Common Names

The following table lists common names permitted in the Canadian Food and Drug Regulations.

English / French / Standard of Identity? / Regulatory References & Comments
Advocaat*or Advokaat* / advocaat*or advokaat* / No / B.01.012
Akvavit* / akvavit* / No / B.01.012
Ale, Stout, Porter or Malt Liquor / ale, stout, porter ou liqueur de malt / Yes / B.02.131 see beer strength table below
Americano* / No / B.01.012, cocktail name
Anisette* / anisette* / No / B.01.012
Apricot Brandy Liqueur* / Yes / B.01.012, see liqueur
Aquavit* / aquavit* / No / B.01.012
Armagnac* or Armagnac Brandy / Armagnac* / Yes / B.02.051, B.01.012
Beer / bière / Yes / B.02.130 see table below
Bourbon* / bourbon / Yes / B.01.012
Bourbon Whisky / bourbon / Yes / B.01.022, see whisky
Brandy* / eau-de-vie de vin / Yes / B.02.050, B.01.012
Calvados* / Calvados* / No / B.01.012
Campari* / Campari* / No / B.01.012, brand name
Canadian Brandy / brandy canadien / Yes / B.02.052
Canadian Whisky or Canadian Rye Whisky or Rye Whisky / whisky canadien / Yes / B.01.120
Champagne Cider / cidre champagne / Yes / B.02.122
Chartreuse* / Chartreuse* / No / B.01.012, brand name
Cherry Brandy Liqueur* / Yes / B.01.012, see liqueur
Cider / cidre / Yes / B.02.120
Cognac Brandy or Cognac / Cognac / Yes / B.02.053
Crème de Banane* / crème de banane* / No / B.01.012
Crème de Bleuets* / crème de bleuets* / No / B.01.012
Crème de Cacao* / crème de cacao* / No / B.01.012
Crème de Cassis* / crème de cassis* / No / B.01.012
Crème de Noyau* / crème de noyau* / No / B.01.012
Curaçao Orange* / Curaçao orange* / No / B.01.012
Dried Fruit Brandy / brandy de fruits secs / Yes / B.02.054
Dry Gin* / Yes / B.02.041c, B.01.012
Fior D’alpe* / No / B.01.012
Flavoured Wine, Wine Cocktail, Aperitif Wine / vin aromatisé, ocktail au vin, vin apéritif / Yes / B.02.105
Flavoured fruit wine, Fruit wine cocktail, Aperitif fruit wine (fruit must be named where fruit is shown) / vin aromatise fruit, cocktail au vin fruit, vin aperitif fruit / Yes / B.02.105A
Fruit Brandy
(can name fruit e.g. Cherry Brandy) / brandy de fruits
(e.g. brandy de cerise) / Yes / B.02.055
Fruit Wine
(may name fruit e.g. cherry wine) / vin de fruits
(e.g. vin de cerise) / Yes / B.02.103
Fruit Spirit / eau-de-vie de fruits / Yes / B.02.102
Gin / gin / Yes / B.02.041
Grappa* / grappa* / Yes / B.02.056, now only if Italian origin except “ice grappa”, B.01.012
Highland Whisky* / Whisky Highland / Yes / B.01.012
Hollands, Hollands Gin, Geneva, Geneva Gin, Genever, Genever Gin or Dutch-type Gin / genièvre Hollands, genièvre, gin type Hollandais ou gros gin / Yes / B.02.040
Honey Wine / vin de miel / Yes / B.02.108
Irish Whisky* / whisky irlandais / Yes / B.02.018, B.01.012
Kirsch* / Kirsch* / No / B.01.012
Lees Brandy / brandy de lies / Yes / B.02.057
Liqueur or Spirituous Cordial / liqueur ou cordial spiriteaux / Yes / B.02.070
Kummel* / kummel / No / B.01.012
Liqueur de Fraise* / liqueur de fraise* / No / B.01.012
Malt Whisky / whisky de malt / Yes / B.02.013
Mandarinette* / No / B.01.012, brand name
Manhattan* / No / B.01.012, cocktail name
Marc* / marc* / No / B.02.058, B.01.012
Martini* / No / B.01.012, cocktail name
May Wine / vin de mai / Yes / B.02.107
Mezcal* / Mezcal / No / B.02.091, B.01.012
Ouzo* / ouzo / No / B.01.012
Pastis* / pastis* / No / B.01.012
Peach Brandy Liqueur* / Yes / B.01.012, see liqueur
Poire William* / poire Williams / No / B.01.012
Pomace / Marc / Yes / B.02.058, see Marc
Prunelle de Bourgougne* / prunelle de Bourgougne* / No / B.01.012
Rum / rhum / Yes / B.02.030
Rye Whisky* / Yes / B.01.012
Sake or Saki* / sake / No / B.01.012
Scotch Whisky* / whisky écossais / Yes / B.02.016, B.01.012
Slivovitz* / Slivovitz* / No / B.01.012
Sloe Gin* / liqueur de prunelle / No / B.01.012, see liqueur if named as liqueur
Strega* / Strega* / No / B.01.012, brand name
Tennessee Whisky* / whisky Tennessee / Yes / B.01.022.1, see Whisky, B.01.012
Tequila* / Tequila* / No / B.02.090, B.01.012
Triple Sec* / Triple Sec* / No / B.01.012
Vermouth / vermouth / Yes / B.02.104
Vodka / vodka / Yes / B.02.080
Whisky or Whiskey / whisky ou whiskey / Yes / B.02.010
Wine / vin / Yes / B.02.100

* denotes official bilingual status (name is acceptable as English and French irrespective of actual language)

Beer Strength Table

Alcohol Level
% v/v / English Common Name / French Common Name
1.1 to 2.5 / Extra light beer, Extra light ale, Extra light stout, Extra light porter / bière extra-légère, ale extra-légère, stout extra-légère, porter extra-légère
2.6 to 4.0 / Light beer, Light ale, Light stout, Light porter / bière légère, ale légère, stout légère, porter légère
4.1 to 5.5 / Beer, ale, stout, porter / bière, ale, stout, porter
5.6 to 8.5 / Strong beer, Strong ale, Strong stout, Strong porter, Malt Liquor / bière forte, ale forte, stout fort, porter fort, liqueur de malt
8.6 or more / Extra strong beer, Extra strong ale, Extra strong stout, Extra strong porter, Strong malt liquor / bière extra-forte, ale extra-forte, stout extra-fort, porter extra-fort, liqueur de malt forte

Beer has a standard of identity irrespective of the alcoholic strength.

Non-Standardised Product Common Name

Default English: “Alcoholic Beverage” or “Liquor”

Default French: “Boisson alcoolisée” or “Boisson alcoolique”

Protected Names

The names of the products in the table below are protected in Canada. The product must originate in the country shown. The effective date shows the date that the protection becomes effective.

Note that grandfathering is not applicable in Canada. (The USA has grandfathered some products within the USA. That exemption does not cover Canada.)

Product / Country / Effective Date
Bordeaux / France / Now in effect
Burgundy, Bourgogne / France / January 1, 2009
Champagne / France / January 1, 2014
Chablis / France / January 1, 2014
Chianti / Italy / Now in effect
Claret / France / Now in effect
Grappa / Italy / Now in effect
Jagertee, Jagatee / Austria / Now in effect
Korn, Kornbrand / Germany, Austria / Now in effect
Madeira / Portugal / Now in effect
Malaga / Spain / Now in effect
Medoc / France / Now in effect
Mosel, Moselle / Germany / Now in effect
Ouzo / Greece / Now in effect
Pacharan / Spain / Now in effect
Port, Porto / Portugal / January 1, 2014
Rhine, Rhin / Germany / January 1, 2009
Sauterne / France / January 1, 2009
Sherry / Spain / January 1, 2014
Tokai / Hungary / Now in effect

These names are not acceptable as common names except for grappa. They are not substitutes for a country of origin declaration.

Where effective dates are in the future, any current use of the name should be prefaced with the country (e.g. Canadian Sherry) as per the CFIA Guide.