English 2110: World Literature

Final Exam

Sample Structure

[exam date and time:

I) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (10% of grade; 5-10 minutes)

Please circle the one (1) correct answer for each question. Just guess if you do not know the answer. Do not complete this portion in your bluebook!

II. IDENTIFICATIONS/SHORT PARAGRAPH ANSWERS (40% of grade; circa 30 min.) Please pick 4 out of the given 10 choices and write a 3-4 sentence definition in your bluebook. Please identify each answer clearly!

III) ESSAY (50% of grade; circa 1 hour).


Write an essay analyzing and comparing ANY two texts of your choice from across the semester (not by the same author)! Your essay must be at least 3 full pages long (single spaced, large bluebook); it must contain an introduction, at least 3 fully developed body paragraphs, and a conclusion; it needs a clear and focused thesis statement; and it must include specific textual examples (no direct quotations necessary). You may use your notes but not your anthology or pre-written essay.

Write your essay formulating a clear thesis concerning one of the following subject areas. Please label your essay (1, 2, 3, etc.).

1) Why does God allow….?: the origin and existence of evil and its apparent contradiction to the belief in an all-powerful, benevolent God

2) The (mis)education of . . .: the benefits and dilemmas created by education and an increasing knowledge

3) Me, myself, and I: tensions between furthering the self and aiding the welfare of others (family, friends, community, race, humankind)

4) Rage against the machine: revolts against authority, tradition, or received ideas

5) War, what is it good for?: reasons for hate and violence against others (other races, religions, genders, culture, etc.) and possible remedies

6) Heaven and Hell: visions of the afterlife (punishment and reward) and the question of justice

7) Metamorphoses: human transformations and the definition of humanity (what do changes/distortions/transformations) in human characteristics tell us about what it means to be human?)