This course is founded on the belief that to become an informed and active citizen, an understanding of Government is essential. This course will examine and feature both the structure of Government and the function of politics. It will include both theory and practical application of the following:

1. Foundations and History of U. S. Government

2. Institutions and policy making(How to write a bill and how a bill becomes a law)

3. Principles of the U. S. Constitution

4. Roles and Responsibilities of the citizens

5. Modern Political issues and behaviors

6. How the political process works in the United States, both in the historical and

contemporary contexts.


This course will focus on and examine the geographic, economic, cultural and historical study of Alaska’s past, present and future. Emphasis will be placed on native Alaskan culture, ethnic diversity, natural resources, politics and strategic location of Alaska and its geography. Current issues also will be discussed and studied. This is an exciting course designed to educate Alaskans and inform them of the great state that we live in!!


Civics will focus and examine and acquaint students with the broad context of American Law and culture, from the PHS handbook to the U.S. Constitution. Units include, intro to law, PHS handbook, Civil Liberties, debate, modern society issues, current events, the Adult court system, the juvenile court system, rights, responsibilities as a citizen, causes of crime, and discuss and analyze world, nation, state and local issues, events and how they impact all of us!



This is the class syllabus for this class. It contains information that will help make you successful in this class this semester!! The expectation is that you will read it and become familiar with all that is expected of you this semester! Go get’em!!

GRADING:The grading system for this class is very simple. You take the number of points you have earned and divide them by the total number of points possible to earn in the class and you will get a percentage. We will follow the school’s 30% formative and 70% summative policy for your assignments, projects and exams. We will also use the Matsu District grading policy to determine your grade, 90% and above = “A”, 80% to 89% = “B” and so on!! 59 percent and below will = an “NC.” Negative points for disruptive behavior in class and poor daily citizenship may also be assessed on a daily basis. Most assignments will be worth 20 points, most exams 40-60 points, final exam 10-15% of Summative grade. Also, daily/pop quizzes are worth 10-20 points, when we have them and points for major projects as assigned.


Number one rule: “Show respect for the teacher and all fellow students at all times!” Consequences may include warning, grade point deductions, meeting with the teacher, room detention at lunch, after school and removal to the office. 2. Waste time, make up time! 3. You break it you fix it! 4. Violent behavior, removal from class 5. Break the law, deal with the law. 6. Partial work, partial credit!


1.Be Honest!! This is a character trait, develop it!

2.Be on time to class. This means in your assigned seat if assigned when the bell rings. Only one person per desk! Tardies will be kept, after the third tardy consequences as outlined by the school and teacher will result. This may include lack of points for missed daily quizzes or disruptive behavior.

3.No sleeping in class!

4.Assignments are due when they are due, after the due date and time you will need to talk with the teacher when to turning in late work, including unusual circumstances, like medical issues, etc. You can make up any assignment during each quarter, for that quarter. Example first quarter assignments in first quarter, but no first quarter assignments in second quarter and so on, unless special arrangements have been made prior with the teacher.

5.Assignments should be labeled in the following manner: the assignments title labeled on the left side of the upper part of the page, on the right side, name date and class period on the upper right side of the page.

6.All work should be handed in on 81/2 X 11 sized paper, unless otherwise instructed.

7.Food and Drink maybe permitted in class. However, this is a priviledge and maybe revoked due to poor cleanup skills! Cleanup after yourselves! Food may not distract from the classroom environment.

8.No bird walking! 

9.Please do not interrupt, throw things away, sharpen pencils, etc. or a myriad of other scenarios when the teacher is talking, lecturing, a student is presenting or other major event. Please wait and be courteous!

10.Raise your hand and wait to be called upon when answering questions or in discussion. Please do not blurt out answers, they do this in the Senate and it works! You can disagree also, without being disagreeable!

11.Bathroom breaks and any other out of class activity require the teachers permission and you must always have a pass!

12.You are responsible for your makeup work if absent, please ask the teacher for help with this.

13.All school rules and district policies will be adhered too and followed this classroom!

14.Violation of any of the above rules or guidelines will result in consequences,which will be determined by the teacher, school officials, etc.

15.Great luck this semester, if I can help you in anyway, please feel free to ask!



Reasons for taking notes:

1. To have a record of what was said 2. To help you study and recall important info. 3. To help you learn- hearing, writing it down and reading have proven to teach better and retain. 4. Research has shown that note takers do better on tests, have better grades, etc.

How to Listen:

1.Make a conscience effort to listen to all that is said!

2.Real listening is active, not passive! Make sure that you understand what is said, ask questions, ask for clarification on info and material, etc.

3.Avoid mind wandering, this is a skill and can be developed. Discipline is the key!

How to take notes:

1.Date each note session.

2.Put a general heading on your notes for later reference

3.Don’t try to write down all that is said, only the important facts and info. Listen intently and develop this skill.

4.Listen for the main points and key phrases, this is noteworthy, write this down, voice emphasis, the excitement of the teacher on a particular point, etc.

5.You can only write down about 20% of what is said.

6.Immediately after class, try to review your notes or at least that same day!

7.Use key words and symbols that you like and understand!

8.Use abbreviations when you can.


Organize for studying:

1.Allow a half-hour after supper before studying.

2.Have all necessary books and materials.

3.Provide space and a place, proper lighting, table, etc.

4.Eliminate distractions, TV, radio, presence of family and friends, etc.

5.Make a study schedule, to study the same time and same place daily!

6.Improve you study habits. Read words to the end of the page or topic, before stopping, group topics and words together. Avoid mind wandering!

7.Write down all assignments in one specific section for assignments in your notebook.

Improve your memory:

1.Locate and remove the causes of mind wandering

2.Get a clear understanding of the material

3.Repeat your reading

4.Memorize in short, concentrated periods.

5.Get a mental picture first of what to study.

6.Recite out loud.

7.Write down what is going to be memorized.

8.Ask yourself what have you read.

How to take exams:

1.Keep up with your daily work and assignments.

2.Do not cram the night before the big test, study daily consistently.

3.Get a good night’s sleep the night before.

4.Eat breakfast and all meals before the exam.

5.Be positive, avoid arguments, and mind worry prior to the test.

6.Briefly review study notes, etc. before the exam.

7.Find out prior the the exam from the teacher, what type of an exam is it, essay, multiple choice, etc.

8.Ask the type of subjects covered on the test and what to study for.

Taking the Exam:

1.Read and understand all directions for the exam.

2.Read all questions before answering any of them.

3.Answer the easiest questions first and then try the harder ones.

4.Answer first those questions that count for the most points.

5.Concentrate on one question at a time.

6.Distribute your time so that you can answer all or nearly all the questions.

7.As a rule, do not change the answer that appears correct. Your first answer is usually the best answer or most correct.

8.Review carefully all answers and correct carelessness.




This is your first assignment! Go get’em and answer all questions using the above info and stuff in this packet and info the teacher has shared with you!

  1. What is the course belief or focus?
  1. What does the course outline suggest will be included or identified by taking this course? (List three specific things we will study in this class!)
  1. In the class syllabus, how will my grade be determined?
  1. What is the number one guideline for success in this class?
  1. How many students per desk in Mr. Fullmer’s class?
  1. When are assignments due?
  1. How should I label my assignments in Mr. Fullmer’s class?
  1. What is bird walking?
  1. What must I have to go to the bathroom or to leave the class?
  1. What is another source of guidelines for this class?
  1. What are two reasons for taking this class?
  1. Give me two reasons for taking notes?
  1. What are two things on how to listen?
  1. How many notes should I take?
  1. What are some more tips or clues for taking notes?
  1. Give me two points of emphasis on how to organize my study!
  1. In organizing my study, how do I know what to study?
  1. How can I improve my memory?
  1. What are three good things to do before taking an exam?
  1. Give me three good tips of things to do while taking an exam!!