APPENDIX G Completion Report
Project Completion Report
Please submit through your APEC Secretariat Program Director within 2 months of project completion.
SECTION A: Project profile
Project number & title : / S TPT 07 11T – Sharing Best Practices for Seamless Intermodal Cargo Movement : Phase 1, Physical infrastructure Logistics"Time period covered in report: / 27 June - 30 November 2012 / Date submitted:
Committee / WG / Fora: / Transportation Working Group (TPTWG)
Project Overseer Name: Organization / Economy / Arthur Karlov (Mr.), International Department, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
SECTION B: Project report and reflection
Briefly answer each of the questions below. Section B should be a maximum of 2-3 pages, inclusive of the questions and tables provided.
1. Project description: In 3-4 sentences, describe the project and its main objectives.
The proposed project seeks to address issues in Chokepoints 1, 4 and 6 identified in APEC Supply Chain Connectivity Framework (Nov2009). These issues are transparent and effective collaboration of business and government bodies inside each APEC Member economy as well as “across the border”. The project objective is to determine APEC principles of transborder logistics services optimization, covering government and industry transactions. These principles could be a driver to launch government and business programs and projects, which will facilitate seamless transport flows in APEC region as well as provide vital information to increase their quality and decrease the risks. The full scope of regulatory issues affecting logistics as well as matching of government border control and transport flows is to be thoroughly examined.
2. Meeting your objectives: Describe how the project went, with reference to the objectives laid out in your project proposal. Include any major changes to your project as proposed and any problems or obstacles that you encountered and how you overcame them.
The key project objectives are:
· to hold the APEC Workshop to discuss the ways of regular information / best practices exchange on transport infrastructure development and modal connectivity in APEC region;
· to develop Workshop conclusions including regular information of best practices in physical infrastructure development and intermodal connectivity in APEC region as well as possible ways of coordination within APEC of transport infrastructure development national plans.
The project aims at collecting the best examples of intermodal cargo transportation to bring it to discussion and collection for member economies. Technical and organizational solutions can be shared for dramatic increase in efficiency of supply chains – it is especially important for developing economies in order not to duplicate the existing work in this field.
3. Project evaluation: Describe how you evaluated the project and provide some details on the results of the evaluation (e.g. participant evaluation, peer review of publication, measurement of indicators, statistics demonstrating use of outputs etc.).
The Workshop gave an opportunity for APEC economies to network and exchange practices of transport physical infrastructure development as well as seamless intermodal cargo movement among APEC economies and across the Asia-Pacific region more broadly. Forty-two participants from the APEC Secretariat, eight APEC Member economies (Canada, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Russian Federation, Thailand, the United States and Viet Nam), including the Lead Shepherd of the APEC Transportation Working Group (TPTWG), Ms. Arlene Turner, and an invited guest from the International Road Transport Union (IRU) attended the Workshop. The delegates represented governmental bodies, as well as private businesses, academia and non-governmental organizations. Participants agreed that the Workshop made substantial progress in advancing and understanding of the issues of seamless intermodal cargo movement. The Workshop increased the participants’ knowledge and understanding of successful activities in the area of transport-related physical infrastructure development in many APEC economies. It was noted that the Workshop and its outcomes will help to ensure the successful implementation of the project ‘Sharing Best Practices for Seamless Intermodal Cargo Movement. Phase 1: Physical Infrastructure’.
4. Key findings: Describe one or two examples of important findings arising from the project (e.g. results from surveys or case studies, insights provided by participants or experts, policy recommendations, roadblocks to progress on an issue etc.).
Workshop speakers and presenters offered participants a variety of lessons learned, plans, prospects and ideas based on their multi-faceted experiences. The Workshop was successful in promoting the identification of relevant best practices as well as an exchange of understanding and awareness by APEC economies with regard to regional coordination within APEC.
Workshop participants:
· were informed of current activities and national plans for transport-related physical infrastructure development in APEC economies,
· shared experiences and best practices on issues of intermodal cargo movement as well as physical infrastructure development, and
· discussed further steps and coordination mechanisms to improve regional connectivity, including activities of the TPTWG, APEC member economies and the private sector.
5. Next steps: Describe any follow-up steps or projects that you recommend. Have you already planned or begun these? What role could APEC play in any follow-up?
Key follow-up of the project is the using of the Workshop’s outcomes at the 36th Transportation Working Group meeting and Special APEC Transportation Ministerial Meeting of 2012.
For example Ministers recognized that reliable supply chains are crucial for maintaining sustainable development and providing economic, energy, food and environmental security in the region and in the world, acknowledge the ongoing activities of the APEC Transportation Working Group (TPTWG) to study and enhance supply chains, and its role in the implementation of the Supply Chain Connectivity Action Plan and they agree to jointly explore, with industry and relevant stakeholders, opportunities for the diversification of supply chain routes across all modes, the improvement of supply chain connectivity, and the establishment of a logistics information service network in order to yield significant economic benefits in terms of cutting transportation and transaction costs, increasing supply chain efficiency and security, creating, thus, better transit environment for global trade
The topic of Supply Chain Connectivity Framework is in focus of Transportation Working Group activities till now and the project contributed their implementation.
6. Feedback for the Secretariat: Do you have any suggestions for more effective management of projects in the future? Any assessment of consultants, experts or participants that you would like to share? (The Secretariat collates and examines feedback to identify trends for ongoing evaluation of our project management and/or communications systems.)
7. Participant information: Please provide details, where applicable. Insert rows as needed.
Economy / # male (м) / # female / DetailsViet Nam / 1 / Ministry of Transport, International Cooperation Department, Deputy Director General
Philippines / 1 / Regional Office VII - Cebu City, Maritime Industry Authority, Regional Director
Philippines / 1 / Civil Aeronautics Board, Legal Enforcement Division, Chief Legal Officer
Malaysia / 1 / Ministry of Transport, Planning and Research Department, Principal assistant secretary
Malaysia / 1 / Ministry of Transport Malaysia, International Department, Assistant Principal Secretary
China / 1 / China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Research&Development Department, Engineer
China / 1 / Ministry of Transport, Integrated Planning Department, Deputy Director
Thailand / 1 / Ministry of Transport, Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Professional Policy and Plan Analyst,
Thailand / 1 / Ministry of Transport, Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Policy and Plan Analyst
Canada / 1 / Director General, International Relations and Gateway Initiatives, Transport Canada
USA / 1 / National Center intermodal transportation (NCIT)
USA / 1 / Intermodal Transportation Institute, University of Denver
USA / 1 / Technology Management Company, Global Services Division, Deputy Director for Transportation
USA / 1 / Technology Management Company, Global Logistics Division, Director
USA / 1 / US Department of Transportation
Russia / 25 / 7 / See list of participants
Other: organization
8. Outputs: Please provide details, where applicable.
# planned / # actual / Details# of workshops / events / 2 days Workshop / 2 days Workshop / Workshop “Sharing Best Practices for Seamless Intermodal Cargo Movement : Phase 1, Physical infrastructure”
# of publications distributed / 1 / 1 / Publication of the Final Report
# of CDs distributed / CDs with project materials and Final report / CDs were prepared and distributed among TPTWG members / Publication of the Final Report
# of websites created / 1 / 1 /
Attach a detailed breakdown of the APEC- provided project budget, including:
· Planned costs (using most recently approved budget figures)
All Figures in USD / # of Units / Unit Rate / APEC Funding /Direct Labour 18,120
Speaker’s honorarium (government officials ineligible) / 6 speakers / 1,000 per speaker / 6,000
Translator’s fees / 500 pages / 12 per pages
Translator’s fees (Simultaneous) / 2 persons * 2days * 8hours / 110 per hours for 1 person
Short-term clerical fees / 5 persons * 3 days / 80 per day / 600
Contractor’s staff fees / 2 persons * 160 days*4 hours/day / 18 per hours for 1 person / 11,520
Travel (Speaker, Experts, Researchers) 12,155
Per Diem (incl. accommodation and “75% additional payment”) / 6 speakers
2 days Workshops + day of arrival + 75% “additional payment” = 3.75 days / 277 * 3.75 =1038.75
2 – Russia
4 - other APEC economies / 4,155
Airfare / 6 persons / 2 – Russia
4 - other APEC economies / 1,500
Travel for Participants (from Travel-eligible economies only. Active participants only) 76,775
Per diem (incl. accommodations and “75% additional payment”) / 22 persons
2 days Workshop + day of arrival + 75% “additional payment” = 3.75 days / 277 * 3.75 = 1038.75
2 – Russia
20 – other travel eligible economies / 20,775
Airfare (restricted economy class) / 22 persons:
2 - Russia
12 - Asia
(Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, VietNam, China)
2 - PNG
6 - America
(Chile, Mexico, Peru) / 250
3,500 / 18,000
Total / 107,050
· Actual expenditures
All Figures in USD / # of Units / Unit Rate / APEC Funding /Direct Labour 13,620
Speaker’s honorarium (government officials ineligible) / 6 speakers / 1,000 per speaker / 1,500
Translator’s fees / 500 pages / 12 per pages
Translator’s fees (Simultaneous) / 2 persons * 2days * 8hours / 110 per hours for 1 person
Short-term clerical fees / 5 persons * 3 days / 80 per day / 600
Contractor’s staff fees / 2 persons * 160 days*4 hours/day / 18 per hours for 1 person / 11,520
Travel (Speaker, Experts, Researchers) 554
Per Diem (incl. accommodation and “75% additional payment”) / 1 speakers
2 days Workshops + day of arrival + 75% “additional payment” = 3.75 days / 1 – USA / 554
Travel for Participants (from Travel-eligible economies only. Active participants only) 22,497.65
Per diem (incl. accommodations and “75% additional payment”) / 8 persons
2 days Workshop + day of arrival + 75% “additional payment” = 3.75 days / 277 * 3.75 = 1038.75
8 – other travel eligible economies / 7,825.25
Airfare (restricted economy class) / 8persons:
2 - Russia
8 - Asia
(Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, VietNam, China) / 14,672.40
Total / 36,671.65
· Variance notes: An explanation of any budget line under- or over-spent by 20% or more.
From the budget was spent by 20% less, because we planned more participants from APEC economies, we did not paid the Speaker’s Honorarium and Airfare cost was less than we planned.-
SECTION D: Appendices or additions
Please attach any of the following. This information will help us better understand your project, support overseers of similar projects and plan for future projects.
q List of experts or consultants utilised, with job titles and contact details
q List of participants, with job titles and contact details
APPENDIX G Completion Report
APEC Workshop
«Sharing Best Practices for Seamless Intermodal Cargo Movement : Phase 1, Physical infrastructure »
(TPT 07 11T)
27- 8July 2012, St. Petersburg, Russia
APEC FundingSpeakers
№ / Name / Economy / Organization, Position / Contact information
1. / Nguyen Van Thach / Vietnam / Ministry of Transport, International Cooperation Department, Deputy Director General /
2. / Zhang Hua / China / China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Research&Development Department, Engineer /
3. / Noor Aishah Kamarzaman / Malaysia / Ministry of Transport, Planning and Research Department, Principal assistant secretary /
4. / Patrick Sherry / USA / Intermodal Transportation Institute, University of Denver /
5. / Thanaphon Charanwanitwong / Thailand / Ministry of Transport, Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Professional Policy and Plan Analyst, /
6. / Wyrlou Samodio / The Philippines / Regional Office VII - Cebu City, Maritime Industry Authority, Regional Director /
7. / Nannette Villamor-Dinopol / The Philippines / Civil Aeronautics Board, Legal Enforcement Division, Chief Legal Officer /
8. / Name / Economy / Organization, Position / Contact information
9. / Ma Ji / China / Ministry of Transport, Integrated Planning Department, Deputy Director /
10. / Yap Kin Sian / Malaysia / Ministry of Transport Malaysia, International Department, Assistant Principal Secretary
11. / Chanakarn Rungsaritvisarut / Thailand / Ministry of Transport, Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Policy and Plan Analyst /
Name / Economy / Organization, Position / Contact information
12. / Alexey Sapetko / Program Director, APEC Secretariat
13. / Arlene Turner / Canada / Director General, International Relations and Gateway Initiatives, Transport Canada /
14. / Hodgson Ted / USA / Technology Management Company, Global Services Division, Deputy Director for Transportation /
15. / Alexeev Alexey / Russia / Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Development Programmes Department /
16. / Karlov Arthur / Russia / Project Overseer, Russian HoD to TPTWG, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation /
17. / Frolova Olga / Russia / International Road Transport Union (IRU), Permanent Delegation to Eurasia, Regional Expert /
18. / Tikhonov Konstantin / Russia / Deputy Chief of Logistics of Transport Corridors. Department Development of Programs, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation /
19. / Rzaev Tural / Russia / Senior Specialist Expert, Department Development of Programs, Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation /
20. / Boldorev Andrey / Russia / Deputy Head of Department of Investment and Strategic Planning, FSUE Rosmorport
21. / Tityukhin Nikolay / Russia / President of the Euro-Asian Logistics Association /
22. / Mamaev Dmitry / Russia / adviser of the Board of Directors, Novorossiysk commercial sea port (NCSP) /
23. / Loschenkov Aleksandr / Russia / Head of the Interaction with regulators in the transport sector
24. / Zhigora Igor / Russia / General Director ZAO "Eurosib-Logistics"
25. / Shukletsov Aleksey / Russia / Executive Director of «Phenix»
26. / Golubkov Mikhail / Russia / Department of Asia and Africa, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation /
27. / Name / Economy / Organization, Position / Contact information
28. / Бриана Хидман / USA / Национальный центр интермодальных перевозок (NCIT)
29. / Zolock Stephen / USA / Technology Management Company, Global Logistics Division, Director /
30. / Traini Joseph / USA / US Department of Transportation /
31. / Hidirov Sergey / Russia / Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation
Department of International Organizations, transport policy and regional cooperation
32. / Kondratev Aleksandr / Russia / The International Academy of Transport
33. / Chizhkov Yuriy / Russia / The International Academy of Transport
Head of the North-Western Branch
34. / Korolyova Elena / Russia / FGOU VPO "Saint-Petersburg State University of Water Communications"
Head of Department of Transport Logistics
35. / Afanasev Victor / Russia / State Maritime Academy. SO Makarova
Deputy Head of the State Maritime Academy. SO Makarov for Education
36. / Morozov Pavel / Russia / JSC "Russian Railways"
Deputy Head of the Centre of freight Transport Service
37. / Gorodetskiy Andrey / Russia / JSC TransContainer
Head of Sector Marketing and Tariff Policy Branch /
38. / Titov Andrey / Russia / JSC "Sea Commercial Port Ust-Luga "
Deputy general director /
39. / Tereschenko Yuriy / Russia / Company "Maritime Trade Port"
general manager
40. / Matvienko Yuriy / Russia / JSC "NCSP"
executive director
41. / Bogatchenko Pavel / Russia / Ltd. "FESCO" Integrated Transport "
branch Director /
42. / Ivanov Victor / Russia / CJSC "Eurosib-transport systems"
director /
43. / Vorontsova Svetlana / Russia / Research and Design Institute for the development of transport infrastructure
First Deputy General Director /
44. / Chernov Vitaliy / Russia / Port news
Other Delegates
Name / Economy / Organization, Position / Contact information
45. / Margarita Dolmatsih / Russia / Ltd. "VECTOR"
project leader / ,
46. / Sergey Kozlyakov / Russia / Association for Cooperation with Nations of Asia and Pacific Region.
President / Tel./fax: + 7495617-42-38
47. / Sergey Subbotin / Russia / Association for Cooperation with Nations of Asia and Pacific Region. / Tel./fax: + 7495617-42-38
APPENDIX G Completion Report