List of new acquisitions by the ZWRCN Documentation Centre – (December 2006 - February 2007
Zimbabwe Women’s Resource Centre and Network (ZWRCN)
February 26, 2007
Against neo liberalism: gender democracy and development / Chachage S.L Chacharge & Marjorie Mbilinyi (Eds) / Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) PO Box 8921 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Sign and Taboo: perspectives on the poetic fiction of Yvonne Vera / Robert Muponde & Mandi Taruvinga / Weaver Press P O Box A1922 Avondale Harare, Zimbabwe
Gender budget analysis in Tanzania 1997 - 2000 / TGNP / TGNP
Promoting women’s access to politics and decision making / Aggripina Mosha and Miranda Johnson / TGNP
Budgeting with a gender focus / TGNP / TGNP
Silent voices: indigenous language in Zimbabwe / Isaac Mupande / Weaver Press P O Box A1922 Avondale Harare, Zimbabwe
There are too many empty promises: the cost in time and money for household caring for HIV and AIDS sufferers / TGNP / TGNP
Masimba: nyaya pfupi dzakanyorwa ne madzimai emuZimbabwe / Chiedza Musengezi (Ed) / Zimbabwe Women Writers 2 Harvey Brown Road, Milton Park Harare
Agrarian institutions between policies and local action / A J Henk. / Weaver Press
Child domestic workers in Zimbabwe / Michael Bourdillon / Save the Children (Norway)
Composing a new song: stories of empowerment from Africa / Hope Chigudu / Weaver Press
Gender and political empowerment in the new millennium / Sister Anita MacWilliam / TGNP
Activist voices: feminist struggles for an alternative world / Marjorie Mbilinyi (Ed) et al / TGNP
Zimbabwe millennium economic recovery programme / Government of Zimbabwe / Government of Zimbabwe
Between hope skepticism: civil society and the African peer review mechanism / Ousmane Deme / Partnership Africa Canada, P.O Box 60233 Addis Ababa Ethiopia
Women in decision making / Yolanda Sadie / Agenda 2005
Madams and Maids in Southern Africa: coping with uncertainties and the art zombification / Francis B Nyamnjoh /
Attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding and other infant feeding options / Abidjan, Cote d`Ivoire /
Gender, democracy and development digest: a call for people centered structures and policies / TGNP / TGNP
Gender, democracy and development digest: is the 2006/2007 budget pro-poor and gender sensitive?: need for a new alternative budget framework / TGNP / TGNP
Mtando wa jinsia Tanzania: maji / TGNP / TGNP
Women and HIV/AIDS reproductive and health / Rosa Tunberg /
Rape, gender and justice / Deborah Ewing / Agenda 2003
The Zimbabwean we want / ZCBC, EFZ, ZCC /
For God’s sake not for sale: trafficking and the church in Europe / Carrie Pemberton / Gender and development 2006
The “I” stories: speaking out on gender violence Southern Africa / Gender Links and GEMSA / Gender Links, Lower Ground Floor, Lakeside Place, I Ernest Oppenheimer St, Bruma 2198, Johannesburg, SA
Who is being served least by family planning providers? : A study of modern contraceptive use in Ghana, Tanzania and Zimbabwe / Steve Clements & Nyovani Madise / African Reproductive Health
Environments and livelihoods: strategies for sustainability / Koos Neefjes / Oxfam Publishing 274 Banbury Road, Oxford OX2 7D2 UK
Supporting communities affected by violence: a case book from South Africa / Graig Higson-Smith / Bournmouth English Book Centre, P O Box 1496, Parkstone Dorset, BH 12 3YD, UK
The new conditionality: the politics of poverty reduction strategies / Jeremy Gould (Ed) / Zed Books 7 Cynthia St, London N1 9JF UK
Development and the learning organization / Laura Roper et al / Oxfam
Beyond micro-credit: putting development back into micro finance / Thomas Fisher / Oxfam
A basic guide to evaluation for development workers / Frances Rubin / IDS, University of Sussex, Brighton BNB1 9RE UK
Gender equality and sexual exploitation / Andrew Baker / Oxfam
Disability, equality and human rights: a training manual for development and humanitarian organizations / Alison Harris et al / Bournmouth English Book Centre, P O Box 1496, Parkstone Dorset, BH 12 3YD, UK
Gender development and advocacy / Koos Kingma, Caroline Sweetman / Oxfam
Mainstreaming gender in development: a critical review / Renella Parker (Ed) / Oxfam
Gender, development and humanitarian work / Caroline Sweetman / Oxfam
Women and leadership / Caroline Sweetman / Oxfam
Gender, development and management / Caroline Sweetman / Oxfam
Gender, development and climate change / Rachel Masika / Oxfam
Gender, development and money / Caroline Sweetman / Oxfam
Gender and life cycles / Caroline Sweetman / Oxfam
Gender, development and poverty / Caroline Sweetman / Oxfam
Managing yourself and others / Andrew Baker / Oxfam
The millennium development goals: raising the resources to tackle world poverty / Fantu Cheru & Colin Bradford / Zed Books, 7 Cynthia St, London N1 9JF UK
Gender perspectives on property and inheritance: a global sourcebook / KIT / KIT Publishers, P O Box 95001 1090 HA Amsterdam
Human rights of women: international instruments and African experience / Wolfgang Benedek / Zed Books
Urban vulnerability: perspective from Southern Africa / Christina Nomdo / Periperi Publishing
Tel: 27 21 650 2987,
Fax: 27 21 689 1217
Institutionalising gender equality: commitment, policy and practice a global sourcebook / Royal Tropical Institute / KIT Publishers, P O Box 95001 1090 HA Amsterdam
Development and management / Tina Wallace & Deborah Eade / Oxfam
Development and culture / Thiemy Verhelst / Oxfam
Development and cities / David Westendorff & Deborah Eade / Oxfam
International poverty law: an emerging discourse / Lucy Williams / Zed Books
Social investment and economic growth: a strategy to eradicate poverty / Patrick Watt / Oxfam
Capacity building: an approach to people centred development / Deborah Eade / Oxfam
Beyond inequalities 2005: women in Mozambique / Forum Mulher, SARDC / SARDC WIDSAA P O Box 5690, Harare
Foreign direct investment, development and gender equity: a review of research and policy / Elissa Braunstein / UNRISD Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland
A good place to start: the IDS knowledge services guide to finding development information online / IDS / IDS at the University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE UK
From WOZA with love / WOZA /
Feminist Africa 6: subaltern sexualities / African Gender Institute /
Putting them in their place: ‘respectable’ and ‘unrespectable’ women in Zimbabwean gender struggles / Chipo Hungwe / Feminist Africa 6: subaltern sexualities
Made by women: gender, the global garment industry and the movement for women workers’ rights / Clean Clothes Campaign / Clean Clothes Campaign Postbus 11584 1001 GN Amsterdam
How to stay healthy and live longer with HIV without using antiretroviral drugs / SAFAIDS / SAFAIDS 17 Beveridge Road, Avondale, Harare, Zimbabwe
SAT training and practice manuals: mainstreaming gender in HIV and AIDS work / SAT /
The impact of girl’s education on HIV and sexual behaviour / James Hargreaves and Tania Boler / Actionaid International PostNet Suite no. 248 P Bag X31 Saxonwold 2132 Johannesburg SA
Making the grade: a model national policy for the prevention, management / OSISA
Action Aid /
Mainstreaming gender in the response to AIDS in Southern Africa: a guide for the information of gender issues into the work of AIDS Service Organisations / SAT /
Budgeting for women and men / FOWODE / FOWODE Plot 80A Kiira Road, P O Box 7176, Kampala, Uganda
How to prepare a budget framework paper that addresses gender and equity issues: user’s manual / FOWODE / FOWODE
A gender analysis of the water and sanitation sector budget: financial year 2002/2003 for Kabale District / FOWODE / FOWODE
Reflections on local government gender budget initiatives in Uganda: achievements and challenges / Nite Tanzarn (Ed) / FOWODE
Gender budget initiatives: experiences of countries in Eastern Africa: Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Burundi (2003) / FOWODE / FOWODE
Gender budgeting: a means of influencing regional and global economic policies: the Eat African Gender Budget Network meeting report / Julius Mukunda & Patricia Munabi Babiiha (Ed) / FOWODE
Gender responsive budgeting in East Africa / Debbie Bunddlender & Julius Mukunda (Ed) / FOWODE
A rights-based approach towards budget analysis / Maria Socorro I. Diokno / Maria Socorro I Diokno, Quezon City, Phillippines
Winning elections: a guide for women candidates / Patricia Munabi (Ed) / FOWODE
What a pity this child was born a girl / FOWODE / FOWODE
Understanding the economy / Jillian Nicholson / Self Employed Women’s Union (SEWU), Box 62745, Bishopsgate 4008, SA
Women and men in the budget: Kabale District gender budget 2002/2003 / FOWODE / FOWODE
The gender budget 2001/2002 / Winnie Byanyima, MP (Ed) / FOWODE
Gender budget training manual: district level / FOWODE / FOWODE
Gender budget analysis 2003/2004 / FOWODE / FOWODE
Gender budgeting in the context of globalisation: does it make economic sense? 2nd East Africa Gender Budget Conference / FOWODE / FOWODE