BDI3C Summative Oral Presentations

The following is the BARE MINIMUM that should be included in your presentation. The order of presenting this information is up to you and the amount of time you spend on each section is a completely individual choice. If you complete all of these sections satisfactorily, you would be working at a Level 3.

  1. Company Specifics – location, layout, utility costs, reason for choosing the location, rent costs, amenities available, businesses locate nearby
  2. Marketing ideas – a combination of discussion of your target markets and market segmentations as well as what type of marketing you would use to target them (many people create an advertising campaign for this demonstration)
  3. Competition – discuss both your direct and indirect competition and explain what their strengths and weaknesses are and what your strategy is to be superior to them.
  4. Finances – Give and overview of your financial plan, highlighting what you think is pertinent and what your “bottom line” is financially. You may choose to use graphs or charts or balance sheets with specific portions highlighted.
  5. Investor $ - Give an exact amount of money you hope to receive from investors and then explain both what exactly the funds will be used for as well as what the projected financial payback will be for investors.
  6. SWOT – Give an in-depth SWOT analysis of your business
  7. Resources – Explain what resources you have (this may include your layout, store design etc) and where you got them from. I suggest you focus on how inviting your location is and what its amenities are.
  8. Staffing –Explain who you are hiring for staff and what sort of qualifications they will have. Are you training them? What salary are you paying? What vacation time? What sort of staff environment will your company have? Do you have uniforms/ dress code?

These are not the only things you can talk about; they are simply the minimum of what you should cover.

Presentation Ideas:

The following are things that people have done in the past that have been effective. You may choose to use exact ideas or combinations of several. These are NOT the only effective types of presentations, but they have worked in the past:

  1. 20-30 minute oral presentation
  2. a combination of oral presentation with a video marketing section highlighting a television commercial the student filmed
  3. 30 minute video presentation
  4. combination of oral presentation, and class activity
  5. interactive website – giving the class an activity to do including the web
  6. broad-based activity including a close examination of competitors and a class discussion
  7. live action commercials (aka skits)
  8. Costumes during oral presentations

If you are uncertain about what sort of presentation to conduct, please speak with me. Consider what sorts of things you are most comfortable doing in front of a group of your peers. If you are comfortable doing something, there is a greater chance that you will do it well.