Summary Sheet for Sec 1042
Team Leader: / Frank Reichart
Team Members: / Vince Imhoff
Jim Brocksmith
Sec / Question #’s / Rationale
1042 / --- / “Retro” added in front of “reflective” throughout section in reference to sheeting to match verbiage in ASTM D4956
1042.2.2 / --- / Vulcanized washers no longer used by industry. Sheeting manufacturer recommends type of washer to use.
1042.2.7 / --- / Most of paragraph was redundant with ASTM D4956. Remainder is in place to insure a quality product. Vertical orientation of the sheeting ensures maximum retroreflectivity.
1042. / --- / Enclosed lens is a proven product. ASTM’s wording is “typically”.
1042. / 4 / Encapsulated glass bead sheeting achieves the desired result. ASTM’s wording is “typically”. Distinction needed from microprismatic sheeting.
1042.2.7.3 / --- / Type 5 added for sheeting needed for use on flexible delineators. We currently specify Type 5 sheeting for our maintenance work. Need to examine current new flexible delineators to check compliance.
1042. / 3 / Tables are needed so that:
1. Designers only need to specify Type 7 material and not have to be confused by ASTM D4956 specification for microprismatic material.
2. These tables are a combination of two ASTM ‘types’ of microprismatic materials, thereby assuring competitive pricing for MoDOT projects. ASTM D4956 has three main types of microprismatic materials specified. Each of those types was written for a specific manufacturer.
1042.2.7.5 / --- / Section moved to end of sheeting specs to avoid redundancy.
1042.2.8.2 / 3 / See rationale for 1042.
1042.2.9 / --- / Inserted from 1042.2.7.5, renumbered remainder of sections.
1042.2.11 / --- / Removed language referencing L-4 legend (button copy).
1042.2.11.1 / 3 / Standard Plans defines L-1 as either screen process or transparent overlay films. Split section for definition of both options.
1042.3.1.3 / 3 / Current technology allows fabricators to make splices that are indistinguishable from the manufacturer’s splices. Some sheeting does not allow for rolling over the edge of the panels.