Progression of skills in Design and Technology
Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5 /Year 6
Developing, planning and communicating ideas. / to draw on their own experience to help generate ideas / generate ideas by drawing on their own and other people's experiences / to generate ideas for an item, considering its purpose and the user/s / how to generate ideas, considering the purposes for which they are designing / to generate ideas through brainstorming and identify a purpose for their product / to communicate their ideas through detailed labelled drawingsto suggest ideas and explain what they are going to do / to develop their design ideas through discussion, observation , drawing and modelling / to identify a purpose and establish criteria for a successful product. / to make labelled drawings from different views showing specific features / to draw up a specification for their design / to develop a design specification
to identify a target group for what they intend to design and make / to identify a purpose for what they intend to design and make / to plan the order of their work before starting / to develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making, if the first attempts fail / to develop a clear idea of what has to be done, planning how to use materials, equipment and processes, and suggesting alternative methods of making if the first attempts fail / to explore, develop and communicate aspects of their design proposals by modelling their ideas in a variety of ways to others.
to model their ideas in card and paper / to identify simple design criteria / to explore, develop and communicate design proposals by modelling ideas / to plan the order of their work, choosing appropriate materials, tools and techniques.
Keep design log?
to develop their design ideas applying findings from their earlier research / to make simple drawings and label parts communicate.
Model it to others. / to make drawings with labels when designing / to evaluate products and identify criteria that can be used for their own designs / to use results of investigations, information sources, including ICT when developing design ideas
Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products / to make their design using appropriate techniques / begin to select tools and materials; use vocab' to name and describe them / to select tools and techniques for making their product / to select appropriate tools and techniques for making their product / to select appropriate materials, tools and techniques / to select appropriate tools, materials, components and techniques
With help measure, mark out, cut and shape a range of materials / to measure, cut and score with some accuracy.
Shaping joining finish. / measure, mark out, cut, score and assemble components with more accuracy / to measure, mark out, cut and shape a range of materials, using appropriate tools, equipment and techniques / to measure and mark out accurately / to assemble components to make working models
how to use tools eg scissors and a hole punch safely / to use hand tools safely and appropriately / to work safely and accurately with a range of simple tools / to join and combine materials and components accurately in temporary and permanent ways / to use skills in using different tools and equipment safely and accurately / to use tools safely and accurately
to assemble, join and combine materials and components together using a variety of temporary methods e.g. glues or masking tape / to assemble, join and combine materials in order to make a product / to think about their ideas as they make progress and be willing to change things if this helps them to improve their work / to sew using a range of different stitches, to weave and knit / to construct products using permanent joining techniques
to select and use appropriate fruit and vegetables, processes and tools / to cut, shape and join fabric to make a simple garment. Use basic sewing techniques / to measure, tape or pin, cut and join fabric with some accuracy / to measure, tape or pin, cut and join fabric with some accuracy / to weigh and measure accurately (time, dry ingredients, liquids) / to make modifications as they go along.
Design log.
basic food handling, hygienic practices and personal hygiene / follow safe procedures for food safety and hygiene / demonstrate hygienic food preparation and storage / to apply the rules for basic food hygiene and other safe practices e.g. hazards relating to the use of ovens / to pin, sew and stitch materials together to create a product
use simple finishing techniques to improve the appearance of their product / to choose and use appropriate finishing techniques / to use finishing techniques to strengthen and improve the appearance of their product using a range of equipment including ICT / to use simple graphical communication techniques / to cut and join with accuracy to ensure a good-quality finish to the product / to achieve a quality product – looks, working.
Evaluating processes and products / to evaluate their product by discussing how well it works in relation to the purpose / to evaluate against their design criteria / to evaluate their product against original design criteria e.g. how well it meets its intended purpose / to evaluate their work both during and at the end of the assignment / to evaluate a product against the original design specification / to evaluate their products, identifying strengths and areas for development, and carrying out appropriate tests
to evaluate their products as they are developed, identifying strengths and possible changes they might make / to evaluate their products as they are developed, identifying strengths and possible changes they might make / to disassemble and evaluate familiar products / to evaluate their products carrying out appropriate tests / to evaluate it personally and seek evaluation from others / to record their evaluations using drawings with labels
to evaluate their product by asking questions about what they have made and how they have gone about it / talk about their ideas, saying what they like and dislike about them / to evaluate against their original criteria and suggest ways that their product could be improved
Children working above average: / Compare with existing products. / Thechnical knowledge - See new curriculum.
Electric stuff. Computing to control model. Stiffen, strengthen, reinforce, mechanical systems.
Children working below average: