6.6.1590(Margin – an order made against fforeyne Bakers)
Mr Bailiffs of this town of Ludlow doe credibly understand that certeyne Burgesses and Inhabitants of this town being by their trade and mistery Bakers, are of late daies growen into poorer Estate then heretofore they have bene. And soe they therby not soe well able to beare Scott and Lott for the common wealth of the saied towne as heretofore they have done. And as they alleadge the same hath growne by a tolleration and sufferance that hath bene geaven and graunted to fforeyne straingers to enter into the saied towne upon the market daies to make sale of all kindes of Bread. Wherupon the trade and benefytt of the saied Bakers Inhabitants and ffreemen in the saied towne hath bene taken from them to the great grief and hinderance of themselves, their wyves and children (Albeit they have kept the Assise limitted by the lawes of this Realme provided in that case.) Therefore the saied Mr Bailieffs with the advise and consent of their brethren for the considerations aforesaid and for other causes, them specially moveing, Doe ffrom hensforth chardge and require that noe personnes (being not Burgence or ffreemen within this towne) Doe after this day being the sixtenth day of this July, sell or bring to be solde any kynde of breade to the market place of this towne, or into any house of the same towne, to the intent and purpose to sell any kyne of bread to the hurt and hinderance of the saied Bakers as they will avoied punishment and forfeiture of the same bread soe brought in by them or any of the letting them further to witt that the same Bailieffs will duelie luke to thexecution of this their proclamation according to the declaration above specified. And soe God save the Queene.
17.10.1590Grant of lease of tenement in Lokyer Row to Richard Coxe (in consideracon of the good service that the Anncesters of the said R.C. and also in regarde of the good s’vice that is looked for at the hands of the said Richard towards the said Towne)
17.10.1590At this day Richard Season (who is well knowen to be a man excommunicated for his lewde life in hauntinge the Company of a lewde woman which is to the greate dislike of such godly members as have any causinge in the parishe Churche) is ordered to be displaced and noe more to serve in the said churche without the admittance of the whole company.
17.10.1590Geo. Sponsley elected to serve in the choir (wages iiiili use daily morninge prayer between sixe & seven of the clocke.
11.11.1590And that there shalbe a Comission sued further from her maj. Counsell, that suche of the inhabitannts of the said Towne as have not paied theire Lewue for setting furth of sowldiers & for provision of Armor for the late Invasion may be forced to pay their said Lewues or to fynde them with sureties for theire apparrannce before the Leiuetenannts.
11.11.1590Granted at this daye to the persons undernamed the somes of money at theire names appeeringe for the space of two yeares upon sufficient sureties to pay the same agayne beinge money bequeathed & geaven unto younge occupiers to use in this Towne. 14 named, £5 each 1 Smith, 1 servant, 1 sadler, 1 c(l)othier.
11.11.1590Forty shillings allowed for a stable for my Lo. Presidente to be collected from the inhabitants by Mr Bailiffs.
4.2.1591Writt out of the Exchequer at the suit of Edwd Lewes re. Towne mills. Subscriptions (£11) by members to pay their expenses (4 delegates) to London.
9.2.1591Preachers salary raised from £24 to £26.8.0. Schoolmasters from £16 to £18.
25.2.1591It is accordinge to an ancient order that everie Alderman that absenteth themselves from this company upon lawful Sommons to them geven should fforifact for every tyme so absenting themselves xiid. And that every of the xxve that absent themselves from the Company upon the like Sommons should fforifact viiidTherefore it is ordered by this assembly that Edwarde Powes & William Clibery being Sommoned & did not appeere at this Assembly shall pay viiid apiece.
20.3.1591Inhabitants of the Towne taxed for beds sent to the Castle for the Council there.
Ord that the persons named (10) shall take a vewe of the Armor & take Mr Bailiffs accompte for the same.
Legal advise taken re. Town Mills action.
It is ordered that there shalbe a Collection in the Churche ev’y seconde sonday for the Charitable devotion of the parisheners for the relief of the poore prisoners until the next Gaole deliv’y.
20.3.1591Ord.rd that the newe yeares giftes to be given to Mr. Cornewalle & Mr Phillipps shall not exeede the some of fortie shillings vz xxs apiece 7 that no other Bailiffes hereafter shall exeede the same.
31.3.1591Bailiff & two others to go to London re. Town mills action.
Grant of ‘one Pigion house….in Ludford’
Lease to ‘Mr Robert Berry the newe house wth thappurtenances lyinge in Castle Street which was newly buylte by Mr Sackford at fortie shillings ffyne.
Fines for being absent. One vis viiid, two iiis iiiid
Lease to Wm. Tanner, lands & at Ashford. ‘a cupple of Capons at Christmas’
Persons named to view a parcell of ground behind the newe house in the Castle striate nowe in the tenure of Mr Berrye.
Lease to John Jivanes of a tenement adjoining the Angel, Broad St.
10.4.1591It is at this assembly ordered that Mr. Phillipp Bradford hath refused to take an oathe as the reste of this Company that done touchinge the disclosinge of the Councill of this House. Therefore it is ordered that he shalbe sequestred from this Company until he hath either taken the oathe or satisfied the Company why he will not soe doe. And hereafter if any of this Company shall disclose the Counsell of the same otherwise then to one of this said Company, no stranger being within hearinge, and refuse to take the like oathe when occasion shall fall out. Then suche person so refusinge to be sequestred in like sorte as the said Phillipp is nowe.
Ord. that ev’ry Burger shall provide him a gowne againste the nexte Sessions kepte in this Towne after he is sworne.
22.5.1591At this day Mr Thomas Blashefield is elected to supply the office of the Coroner in the place of Mr Hooke whom it has pleased god to calle to his majestye to execute the same this yere out. Mr Berry & Mr Langford to travel to London re.Town mills action.
26.5.1591Allocation of Lambs money xli to 6 clothiers vli to two shoemakers, vli to two glovers, vli to two Bakers, vli to two Butchers.
20.6.1591At this assembly it is thoughte neccessarie for that the Righte honourable Henry Earle of Pembrooke Lorde president of her majesties Counsell in the Marches of Wales is nowe at the Towne of Bewdley executing the office of her maj’s presidentshipp there, that Mr Bailiff Wogan, Mr Richard Bailey & Mr Canlande shall travel to the said Towne of Bewdley & there accordinge to dutie shewe themselves in the name of the Corporation & presente his Lord With twentie angels in token of a dutifull presente to welcome his honour into the Marches. And for that money is nowe skante Mr Bailiff Wogan upon requeste, is contented to disburse the same to be to him repaied to him upon demannde.
23.6.1591Persons appointed to vewe & make serche for all Inmates in theire severall wards & to make relation therof from tyme to tyme to Mr Bailiffs (2 for each of four wards)
17.7.1591That the persons undernamed shall assiste Mr Bailiffs weekely upon the wensday for the reformation of Ale houses Inmates & hedgetearers (6 names follow)
It is at this day ordered that a letter be directed unto the lyuetennts of the Countie of Salop for to have theire warrante for collecting of the money imposed upon the Inhabitants of this Towne for the furnishinge of Souldiers at the last Invasion & sethence orells to order them to appeere before them at a day certain.
23.7.1591Ord that there shalbe a Survey of all the Townes houses & lands of the Corporation about the Towne & fields there immediately after harveste.
11.8.1591Persons undernamed are appointed with Mr Bailiffs to survey the Armor. (7 names follow)
20.10.1591Mr R Berry & others to travel to London to defend the Quo Warrants presented in the Queenes benche againste the Corporation (Town Mills?)
23.10.1591Encroachments on the town lands made by Mrs Hughes to be viewed by (8 names follow)
28.10.1591Memo that the order at this day touchinge the grannte of the demeasne lands belonging to this Towne granted unto the Bailiffs of this Towne& theire Successors for the tyme beinge in the tyme of Mr Waties & Mr Langforde then 1587 beinge Bailiffs is nowe confirmed to the Bailiffs & theire Successors for the tyme beinge accordinge to the said grannte& the meaninge therof.
It is this day agreed upon that when any of the xiie or xxve councellorsof this Towne of Ludlow that have borne the office of the Baileywike within the same towne shall happen hereafter to dye having in his possession lands or tenements of the ould Corporation (i.e.demesne lands) & granted unto him for service only, his widowe shall enjoy the same land or tenements duringe her widowehoode,if she were his wife att any tyme when he was chardged & did beare the office of Bailywike of the same Towne orells not. And all other orders before this tyme made concerninge the disposinge of the lands of the olde Corporation concerninge widows excepte such lands as are already granted by lease and under seale shalbe utterly void and of none effecte.
8.3.1592Mr Berry to see Sir Francis Knowlls, Treasurer of her Majesty’s householde and the rest of the Green Cloth to answer a precept to the Bailiffs touching the Purveyor for the countie of Salop and payment of a sum of money imposed on Ludlow by the Justice of Peace of the said county.
7.7.1592Att this day it is agreed that the personnes undernamed shall conferre with the Burgesses further touchinge their grieffes and complaints against this Company (6 names follow)
1.9.1592Bailiff to defend suits of Richard Thomas and Richard Nightingall in the Court of the Marches.
13.9.1592Lease of Town ditch between Broadgate and Mill Gate, clause allowing passage for use of lime pits there.
Agreed that Mr Bailiffs with some other of this Companie shall conferre touching the abuses offered to the Burgesses by the towne of Lemster.
7.10.1592Agreed that where the Lord Bishopp of Hereff hath amongst his charitable accons offered to bestowe upon this towne for the Repairing of the highe waies aboute this towne. It is thought good that the personnes undernamed shall not onelie conferre with Mr Bailiffs to write unto his Lo & to give him thanks for the same. But alsoe upon receipt of the saied money the saied persons undernamed shall have the bestoweing of the saied money according to the trust reposed in them & to make ann accompte therof. (4 names follow)
Itt is at this day ordered that from hensforth there shalbe but one Chambleyne to serve for one yere according to thanncient order.
It is ordered that the persons undernamed shall vewe the demeane lands. (6 names follow)
13.10.1592Persons named (5) to confer with Mrs Hughes touching her new buildings (see 23.10.1591)
21.10.1592Mrs Hughes to appear re. her encroachment & buildings in the beast market & prove her title to other tenements.
13.2.1593Robt.Berry & Thos Canland elected Burgesses of the Parliament ‘who have undertaken to save the towne harmlesse’
Or. that the personnes whoe have the vlishall bring either money or pawnes for the satisfieing of the same.
The surveyors to consider of Mrs Hughes encrochment.
Lease of a close with covenant ‘the maynteyning of a poore lame Boy’
Allowance to the chamberlain of ‘such money out of his accompte as he shall disburse toucheing the repaireing & making cleane of the Armor in the Armmery remaining.
fforasmuch as it is alleaged by the Baylieffs & others of the company now assembled that div’s of the same company at the like assemblie had in the accostomed place for having conference toucheing matters concerning this towne & the good government of the same have soe behaved themselves at such time that yf the Bailieffs did propose
any matter to passe by election that either div’s of the said companie are talking or walking By means wherof they do not onelie much disturb us but are soe ignorant of the matter proposed as thoughe they had not bene present at all. ffor reformation whereof Itt is at the day ordered that if any of this company herafter at such time as Mr Bailiffs for the time being or either of them doe postpone or move anie matter to the said company assembled doe either walk or talk in disturbance or hinderance of the matter soe moved that he & ev’re one soe offending to pay to the use of the Chamber to the handes of the Chambleyne for the time being for every offence the some of xiid
the same to be presentlie leveyed & ev’ry offender to pay the same without anie denial or condition.
4.9.1593fforasmuch as it appeareth by sufficient Testimoney to the Baylieffs twelve & five & twenty now assembled & for that they of their owne knowleges doe know that John Bradford & John Sutton two of the Burgences of the said towne are mutinous & contentious personnes & such as doe spurne against thanncient government of the said towne which hath continued tyme out of mans memory to the great good & quietness of this towne until now of late that the sinister devises of the said Bradford & Sutton combyning themselves with some few more of like disposed mindes have breden great disobedience within this same towne & greatly disquieted the good government aforesaid Aswell by makeing the meaner & simpler sort of the said towne beleve that they the said Bradford & Sutton would overthrowe the said ancient government & bring all in common. ffor wich causes & other the bad demeanure of the said Bradford he standeth presented as a Barrettor at the leete or lawday latelie holden for this towne as of record appeareth ffor which causes & the causes undermentioned. It is at this day agreed & ordered by the assembly aforesaid That the said John Bradford & John Sutton be diffrannchized of the roomes of Burgence within the said towne & that they shalnot here after have use ore enjoy anie comoditie priveledge or ffreedome as Burgencs of this towne.
Insomuch the same John Bradford being lately a freeman & a Burges sworn in this towne to the obedience of the Bailieffs there for the time being, And being Somoned by the Comon Sarjent at Mace of the same to ppere at the Gaole delivery holden for the same towne before the Bailieffs & Recorder ther to further her Majesties Service thenthere to be done where divers ffelons were to receave tryall as tyme out of mynde hath bene accostomed the said Bradford very contemptuously & in mere derogation of thauthority of the Bailieffs & Recorder did there publiquely speake & delyver That they then Bailieffs of this towne of Ludlowe were not his lawfull Bailieffs & that he did owe noe duetie to appear before them And persuaded many others of the Burgencs to the like disobedience which matter was exaied by the late lord chief Baron being then one of her Majesties Justices of Assise of the countie of Salop whoe fynding this matter to be true committed the said Bradford to ward & bound him for his good behaviour.
13.2.1593Item the said John Bradford hath counterfeited & forged a number of handes & seales of the names of Burgences of this towne to a tre of Atturney pretendinge therby that they wolde give him power to sue & impleade the twelve & xxxvlyand that they did join with him in his frivolous suite against the said Bailieffs xii & xxvlywho did pubblishe the same tre Atturney to the Lords of her Majesties most honourable Councell and to her Majesties Councell in the Marches of Wales to the great discreditt of the laudable government of this towne. They not being previe or assenting therunto.
Item the same Bradford & Sutton have procured and presented div’s frivolous suites against the Bailieffs of this towne & others aswell in London as ells where And which hath & doth put the saied towne to great expences & chardges.
And that at this day all orders heretofore made touching the setting of the vth be made voied.
£5 granted to 14 persons named.
The assessments laied downe as followeth by the company the xxixthof May. Gentlemen Inholders Vintners & Victualers at xls
Taylors & Mercers at xlsWeavers at xls
Smithes at xls Tanners at xxs
Milners & Bakers at xxsShermen at xxs
Shoemakers at xxsBarbers & Dryers at xs
Butchers at xiiis iiiid
It is at this day agreed by the assemblie That where (as) the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembrok Lord President of her Majestie’s Councell in the Marches of Wales repaireth to Bewdley this next tearme. Therfore it is thought good that Mr Bailieffs with some of theire brethren shall travaile to see his Lord & welcome him into the countrey. And present him with a fatt oxe: orells xli in money.