Supplementary Bachelor of Physiotherapy II (Second) Year Annual Examination 2013-14
Course Code: BPT202 Paper ID: S112131
Exercise Therapy
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75
Note: Attempt the questions as per instructions Q. No. 1 is compulsory.
1. Choose the correct alternative: (1x10=10)
i) The concentric contraction is:
a) Away from the center
b) Towards the center
c) Both
d) None of the above
ii) Goniometer is applied for:
a) ROM
b) MMT
c) Limb lenth
d) None of the above
iii) Actice exercice performed by:
a) Patient b) Physiotherapist
c) Both d) All of them
iv) Effect of free exercise:.
a) Relaxation
b) Maintain of muscle tone
c) Both
d) Only b
v) Gait cycle is complete by:
a) Swing phase b) Stance phase
c) Both d) Only a
vi) Swing phase is complete by:
a) Acceleration b) Mid swing
c) Deccerelation d) All of above
vii) Lordosis posture is:
a) Posterior bending
b) Anterior bending
c) Lateral bending
d) None of above
viii) Flexion of elbow joint by main muscle:
a) Biceps b) Triceps
c) Deltoid d) Brachoradialis
ix) Hip hacking by afeected muscle:
a) Glutious maximus
b) Glutious medious
c) Rectus femoris
d) None
x) Foot drop occurs by:
a) Median nerve b) Lateral poplitial
c) Tibial nerve d) Comman peroneal nerve
2. Attempt any six of the following (limit your answer to 50 words). (6x5=30)
a) Define introduction of exercise therapy.
b) Write down contraindication of massage.
c) Write down actice & passive movements & its phase.
d) Define concentric and ecentric contraction with suitable example?
e) Write down swing phase.
f) What is prosthesis?
g) Define pro exercise.
h) Define plane and axis.
i) Write down mmt.
3. Attempt any two of the following. (2 x 15 = 30)
a) What is gait cycle? Its phases and abnormal gait.
b) Describe masage therapy and its therapeutic uses & technique.
c) Define posture? Its types and determine the posture: