Anglais / Dossier pédagogique
Discipline associée: histoire
B1-B2 / Lycée / Dans les pas de Mandela
Mandela’s legacy

Fiche Élève 2

Watch the following video and answer the questions: “Nelson Mandela: What legacy does he leave behind?” (04min12s, BBC News).

Get ready

Use a dictionary if need be.

1. Match each word with its synonym.

Clerk / ● / ● / Thriving
Dramatic / ● / ● / Deny
Prosperous / ● / ● / Spectacular
Refuse / ● / ● / Employee

2. Match each word with its French translation:

Subservience / ● / ● / Amer
AIDS / ● / ● / Gagner sa vie
Bitter / ● / ● / Sida
Earn a living / ● / ● / Soumission

General comprehension

Match each part of the document with its title:

The ravages of AIDS / ● / ● / From 01min31s to 02min32s
Poor people’s situation in the country / ● / ● / From 03min41s to the end
The urban middle class / ● / ● / From the beginning to 01min30s
The journalist’s conclusion / ● / ● / From 02min33s to 03min40s

Detailed comprehension

Part 1

1. What is the proportion of South Africa’s poor living in the countryside? Tick the correct answer:☐about ¾ ☐about 33% ☐about 66% ☐about ¼.

2. True or false? Justify by quoting:

Under apartheid, poor families did not benefit from their country’s prosperity,after the end of apartheid, the poor’s situation radically changed.

3. Focus on the family shown in the video and complete the chart:

Number of members in the family.
Number of rooms in their house.
Age when the woman’s husband died.
Life expectancy in South Africa.
What the family do to earn a living.
Children’s health.

Now, prepare a short oral recap to introduce this family.

4. Read this passage on land and correct the mistakes:

Under apartheid, Whites held the best land. Nelson Mandela promised to transfer 40% of White land to the rural poor. But fifteen years after he made that promise, only 5% have been given over.

5. Quote a significant change for the rural poor and its impact in terms of health.

Part 2

1. Listen and complete:TembilaniNodada lives in the ______of Umtata (a town in South Africa). He started as an office ______and is now the owner of several ______businesses, among which a funeral parlour. He is now part of the __% of the Black population classified as middle-class.

2. According to TembilaniNodada, what was Mandela’s greatest gift to him?

3. What is the relationship between TembilaniNodada and White people?

Part 3

1. How many Africans die from AIDS every day?

2. Put the letters into the right order to know more about Mandela’s action concerning AIDS.

a.His own son

b.But Mandela would eventually

c.Recognize the urgency of the crisis

d.Campaign forcefully

e.Preoccupied with the struggle for democracy,

f.Died of AIDS

g.Nelson Mandela failed to

h.Witnessed by activists like Lulu Boxala

The right order is: __ / __ / __ / __ / __ / __ / __ / __.

3. Sum up Lulu Boxola’s ideas

Part 4

Listen to the journalist’s conclusion and complete:

“Nelson Mandela fought to achieve ______before the law for his people, and in doing so, ______them from a mentality of subservience, the sense that they would always be second-best to Whites. But he also brought them political ______; the stability under which ______and ______progress would be possible. And on a continent where ______has so often been followed by civil ______and ethnic ______, that is no small achievement.”

Anglais–B1-B2 / Lycée –Dans les pas de Mandela ©2014–Canopé–CNDP