Please supply all requested information; a complete application is required for full consideration.

Name of Service, Program, or Team:

Name of Main Point of Contact (POC):

Address of Service, Program, or Team:

Please provide names of team members who will participate in the training (3-5 members)*, contact information, current degrees held, and professional background – psychologist, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, early interventionist, etc.

*Priority for acceptance is given to team applications.

Main POC or Team Member #1 Name:

Professional Background/Job Title:
Mailing Address:

Email Address:


Highest Earned Degree & Certifications:

Number of Direct Therapy/Treatment Hours You Provide Weekly :

Team Member #2 Name:

Professional Background/Job Title:
Mailing Address:

Email Address:


Highest Earned Degree & Certifications:

Number of Direct Therapy/Treatment Hours You Provide Weekly :

Team Member #3 Name:
Professional Background/Job Title:
Mailing Address:

Email Address:


Highest Earned Degree & Certifications:

Number of Direct Therapy/Treatment Hours You Provide Weekly :

Team Member #4 Name:

Professional Background/Job Title:
Mailing Address:

Email Address:


Highest Earned Degree & Certifications:

Number of Direct Therapy/Treatment Hours You Provide Weekly :

Team Member #5 Name:

Professional Background/Job Title:
Mailing Address:

Email Address:


Highest Earned Degree & Certifications:

Number of Direct Therapy/Treatment Hours You Provide Weekly :

Describe your core program/service details relative to young children diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, or at risk of a diagnosis.

Why do you want to participate in this training program?

How do you propose providing training to other teams?

How is your program funded? Check applicable sources:

□ State government funding
□ Client fees
□ Fundraising and Sponsorship

□ Federal government funding
□Medicare rebates
□ Other, please specify: ______

By signing below you acknowledge that, if successful in being selected for the training workshop, you and your team:

·  Work regularly with 12-60 month-old children with ASD

·  All team members have educational degrees beyond a bachelor's (e.g., MA, Ph.D., MFT, SLP, OT)

·  Have completed or are enrolled in the ESDM Intro Workshop

·  Have purchased, read and will bring a copy of the manual, “Early Start Denver Model for Young Children with Autism: Promoting Language, Learning, and Engagement” and the “Early Start Denver Model Curriculum Checklist” (sold separately) to this Workshop

·  Will submit three rounds of training materials within the specified timelines for certification review in the Advanced Workshop (for specific requirements, please see http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/mindinstitute/research/esdm/pdf/certification_steps.pdf

Signed ______Date: _____/_____/_____

Print Name ______

Please email your application to:

185 Lincoln Street, Suite 205

Hingham, MA 02043

