House (ELH-MK)

564 Elder Gate

Milton Keynes



Figure 1.

Note that the external cabling could use either: two fibres in the same cable; two cables in the same duct to a single OLO Foot Way (FW) box; two cables in separate ducts to a single OLO FW box or two cables in separate ducts each going to a different OLO FW box.

  1. Introduction

This document is relevant to the BT ATM In-Span Hand-Over Product.

This Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual is part of the supporting documentation for the BT Standard ATM Handover Agreement issued by BT.


This manual underpins the contract and focuses on those O&M processes requiring collaboration between an Other Licensed Operator (OLO) and BT. It specifically addresses operations and maintenance issues relating to the physical connections between BT and OLO ATM Switch Ports relating to the ATM ISH, including the VC4 circuits routed over the SDH system .

The SDH system will be referred to as the ISH Handover Link (meaning from the OLO ADM up to and including the BT ADM). See figure 1 above. The section of the ISH Handover link belonging to BT, ie the BT ADM and cabling up to the Point of Handover (POH) shall be referred to as the BT ISH Handover Link. The remainder of the ISH Handover link will be referred to as the OLO ISH Handover Link. See figure 1 above.

The BT ATM switch port connection and the cabling to the BT ADM will be referred to as the BT DSL Intra Building Link.

The OLO ATM switch port connection and the cabling to the OLO ADM will be referred to as the Operator DSL Intra Building Link.

The BT and Operator DSL Intra Building Links and the ISH Handover Link will be referred to as the ATM In-Span Handover (ATM ISH) Link.

Other supporting documents provided by BT are the Technical Master Plan, the Customer Service Plan, and the Operational Testing Manual.

It is important to note that this document does not address operations and maintenance issues relating to the ATM network layer. Information on the operations and maintenance arrangements for Broadband Virtual Paths and End User Data Paths can be found in the Broadband Customer Handbook.





2.2.1 Fault Repair Performance Report Timescales

2.2.2 Fault Handling Timescales






This section summarises service parameters contained within the various sections of this Manual. A summary of each extracted parameter is detailed under its subject with a reference to the section of the Manual in which it is contained.


2.2.1 Fault Repair Performance Report Timescales - see Section 3.3.2

The monthly performance review report is produced by the BT representative, detailed in the Customer Service Plan (CSP) who will send it to the OPERATOR representative (see CSP).

The performance review report should be distributed during the month following the reporting period end date.

The BT and OPERATOR representatives will copy to other recipients within their organisation as appropriate.

The method of measuring these statistics is detailed in Section 3.3.2

2.2.2 Fault Handling Timescales BT Internal Target Restoration Times.

Alarm/ Report Type / Repair Time
BT ISH Handover or BT DSL Intra Building Link Fault (Service Affecting) / Within 5 hours
“BT ISH Handover Link Fault (Non Service Affecting) / Within 5 hours of the start of the next working day or as agreed between BT and the OPERATOR

Within this Manual the ISH Handover Link refers to the SDH path between BT and the Operator and does not include the ATM VP/VC services being carried within or ATM network equipment used at the BT or Operator side of the ISH Handover link.

The target restoration times commence when the fault has been handed to the correspondant operator by BT or the OLO after being proved onto the component ISH Handover Link owned by that operator. See Section 4.4.3. Escalation Times - see Section 4.5

Escalation can be instigated at the following times after the target restoration time” has elapsed :-

Fault Status / Maximum Time To Escalate To:
First Level / Second Level / Third Level
ATM ISH Link Faults (Service Affecting) / Target restoration time plus 4 hours / Target restoration time plus 8 hours / Target restoration time plus 12 hours
ATM ISH Link Faults (Non Service Affecting) / 1 working day / 1day+8 hours / 1day+12

Note : These timescales are to be treated as guidelines only - see section 4.5.3. Fault Re-Test and Closure Timescales - see Section 4.4.7

  • If a response to a clear offered to the fault originator for re-test is not received within the 24 hours following the offer to re-test to confirm clear then the BT FRP will close the fault report .


Timescales for notifying each operator of work on an ATM ISH Link, that will have a direct bearing on the perceived performance of the ATM ISH Link, is 3 working days.

Contact points are contained in the Customer Service Plan (CSP).

Preferred times for PEWs for ATM ISH links are agreed and documented In the Customer Service Plan by the BT Customer Service Manager and the OPERATOR.


  • Either party must be notified of a MSF affecting the ATM ISH link within 30 minutes of it becoming known.
  • Regular hourly updates of progress must be given by the operator owning the MSF affecting the ATM ISH link.
  • Notification that the MSF affecting the ATM ISH link has cleared must be given within 30 minutes of the MSF ending.


Any procedures not covered in this Manual that are specific to an individual operator and its collaboration with BT will be documented in the CSP. Otherwise they are left to each operator to document separately.





3.2.2Planned Works on Transmission Line Plant that forms the ISH Handover Links

3.2.3Other Planned Works

3.2.4Reduction of Notification Timescales

3.2.5Effect of Network Management



3.3.2Performance Monitoring and Performance Reporting of ISH Handover Links



The operation and engineering of the ATM ISH Link requires a joint approach. This section identifies the activities, information flows and duties responsible for operational aspects between operators.

Each operator's normal procedures and instructions apply to these activities except where specifically modified by the contents of this section.



3.2.1 General

Each Operator will inform the other of any foreseen work it finds necessary to carry out within its own network which may affect the ATM In-Span Handover arrangements or standards of performance between the networks as perceived by the operators or their customers. The request for deferment of a planned outage by the other operator will be subject to negotiation and agreement with each case taken on its merits.

Any foreseen work falls into one of two main categories:-

a.Work on Transmission Line Plant that forms the ISH Handover Link.

b.Other works affecting the remainder of the ATM ISH link i.e. work on the DSL Intra Building Links or the ATM switches hosting the ports

The notification contact points are detailed in the CSP

3.2.2 Planned Works on ATM ISH Link. Work Carried out by BT or the OPERATOR Planned Works on the ISH Handover Link

[This section may need to be revised to take account of new SDH technology if appropriate]

Such work may take one of the following forms:-

a.Change over from MAIN to STANDBY working by the use of high speed switching equipment.

b.Momentary interruptions (MI's) which may be of maximum duration of 1 minute during "Preferred" hours (see3.2.2.3.).

c.Out of service interruptions. Where it is necessary to carry out work and where a "make good" route does not exist a "Scheduled Outage" will be necessary. Planned Works on the BT or OLO DSL Intra Building Link

Such work will always be considered a scheduled outage. I.e. any work on the ATM port or the cabling the ADM will cause a break in the ATM ISH Link service Preferred Hours for Planned Works

Times when Change-overs, MI's and out of service interruptions may be scheduled by BT or the OPERATOR will be discussed, and documented if required, between the BT Customer Service Manager (CSM) and the OPERATOR in the CSP. Notification

Both operators notification contact points are identified in the CSP. The method to be used and target timescales will be discussed, and documented if required between the BT CSM and the OPERATOR.

3.2.3 Execution of Planned Works Notification and Agreement Process

If either operator intends to carry out any planned work then the originating operator will notify the other of such information It is essential that the following information is provided : -

  • The originator’s name, address, telephone and facsimile numbers,
  • Date the planned work was originated
  • Planned work reference number
  • ISH Handover Links affected (to include both operators ATM Link References and both operators ATM switch designations) including common PSID numbers.
  • Break description.
  • Date, time and duration of the planned work
  • Any other information which will add value to the advice of interruption.

The CSP lists the contact points in both organisations. Timescales for notifying of an Advice of Interruption to Service are detailed in Section 2 of this document.

If the receiving operator is unable to agree to the interruption to service then they must promptly contact the originating operator to discuss and agree an alternative.

If interruption of service cannot be agreed then the originating operator must contact the relevant escalation contact point. The escalation contact points for both operators will be identical to those identified for resolving ATM ISH Link escalations (see CSP).

It will be assumed that the work was completed as planned unless the originator advises otherwise, appropriate checks should be made before attempting to resume service. Maintenance of Service Access

It is essential that checks are carried out in both networks to ensure service access is maintained throughout the duration of the planned work. This should include the impact of any currently applied network management controls or other current activities that limit the availability of alternative means of access. It may be necessary for additional alternative means of access to be provided. This should be requested before the planned work is agreed between both networks.

3.2.4 Reduction of Notification Timescales

A reduction of the notification timescales will be allowed only under exceptional circumstances and each occurrence will be treated as an Emergency Planned Work. Each operator will be responsible for monitoring the number of Emergency Planned Works received from the other operator.



Both BT and the OPERATOR will monitor the repair performance of the parts of their ATM ISH Link to which they have visibility and is pertinent to this Manual.

3.3.2Performance monitoring.

BT will be capable of providing statistics on reported fault volumes and Out-of service times specific to the BT parts of the ATM ISH Link. In producing these statistics the following criteria is used :-

Fault Start Time : The time when a ATM ISH Link fault is raised by the OPERATOR or BT internal FRP and entered onto the BT Faults Database.

Fault Restoration Time : The time when either operator has notified, or has attempted to notify, the other party of fault restoration.

Fault Closure Time : The time when either party confirms, to the BT FRP, that service has been restored or all attempts to confirm have been unsuccessful and are then abandoned (target timescales detailed in section 2).





4.2.1 Safe Working Conditions

4.2.2Control of ISH Handover Links



4.4.1 Co-Ordination of Fault Clearance Between Networks

4.4.2 24 Hour Contact Points

4.4.3 ISH Handover Link Fault Detection

4.4.4 ISH Handover Link/Bearer Fault Processing

4.4.5 ISH Handover Link Fault Distribution

4.4.6 ISH Handover Link Fault Progression

4.4.7 ISH Handover Link Fault Clearance

4.4.8 ISH Handover Link Fault Status

4.4.9 Target Restoration Times

4.4.10 SDH Specific Procedures


4.5.1 Procedures

4.5.2 Responsibilities

4.5.3 Escalation Timescales

4.5.4 Escalation Reporting Level Contacts

4.5.5 Escalation Problems

4.5.6 Constant Repeat Faults

4.5.7 Performance


4.6.1 General

4.6.2 Procedures

4.6.3 Escalation



4.8.1 General

4.8.2Staff Instructions

4.8.3OPERATOR Laser Switch ON/OFF

4.8.4BT Laser Switch ON/OFF


This section details the procedures to be carried out by both operators to maintain the ISH Handover Link following successful introduction to service.


Under the terms of the Interface Specification for connection to the BT System each operator is responsible for the equipment on its side of the Point of Handover (POH).

4.2.1 Safe Working Conditions

It is the responsibility of each individual, under the terms of the Health and Safety at Work Act, to ensure the safety of their working environment and to work in a safe manner. The building operators shall be prepared to accept questions and comments regarding safety from visiting working parties and to take the appropriate action. Also, visitors shall accept directions regarding safety and safe working practices from the building representative.

Should any dispute arise about a practice being unsafe work should cease and the matter escalated immediately to the representatives of each party to their central point for management decision.

It is noted that Health and Safety matters are covered by legislation to which all organisations and individuals must adhere.

Safety procedures and responsibilities relevant to optical fibre lasers is detailed in sections 4.2.2 and 4.8.

4.2.2 Control of ISH Handover Links

The operator who has provided, or has utilised a third party supplier’s transmission lineplant to provide, the largest proportion of the transmission lineplant which makes up the ATM Handover Link will have full controlling end responsibility for :-

(i) authorising all work on the link

(ii)its removal from service for routine maintenance and testing

(iii)ensuring dangerous voltages are removed/locked-off on power feed systems

(iv)ensuring high power lasers that are unsuitable for live working are removed/locked-off on fibre optic systems (see section 4.2.1 and 4.8.3).

(v)controlling the bringing of the system back into service

The procedures above will be carried out in accordance with each operator’s standard maintenance procedures for the type of link involved unless otherwise defined in this Manual. If the controlling operator has utilised a third party supplier’s transmission lineplant to make up the ISH Link then the controlling operator must arrange suitable procedures with the third party supplier to support (i) to (v) above. Where service on the ISH Link is likely to be affected the notification of planned engineering works (PEWs) procedures, as defined in section 3.2 must be adopted.


Faults may be reported to BT against individual ISH Link (bearer) or individual VC4s as appropriate.


4.4.1 Co-Ordination of Fault Clearance Between Networks

The BT FRP will receive faults either from the OPERATOR’s FRP, where they are detected in the OPERATOR’s network, or the BT internal FRPs where they are detected within the BT network.

The BT FRP will be responsible for logging the fault details and handling of faults between networks. Both the BT and OPERATOR FRPs will be responsible for co-ordination of fault clearance (including escalations) within their own network and the subsequent report back of clears.

4.4.2 24 Hour Contact Points

Both BT and the OPERATOR are required to provide 24 hour manned contact points for fault reporting. See Customer Service Plan (CSP).

4.4.3 ATM ISH Link Fault Detection

ATM ISH link faults detected by either operator’s maintenance staff must be reported to the BT FRP direct if the fault report is originated by BT maintenance staff, or via the OPERATOR’s FRP if the fault is originated by the OPERATOR’s maintenance staff. The following procedures must be adopted to assist in fault detection:-

(i) Prior to reporting the fault either operator must ensure that a genuine fault exists and also that every effort has been made to prove away from the originator’s network, i.e. towards the Point of Handover (POH) without at this point seeking co-operation from the other operator.

(ii)The originating operator must report the fault to the Receiving FRP advising of the type of delivery of the link, i.e. In Span Handover (ISH).

(iii)The Receiving FRP will distribute the fault to the receiving operator’s repair control point

(iv) The receiving operator must carry out diagnostics to prove the fault into or out of its own network. If the fault is proven into the receiving operator’s network then normal fault clearance procedures are carried out. Otherwise, the receiving operator’s control point will contact the Originating FRP to advise that co-operation from the other operator is required (see 4.4.6).

(v) The Receiving FRP must contact the originating operator to request co-operation

(vi) Following co-operation the BT and OPERATOR FRP control points must agree ownership of the fault. The fault owner is then responsible for restoration and the eventual report back of clear. Optical Fibre Fault Detection

For faults affecting optical fibres the operator controlling the link (see 4.2.2) will commence fault location testing to determine the precise physical location of the fault. The Laser Safety procedures as identified in sections 4.2.2 and 4.8 must be adopted.