St Francis of Assisi Parish Pastoral Council (Council for Care)
Minutes of meeting held on 30 June 2017
Present:Anthony Kirke (Ch),Father David, Judith Kirke, Helen Lister, Roger Maughan, Liz Price, Roger Warren
1. Tuning in All participated.
2. Prayer The meeting opened with prayer.
3. ApologiesRita Ford,Rosalie Mans, Di Mussert
4. Minutes Minutes of the meeting of 28 Aprilwere agreed.
5. Matters arising
Safeguarding : Rita asked TY if she had attended any meetings re: Safeguarding. TY and Jane Green had not found a mutual time to do so.ACTION
Quiet Day : Would it be possible to have one for entire Pastoral Area? Suggestion made re: St Dominic’s Priory. ACTION
Befrienders : Eucharistic Ministers ask, if appropriate, parishioner(s)to whom they minister, whether they want to be contacted by The Befrienders.
Basics Bank : The need for more support for this will be highlighted in the Newsletter. An August Sunday, to be chosen by Anthony, will be the day for urging the collection of extra donations of items. Permission has already been given for a retiring collection. ACTION
Unity Week 15 – 19 May : This was reported on in Milford Parish Magazine. Our guests were content with the Service at St Francis.
Fundraising : Parish Meal: Letter of thanks sent to Denny. Summer Cream Tea : Arranged by Di for 5th August. Because Newsletters have been pre-printed for the next month, Fr David made a note of Di’s appeal for help and helpers, and will fit it into Newsletter now. Autumn Concert : Arranged by Rita for Friday 20thOctober.
Prayer Powerhouse: The proposition, and prayer, having been approved, Anthony will select and large print 20 cards, for giving to housebound parishioners. If they agree to participate, a piece will then be put in Newsletter about this Ministry ACTION
The Great Get Together : Seemed to be poorly attended on The Green. Possible lack of publicity.
Funerals support : PPC to be link between Fr David and the family’s wishes re:funeral service, in respect of: open up and prepare church in good time; arrange welcomers; give out family service booklets; ensure donations collection basket; guide visitors to bathroom etc.
Additional Chalice: Roger has got one. Will consult JH. Then Lymington jeweller to engrave. ACTION
6.Re-examination of PPC : Anthony felt the aborted May meeting, and member absences, could indicate a loss of keenness and enthusiasm, leading to the need to review the purpose of the PPC. In addition, he had wished for the previous 2 years to be relieved of the chairmanship. Members’ views had been sought. Core functions = oversight with PP of liturgy/catechesis/pastoral care. Reality = what is the parish able to do. Outcomes = there has been good pastoral work done/socials/overseas charity support. It was AGREED : Roger M to be vice-chairman Meetings to be bi-monthly Everyone to suggest possible new members; send names to Helen; pass to Fr David for personal approach Have our photos on board in Little Assisi Have AGM on an autumn Sunday, chosen by Fr David; short Mass, with time for brief presentation before Mass ends Backed up by summary of our work prepared by Liz and issued the week before. ACTIONS
7.Clergy Convocation : Presented by Canadian Father Fallon. Basic premise : cannot go on as we are; revitalisation needed, personal relationship with Jesus. Are we risk-takers/care-takers/undertakers. Diocesan priest Father Hogan to lead ongoing clergy actions.
8.Church safety : Peter Larke’s email seen by members. His committee has raised the worry of Lone Working. A real concern. There is no mobile phone signal within the church. People must work in pairs. Candle hazards: 2 incidents- candles laid on side; sleeve nearly caught fire. Suggestions: issue only the number of candles as there are holders; remove votive candle rack entirely. ACTION
9.All Saints : Request £25 contribution to payment of Services Information in Village Voice, Easter and Christmas, in place of the cards individually delivered to all properties. REFER TO FINANCE CTTEE
10.HOPE 2018 : Email from Chris, Christians Together. Seeking 4 volunteers to join working group to plan village outreach and evangelisation. Anthony will find out more. ACTION
11. Future retiring collections / Feast Days : APF; Sea Sunday.
12.Parishioners’ spiritual/physical wellbeing : Update on one case by Roger M.
13.Sick List : Arrangements made for AH, KC, DJ.
14.Be Aware/Care/Share : Members to be alert to how Mrs M is. A Wednesday Mass attender has been in touch with Fr D.
15.Any Other Business : Rosalie’s CAFOD report read out. Roger handed £750 to Sister Hilda, Holy Cross Sisters, for street children care. In July, 50 will come to UK. Generous discounts have been offered for their travel and accommodation.
16.Refreshments for next meeting : Liz
Date of next Meetings – Friday 25 A u g u s t
Agenda Items to Helen by noon, 15th August, please.
(Feast of the Assumption)