In an effort to provide a safe and secure environment for students and staff, the RogersBoard of Education authorizes the exclusion of sick students from school when such students' presence at school might threaten their own health or safety or that of others. Students are encouraged to attend school when possible. Minor illnesses are not a reason for exclusion unless
1.The illness prevents the student from participating in school activities.
2.The student requires more care than the school staff can provide.
3.Fever, lethargy, irritability, persistent crying, difficulty breathing, or other signs suggesting severe illness are present.
4.There are mouth sores associated with inability to control saliva, unless medical authority states that the child's condition is noninfectious.
5.There is rash with fever or behavior changes (until illness is determined by a physician not to be communicable).
6.As indicated below in relation to specific diseases.
Building administrators, with the advice of appropriate health professionals, are authorized to exclude students from school. The following guidelines relative to specific diseases are to be used:
Disease / Method ofTransmission / Need for Exclusion
Erythema infectiosum
(fifth disease) / Respiratory / Unlikely to be infectious after onset of rash and other associated symptoms
Measles / Respiratory / Exclude for 4 days after onset of rash
Mumps / Respiratory / Exclude until 5 days after onset of parotitis and until student is fever free
Pertussis (whooping cough) / Respiratory / Exclude until 3 weeks after onset of the paroxysmal stage or until on appropriate antibiotic therapy for 5 days (ex. Azithromycin, erythromycin)
Rubella / Respiratory / Exclude for 7 days after onset of rash
pharyngitis / Respiratory / Exclude until student is afebrile and for at least 24 hours after institution of appropriate antimicrobial therapy
Tuberculosis / Respiratory / Exclude until physician or health dept. states that the student is noninfectious; those with primary TB may attend school if they are on chemotherapy
Disease / Method of
Transmission / Need for Exclusion
(chicken pox) / Respiratory / Exclude until 6 days after onset of rash (sooner if lesions are dry or crusted)
Acute gastroenteritis / Fecal-oral / Exclude if vomiting 2 or more times in past 24 hours or if stool cannot be contained by toilet use
Hepatitis A / Fecal-oral / Exclude for 1 week after onset and until any jaundice has disappeared or until passive immunoprophylaxis has been administered to appropriate students and staff
Conjunctivitis / Direct contact / Exclude during acute stageor until a physician authorizes return
Viral hemorrhagic
conjunctivitis / Direct contact / Exclude while disease is active or until a physician authorizes return
Impetigo / Direct contact / Exclude until at least 24 hours after institution of therapy and until student is afebrile
Pediculosis (head lice) / Direct contact / Exclude until nit- and lice-free
Scabies / Direct contact / Exclude until the day after therapy is completed
Tinea capitis (ringworm of the scalp) / Direct contact / Exclude until 24 hours after initial treatment
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) / Body fluids / Exclude only if student manifests severe aggressive behavior (such as biting) or has weeping skin sores that cannot be covered
Cytomegalovirus / Direct contact / No exclusion necessary
Hepatitis B / Direct contact / Exclude only if student manifests severe aggressive behavior (such as biting)
Hepatitis C / Direct contact / Exclude only if student manifests severe aggressive behavior (such as biting)
Herpes simplex, oral / Direct contact / No exclusion necessary
Students who have received exemptions from the state’s immunization requirements shall be removed from school when their own health is threatened by an outbreak of a communicable disease, on the advice or order of the Arkansas Health Department, and shall be allowed to return to school only on the advice or order of the Arkansas Health Department.
Questions regarding the interpretation and administration of this policy should be referred to the superintendent; the superintendent may request advice from the medical advisory committee (See Policy JLC).
Note: Guidelines in this policy are based on recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatricsand the Arkansas Department of Health.
Policy Adopted 1/18/00
Revised 6/17/03, 4/17/12, 9/20/16
Reviewed 5/19/15
Rogers School District No. 30