Sossaman Middle School Science Syllabus 2014-2015
7th grade teachers:Mrs. Kiley ()
Mrs. Wilson ()
Mrs. Rustad()
8th grade teachers:
Mrs. Foote ()
Mrs. Gill ()
Mrs. Dickson () /
Description of Course:
7th grade science
Be captivated by the wonders and beauty of the third planet from our Sun, Earth. Earth and Space Science is a laboratory course focusing on the study of space, geologic structures and forces, the waters on our planet, and the atmospheric forces that shape our world. Upon completion of the course, students will have a clear understanding of the dynamic forces at work in the world around them, becoming better caretakers of the planet.It is going to be an educational and fun year!
8th grade science
This course is designed to refine skills in scientific inquiry, graphing, analysis, metric measurement and lab procedures, as well as introduce and apply the concepts of physics, biology and chemistry, in order to successfully prepare students for more in-depth science courses in high school and future educational pathways.
The Higley Unified School District grading policy will be followed.
All grades are updated weekly in Synergy. The link can be found on teacher webpages
Cheating/Plagiarism – District Code of Conduct will be followed. See page 19 in Student Code on Conduct. A link to the code of conduct is below.
Recommended Materials:- college ruled composition notebook
- Pencils/pens, markers, colored pencils, highlighters
- Gluestick/scotch tape
- Low odor dry erase markers
- Calculator
- Scissors
- Headphones (Foote only)
•Printer Paper
•Dry Erase Markers
•Colored Construction Paper
•Hand Sanitizer
•Disinfectant Wipes
Absence Policy:
You will have 1 day, for each day of absence, to make up the work you missed. It is your responsibility to check the “Assignment Calendar” on teacher pagesand turn your assignments in. You will not lose points if assignments are turned in within the time frame listed above.
Tardy Policy:
You are expected to be in your seat when the bell rings. All materials should be ready at the start of the period. If you are running late from another class, you must have a pass.
Assignment Policy:
Along with classroom activities, students may receive work to complete at home. Students who do not turn in competed assignments on the due date may complete the assignment and turn it in the NEXT day.
Modifications and Re-takes:
Assignments can be modified (within 2 weeks of due date) to earn up to full credit. Target tests can be retaken to demonstrate mastery. This must be done before the end of the semester. All assignments must be received prior to each target test retake to receive credit.
- NO extra credit opportunities
Tutoring is available Monday afternoon 4:00 – 4:30 and Wednesday morning 8:00 – 8:30. Please check teacher webpage for the location of tutoring. Note: The science teacher available to tutor you may not be your classroom teacher but will be a highly qualified science teacher.
Disciplinary Action:
Classroom disruptions will be handled in the following disciplinary phases.
- First Offense: Verbal warning
- Second Offense: Removal from class (sent to another teacher) and home contact
- Third Offense: Referral
Safety issues and bullying will result in an immediate referral.
Student and Parent Agreement
Please visit the link below to acknowledge the syllabus electronically:
Insert link to google form for your class here.