GUIDELINE: Staffing Coverage

Effective March 8, 2013


This Department of Anesthesiology guideline for staffing coverage exists to ensure a strategy is in place for any planned or unplanned absences by staff that work in support of the Department’s clinical, research, or educational operations.


Staff members who support faculty in the University of Colorado Department of Anesthesiology.


·  General Guidance

o  All support staff are expected to establish a coverage system. In this backup system, each staff member will work in collaboration with his/her backup to ensure that cross training is completed to such an extent that either staff person will be able to cover the necessary daily operations during an absence.

§  This backup system will be communicated to all faculty supported by each staff member. i.e., faculty will be informed of the backup coverage personnel in advance of any planned or unplanned absences.

·  Process for Planned Absences

1.  For any planned absence, please confirm with your backup well in advance of the leave that s/he will be in the office and able to provide coverage for your absence. Note: This will not determine whether or not your leave is approved. It simply puts in place a mechanism to ensure that you have taken the steps necessary to determine if coverage is available.

2.  Request supervisor and/or DFA approval for any planned absence (e.g., vacation, scheduled doctor appointment, etc.) no less than 1 business week in advance of the absence.

3.  Upon receipt of supervisor and/or DFA approval, please send a communication to the faculty you support, with a CC to your supervisor and the DFA, the plan for coverage in your absence. Example language below:

a.  Dear Dr. X: I will be out of the office between the dates of XX/XX and XX/XX. During this time, Staff Member Y will cover my phones and mail, as well as {insert specific, critical daily tasks here}. For any emergencies, Staff Member Y can be reached at ext. 12345, or email .

4.  Day prior to absence: forward phones to your covering backup and put an out-of-office email on that directs urgent communication to your backup.

·  Process for Unplanned Absences

1.  For any unplanned absence (e.g. illness, family emergency, inclement weather), please notify your supervisor via phone call or email as early as possible that you will be absent.

2.  Your supervisor will reach out to your backup to see if coverage is possible that day, and will send a communication to faculty supported. If coverage is not possible by your backup, your supervisor will work to determine staffing available to cover any necessary daily tasks.