The North East Frailty Summit
5 December 2016, Hilton Hotel Newcastle Gateshead, Bottlebank, Gateshead
Time09:00 / Registration, Refreshment and Poster Viewing
09:30 / Welcome and Introduction / Professor Oliver James
Medical Director
Academic Health Science Network North East and North Cumbria (AHSN NENC)
09:45 / Understanding and Identifying Frailty / Dr Dawn Moody
Associate Clinical Director for Older People and Integrated Person-Centred Care
NHS England
10:15 / New Models of Care for Frail Older People / Dr Dan Cowie
GP and Director of Transformation
NHS Newcastle Gateshead Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)
Dr Fadi Khalil
GP Trainer, Broadway Medical Practice
Clinical Vice Chair, NHS Sunderland CCG
Gary Charlton
Commissioning Manager
NHS North Tyneside CCG
Lesley Young-Murphy
Executive Director of Nursing and Transformation
NHS North Tyneside CCG
11:15 / Refreshment Break and Poster Viewing
11:45 / Breakout Session One
/ 1. Well Connected Care Homes
2. Recognition of End of Life in Frail Patients can be at Times Challenging
3. Frailty Network and Silver Trauma
4. Depression and the Frail Elderly
5. Frailty Nursing in Primary Care: Introducing a Practice Frailty Nurse
6. Workforce Development
13:00 / Lunch and Poster Viewing
13:45 / Intermediate Care / Professor John Young
Head of the Academic Unit of Elderly Care & Rehabilitation
University of Leeds
14:15 / Learning about what works for people with frailty in primary care using a collaborative approach / Sarah De Biase
Improvement Programme Manager, Healthy Ageing Collaborative
Yorkshire and Humber AHSN
14:45 / Breakout Session Two
16:00 / Closing Remarks / Professor Oliver James
Medical Director
Dan Cowie
GP and Director of Transformation Newcastle
NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG
16:30 / Close
In addition to the conference information, your delegate pack contains background literature on the work of the NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG and the Academic Health Science Network for the North East and North Cumbria