Student Name:Grade:Overall Score:
Second-Fifth Grade Extended Narrative Writing Rubric
Idea Development1.Loosely addresses the topic; unrelated information included.
2. Ineffectively addresses the topic; few events included.
3. Addresses the topic; few details included.
4. Adequately addresses the topic; some details included.
5. Clearly addresses the topic; contains many events and details.
6. Clearly and insightfully addresses the topic; well-developed and well-chosen events. / Score:
1.No organizational structure is present (lacks coherence and seems disjointed).
2.Only an occasional organizational device is discernible.
3. An attempt has been made to organize the writing.
4. Organization is clear; order and structure are present, but formulaic.
5. Organization enhances the central idea and its development.
6. Order and structure are strong. / Score:
Sentence Fluency
1. Writing is difficult to follow or to read aloud; sentences are incomplete and awkward.
2.Some sentence length variation: reader may need to reread to gain meaning.
3. Some variation in length and structure.
4. Adequate variation in length and structure is evident.
5.Sentences are will crafted with a varied structure with a natural, fluent sound.
6. Highly effective sentences invite an expressive oral reading; there is a rhythm and flow. / Score:
1. Large number of errors; communication is impaired.
2. Many errors in capitalization and punctuation; commonly used words may be misspelled.
3. Moderate number of errors; knowledge of punctuation and capitalization usually demonstrated.
4. Few errors; commonly used words are spelled correctly.
5. Very few errors; conventions are generally followed.
6. Almost no errors in punctuation, capitalization and spelling. / Score:
Word Choice
1. Words are used incorrectly; words are vague or repeated often.
2.Words are used correctly, but word choice is limited to very simple vocabulary.
3.Student attempts to use more colorful or descriptive language.
4.Effectively uses descriptive language; may include use of idioms, figurative language.
5. Words or phrases prompt connections, memories, reflective thoughts or insights.
6. Highly effective, precise, vivid, and clear language. / Score:
1. Does not reach out to audience or to anticipate interests and needs.
2.The voice of the writer can sometimes be heard by the reader.
3. The writer’s personality can be heard; moments here and there amuse, surprise, or move the reader.
4. The writer reaches the audience for the intended purpose (entertain, inform, or persuade).
5. Tone and flavor fit the topic, purpose, and audience well.
6. Clearly and insightfully reaches and holds the reader’s attention. / Score: