Holywell Trust

Tender for Supply & Installation of Furniture

Invitation Document

March 2013

Holywell Trust

12-14 The Diamond


BT48 6HW

Tel. (028) 7126 1941


Table of Contents

Introduction & Scope of Works 3

Instructions to Tenderers 8

2 Explanation of Documents / queries during the tender period / registration of intent to tender 8

3 Accuracy Of Tender 9

4 Information to be provided 9

5 Submission of Tender Documents (and/or Additional Proposals and Expressions of Interest) 9

7 Period of Acceptance 10

8 Evaluation of Tender 10

9 Contract Documents take Precedence 11

10 Pre-Selection Interviews / Presentations 11

19 Format of Tenders 12

Evaluation / Award Criteria 14

Stage 2 – Award Criteria 15

Form of Tender 16

Specification & Cost Tables 18

Form of Assurance 104

Collusive Tendering Certificate 105

Non-Submittal of Tender Form 106

Introduction & Scope of Works


Holywell Trust is seeking furniture fit-out for its new premises at 8-14 Bishop Street. Holywell Trust, as lead partner of the DiverseCity Community Partnership, has been successful in securing funding through the EU PEACE III Fund, administered through North West PEACE III Partnership for this purpose.

The DiverseCity Community Partnership is supported by the European Union’s PEACE III Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body and delivered by the North West PEACE III Cluster of Derry City Council, Omagh District and Strabane District Council.

The DiverseCity Community Partnership (DCCP), through the leadership of Holywell Trust, is currently developing a new purpose-built community facility at 8-14 Bishop Street. These new premises will house the member organisation of the Partnership with additional tenants. In addition, the ground floor of the building will be almost entirely open to the public for hire. The entire building is to be fitted out under this tender exercise. Plans of the building have been included as part of the tender pack.

The development of this new building has a number of aims including:

·  Increasing the collaboration between the DCCP member groups.

·  For the Partnership member organisations to share resources.

·  To have a fit for purpose building that reflects the professional approach of the Partnership groups.

·  To have a physical site that is a reflection of the notion of a DiverseCity – a city centre that is welcoming, where diversity is celebrated.

·  To create spaces and meeting rooms that can be used by the resident groups and that can be hired by other organisations.

In order to realise these aims we require the furniture within the building to:

·  Be of a high standard of design.

·  Be durable.

·  To have a common theme/design – there must be a sense of continuity throughout the building.

Scope of Works

Please refer to General Arrangement Drawings:

A1811-09-200-01 BC, A1811 – 09 – 200 - 02, A1811 – 09 – 200 – 03 & A1811 – 09 – 200 – 04

Holywell Trust requires the following items of furniture for each room within the building:

Room / Furniture Item / Number Needed /
Basement Gallery (BF2) / Sofa / 5
Large Bean Bag / 6
Soft Chair (Armchair) / 6
Coffee Table / 4
Flip Chart / 2
Floor Lamp / 3
Reception (GF2) / Reception Desk / 1
Reception Desk Chair / 1
Sofa / 1
Soft Chair (Armchair) / 4
Display Shelves / 3
Notice Board / 1
Floor Lamp / 2
Planter & Plant/s / 4
Meeting Space (GF3) / Chair (Stackable with trolley/s) / 100
Coat Stand / 2
Circular Folding Table to seat 6 (with trolley/s) / 10
Circular Folding Table to seat 8 (with trolley/s) / 10
Rectangular Folding Table to seat 6 (with trolley/s) / 10
Floor Lamp / 4
Staging System / 1
Lectern/Podium / 2
Flip Chart / 3
Credenza Unit / 2
Breakout Space (GF4) / Sofa / 2
Soft Chair (Armchair) / 2
Notice Board / 1
Coffee Table / 2
Round Café Table / 6
Stackable Café Chair (with trolley/s) / 30
Planter & Plant/s / 4
Floor Lamp / 3
Refreshment Station (GF8) / Bar Stool / 4
Library (GF18) / Bookshelves/Shelving / 1
Internet Access / Desk / 2
Desk Chair / 2
Meeting Room (GF5) / Chair (Stackable with trolley/s) / 12
Coat Stand / 1
Rectangular Folding Table / 4
Semi-circular Folding Table / 2
Floor Lamp / 1
Flip Chart / 1
Credenza Unit / 1
Story Corp Room (GF7) / Desk & Pedestal / 1
Desk Chair / 1
Sofa / 1
Soft Chair (Armchair) / 2
Coffee Table / 1
Floor Lamp / 1
Desk Lamp / 1
Office Space (FF7) / Desk & Pedestal / 49
Desk Chair / 49
Filing Cabinet (4 drawer) / 27
Filing Cabinet (3 drawer) / 4
Filing Cabinet (2 drawer) / 1
Filing/Stationery Cupboard / 18
Bookcase – Large / 15
Bookcase – Medium / 10
Desk Lamp / 49
Coat Stand / 3
Safe / 1
Floor Lamp / 10
Planter & Plant/s / 10
Breakout Space (FF5) / Sofa / 2
Soft Chair (Armchair) / 4
Notice Board / 1
Planter & Plant/s / 2
Coffee Table / 2
Floor Lamp / 1
Meeting Room (FF6) / Chair / 12
Coat Stand / 1
Board Room Table / 1
Floor Lamp / 1
Flip Chart / 1
Planter & Plant/s / 1
Credenza Unit / 1
Meeting Room (FF12) / Chairs (Stackable with trolley/s) / 20
Coat Stand / 1
Rectangular Folding Table / 4
Semi-circular Folding Table / 2
Floor Lamp / 1
Flip Chart / 1
Planter & Plant/s / 2
Credenza Unit / 1
Cellular Office (FF11) / Desk & Pedestal / 2
Desk Chair / 2
Bookcase / 2
Desk Lamp / 2
Floor Lamp / 1
Office Space (SF7) / Desk & Pedestal / 25
Desk Chair / 25
Filing Cabinet (4 drawer) / 16
Filing/Stationery Cupboard / 14
Bookcase / 11
Desk Lamp / 25
Coat Stand / 3
Floor Lamp / 10
Planter & Plant/s / 10
Office Space (SF11) / Desk & Pedestal / 24
Desk Chair / 24
Filing Cabinet (4 drawer) / 10
Filing/Stationery Cupboard / 2
Bookcase – Large / 2
Bookcase – Medium / 2
Desk Lamp / 24
Coat Stand / 2
Floor Lamp / 2
Planter & Plant/s / 4
Discussion Room/Breakout Space (SF5) / Sofa / 2
Soft Chair (Armchair) / 4
Notice Board / 1
Planter & Plant/s / 2
Coffee Table / 2
Floor Lamp / 1
Meeting Room (SF6) / Chairs (Stackable with trolley/s) / 12
Coat Stand / 1
Rectangular Folding Table / 4
Semi-circular Folding Table / 2
Floor Lamp / 1
Flip Chart / 1
Planter & Plant/s / 1
Credenza Unit / 1
Meeting Room (SF12) / Chairs (Stackable with trolley/s) / 20
Coat Stand / 1
Rectangular Folding Table / 4
Semi-circular Folding Table / 2
Floor Lamp / 1
Flip Chart / 1
Planter & Plant/s / 2
Credenza Unit / 1

It is a requirement that a full layout design is prepared as part of your tender submission using the CAD drawings supplied with this tender pack. These drawings should be provided both electronically and printed in colour to a minimum of A3.

In addition the appropriate cost tables should be completed and included as part of your tender submission.

Tenderers should be aware that:

·  All furniture to come from an ISO9001 accredited manufacturer.

·  Please include details of guarantee and/or warranty (min of 3 years) with all products priced.

·  All unit costs shall be all inclusive, standalone costs and shall not vary should client choose to order more or less than the quantity indicated.

·  All costs quoted must include delivery to storage unit and unloading for storage (location to be confirmed, within Derry City Council area) and subsequent collection from storage unit, delivery and installation at 8-14 Bishop Street.

·  Holywell Trust may request samples of any piece of furniture during tender evaluation and these are to be supplied at no cost to Holywell Trust.

·  An overall furniture scheme is to be provided on the floor plans included with this tender documentation.

·  The Trust is keen to purchase furniture that has a common theme and will present a professional appearance to the building.

All costs quoted must include delivery to storage unit (location to be confirmed) and subsequent collection, delivery and installation at 8-14 Bishop Street at a time to be confirmed dependent on the progress of the building works.

Options – We require that each tenderer, where appropriate, supply a number of options (up to a maximum of three – economy – your company’s low cost range of products, mid-range – your company’s mid-priced range of products & higher quality – your company’s more expensive range of products) for each item within this specification as part of the tender submission. Trust may wish to select different quality options for each item within the specification.

Instructions to Tenderers

1.  Invitation To Tender

1.1  Holywell Trust principally invites detailed and costed proposals for Tender brief defined in Introduction & Scope of Works. Please ensure your submission includes all details as per section 19 of Instructions to Tenderers.

2  Explanation of Documents / queries during the tender period / registration of intent to tender

2.1  It is the responsibility of prospective facility/service providers (hereafter referred to as ‘tenderers’) or parties submitting ‘expressions of interest’ to obtain for themselves at their own expense any additional information ‘tenders’) or ‘expressions of interest’.

2.2  Tenderers are advised to ensure that they are fully familiar with the nature and extent of the obligations to be accepted by them if their tender is accepted.

2.3  Should any tenderer be in doubt as to the interpretation of any part of the contract documents, Holywell Trust shall endeavour to answer written enquiries. All queries must be submitted in writing to arrive with the Holywell Trust not later than 2 weeks before the date of return of tenders, i.e., 18th April 2013, by email to:

Email –

2.4  All copies of written queries received, together with written replies will be sent to all tenderers not later than two weeks before the date of return of tenders.

2.5  In order to ensure receipt of written replies, all prospective tenderers are therefore requested to register their intent to tender in writing to Holywell Trust by post or email as noted in Clause 2.3 above, not later than two weeks before the date of return of tenders, including full contact details and indicating tender will be submitted.

2.6  No representation, explanation, or statement made to a tenderer, or anyone else, by or on behalf of the Trust, as to the meaning of any of the tender documents, or otherwise in clarification as aforesaid, shall bind the Trust in exercise of its powers and duties under any subsequent Contract(s).

3 Accuracy Of Tender

Tenders must be submitted for the supply of all the services specified in the Form of Tender. Tenders submitted for part of the services only will be rejected. Tenderers must price separately for all items listed in the Form of Tender. The Trust may reject any tender that is not priced separately.

4 Information to be provided

Tenderers should provide a brief description of the overall organisation of their company. Tenderers must also include subcontracting information in this section if subcontractors will be engaged. Subcontractors must be named and their roles in the project briefly described.

Tenderers should provide this general background information:

o  Company Address

o  Contact person (s)

o  Year established and company background

o  Account experience

o  Number of customers currently being serviced

o  Comprehensive list of available services

o  Provide any additional background information

Tenderers must complete and return all relevant tender/pricing, assurance and declaration forms etc.

5  Submission of Tender Documents (and/or Additional Proposals and Expressions of Interest)

5.1 The tender(s) shall be made on the Form of Tender(s) provided, and signed by the Tenderer. All Contract Documents, together with these Instructions and completed Form of Tender(s) should be forwarded, by registered post or delivered by hand and a receipt obtained to:

Tender for “Tender for Supply & Installation of Furniture”

Holywell Trust

12-14 The Diamond


BT48 6HW

so as to arrive not later than 12.00 noon on 2nd May 2013.

Please provide 3 hard copies of your tender submission and one electronic version. These copies will enable your submission to be reviewed by tender panel

No UNAUTHORISED alteration or addition should be made to the Tender Form(s), or to any other of the Contract Documents. IF ANY SUCH ALTERATION OR ADDITION IS MADE OR IF THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE NOT FULLY COMPLIED WITH THE TENDER MAY BE REJECTED.

5.2 All documents requiring a signature shall be signed.

(a)  Where the Tenderer is an individual, by that individual

(b)  Where the Tenderer is a partnership by the two duly authorised partners.

(c) Where the Tenderer is a company by two directors or by a director and the secretary of the company, such persons being duly authorised for that purpose.