Project: Job Applications Data Entry and Reporting
- User Stories
-Data Entry Stories
-Reporting Stories
-Admin Stories
- Defects
- User Stories
Generally: As a person who has applied for over 100 positions over the last year, I need an easy way to track all the positions and employers, as well as look at trends and reports
KPI: Velocity of applications by week or month, Number of rejects, Number of interviews, Type of position (eg. Fraud vs call center)
Data Entry / Priority / Points / Acceptance CriteriaAs a data entry person, I want to be able to take an existing workbook and import it into my new db without redoing data entry or editing any text manually / 5 / 3 / Button to import
Data correction ability
As a data entry person, I want to be able to enter application information that allows me to avoid using the data sheet, e.g via form / 1 / 13 / Form creation
Form Fields
Drop Down tables
Data written to table
As a data entry person, I want scalability in the form in terms of new fields being required to be entered into the form / 1 / 2 / Table updates
As a data entry person, I want the information to save to the form automatically, or prompt me to save / 1 / 2 / Save button
Save to table
Retrieve data
As a data entry person, I want to be able to Search existing forms for Employer and edit them with new information or changes, in addition to notes or comments; I want to be able to see in a summary form all the entries and be able to click into them to edit or view / 2 / 9 / Search button
Search text field
Retrieve data
Identify multiple matches
Save button
Write to table
As a data entry person, I want all data inputted to be formatted and auto tabbed to the next field as I go thru entering it / 3 / 2 / Data formatted
Tabbing in form in customer’s order
Data Entry / Priority / Points / Acceptance Criteria
As a data entry person I want the app date to be autopopulated to current date, but allows for an exception / 3 / 2 / Application Date Field
As a data entry person I want the other date fields to be manual, but always to be >= app date / 3 / 2 / Interview Date
Rejection Date
As a data entry person, I want the position title field to avoid abbreviations and use whole words so that they are spell checked / 2 / 4 / Spelling and Grammar check on data table
Search button and text field
As a data entry person, I want the location to be City, State formatted and checked, unless it is Remote, and you might consider a check box for that and just use the HQ address for the employer / 2 / 3 / City, State table
Drop down menu
As a data entry person, I want a ready table of known employers to check against to ensure there is consistency in how those employer names are entered / 4 / 3 / Employer name table
Drop Down menu
Text field for n/a
As a data entry person, I want to be able to enter job description in a text box / 1 / 2 / Job Description or title text box
As a data entry person, I want to be able to enter Comments into a box for the purposes of a job desc or other info, and will need enough space to do so / 2 / 3 / Comments box set to MaxLength 2000 character limit, Vertical Scroll = True, MultiLine = True
Reports / Priority / Points / Acceptance Criteria
As a user of the data, I want to be able to have reports which allow for trending by month, how many were applied for, how many I received rejections, whether those were more or less compared to all months or last month / 1 / 13 / Pivot table
Pivot Chart
Monthly on Y vertical
Other criteria on X horizontal
As a user of the data, I want to see a report that breaks down the overall totals for jobs relating to Fraud, Project Management, and Call Center, assuming that there will be room for overlap / 1 / 4 / Pivot table
Pivot Chart
As a user of the data, I want to have functionality that allows me to update common or existing reports based on new data entered (macro button) / 3 / 13 / Unknown
As a user of the data, I will want scalability in being able to ask for new types of reports based on any new or existing types of data / 3 / 13 / Unknown
Controls / Priority / Points / Acceptance Criteria
As the admin for the db, I want the data page protected so that no user can edit data through the workbook / 1 / 2 / Password protection
As the admin for the db, I want the ability to make wholesale changes to the data page while ensuring none of the formatting or other controls are bypassed, unless overridden / 1 / 2 / Testing import of new data
As the admin for the db, I want to ensure version control so that as new versions are released, there is always backup saved and there is a check to make sure the user has the most recent version / 1 / 13 / Testing version control
Centralized db save drive
Code for version control check
Process for replacing outdated version
As the admin for the db, I want tables for drop down menus to be centrally located and capable of update outside the workbook used for form data entry / 1 / 3 / Project documentation
Testing macro for update
Defects and Change Control
User Form Defects / Problem / Proposed Solution / Applied SolutionInterview and Rejection Date fields / Neither allows prior dates than current to be entered (among other controls like >app date), the reporting will show a diff month these occur in rather than same as app month, and having an actual date in the reporting does not add value / Change both fields to buttons to indicate whether either has occurred
If actual dates needed, then use comments / Created Option Buttons for both
Set Group Name for each to ensure multiple selections
Set Close and Save form to write current date to those data fields
Set Search code to return Value to form to populate radio button
Search Button / If no matches result, there is no messaeg saying so / Add msgbox indicating “No Matches Found” / After Loop, set code to look for > Employer Name
Job Type Field Buttons / Doesn’t allow for multiple selections / Undo field type or find some other solution…or determine if having multiple selection adds value / Set Group Name for each to enable multiple selections
Replace Button / Does not replace data when a record is edited / Fix the code
Scroll Buttons / Don’t work / Fix the code
Reporting Defects / Problem / Solution / Applied Solution
Launch Reports Button / Doesn’t work / Determine if macro for pivot table is needed vs. simply a refresh button / Refresh button to update Pivot table 2 and 4
Month issues / Pivot will not autoformat for prior year with % Diff / Add mmmm-yyyy to data at close of form / Add and format month field in data “mmmm-yy”