November 17, 2009 Planning Board

Pursuant to the “Open Public Meeting Act,” The Sentinel and the Gloucester County Times were notified of this meeting. A public notice was posted in the Municipal Building. The meeting of the Township of Franklin Planning Board was called to order by the Chairman-Sam Gorrell at 7:00 PM with the following members present: Joseph Petsch, John Melleady, Roger Duerr, Steven Ranson, and John Bruno. Harold Atkinson and Patrick Dougherty were absent. James Winkler is out of the hospital, recovering but has given a verbal resignation. Alt. 2-Marsha Dougherty is out due to illness. B. Michael Borelli, Solicitor and Patricia Knobloch, Community Development Director and James McKelvie, Engineer are present. Mr. Gorrell led in the flag salute.





Secretary’s Report

SP09-15 Downstown Airport B6805 L9 Completeness Review Route 40

PBM09-1A Richmond American Homes “Washington Oaks Phases I, II, III” Amended Site Plan to include HOA Documents Coles Mill Road




Upon a motion by Mr. Petsch, seconded by Mr. Melleady, all in favor, the minutes of the October 2009 meeting were approved as submitted. Motion passed.


Upon a motion by Mr. Petsch, seconded by Mr. Bruno, all in favor, to approve the following Resolutions as presented: SP09-12 Pat Garoppo; SP09-9 The Hutton Co.; SP09-13 Elk Pipeline Inc.; SP09-10 FTYSA. Motion passed.

Secretary’s Report

Upon a motion by Mr. Melleady, seconded by Mr. Petsch, to approve Secretary’s report for October in the amount of 304.00. Motion passed

RCV: Mr. Petsch, yes; Mr. Atkinson, yes; Mr. Melleady, yes; Mr. Duerr, yes; Mr. Ranson, yes; Mr. Bruno, yes; Mr. Gorrell, yes. Motion passed.


Mrs. Knobloch states Church of Nativity came in 2007 for a Site Plan Waiver and was given a time frame and they are asking for a one year extension.

Upon a motion by Mr. Petsch, seconded by Mr. Bruno, all in favor, to grant 1 year extension due to extenuating circumstances for temporary parking lot.

7:06PM Harold Atkinson enters and is seated.

Mr. Gorrell states he has provided fencing pricing in agenda in reference to FTYSA, which was much less than was originally quoted. Mr. Petsch states that Township Committee approved a lesser figure.

Mrs. Rafuse states she received a letter from Clint B. Allen, Attorney from Archer & Greiner who represents Richmond American Homes of Pennsylvania Inc. requesting postponement tonight until the December 15, 2009 meeting and they have also granted extension of time to act. Board concurs to carry to December meeting.

SP09-15 Downstown Airport B6805 L9 Completeness Review Route 40

Mr. Borelli states all papers are in order.

Richard Hoff, Esquire is here for completeness, only and Mr. Becker from Downstown Airport states they are seeking a waiver in constructing three hangers, and they are asking for Phase I Environmental to be waived.

Peter Wilder, Engineer from CHA (applicant’s engineer) King of Prussia, PA is licensed in NJ and represented in similar situation and Boards. Mr. Wilder states it is 3 new hangers parking and parking apron and he did design for 3 hangers, do footing working and construction of hangers. This property was an apple orchard farm in the 50’s and this is just to park airplanes. Mr. Wilder states mosquito spraying is done mobile and nothing will be stored in hangers no on-site storage. Mr. Wilder states pads are graded ready to go, parking apron did not have architectural drawings.

Mr. Hoff states they are seeking waiver of Phase I Environmental Mr. Wilder states Phase I was not required when first applied for.

Mr. Gorrell asks for motion for completeness review, the project was started, site work is done, and question is whether or not to waive the Phase I Environmental Study. Mr. Petsch asks if pesticides are already monitored through supplier and NJDEP.

Vern Becker of Pittsgrove Township is sworn in and states pesticide storage and handling is all done on east side. Mr. Petsch questions concrete floors. Mr. Becker states they store very little materials day to day.

Mr. Duerr asks what the size of hangers is. Answer, 80’ x 80’ footprint is on the plan.

Upon a motion by Mr. Petsch, seconded by Mr. Atkinson, to approve Completeness only for SP09-15 Downstown Airport with waiver of Phase I on project.

RCV: Mr. Petsch, yes; Mr. Atkinson, yes; Mr. Melleady, yes; Mr. Duerr, yes; Mr. Ranson, yes; Mr. Bruno, yes; Mr. Gorrell, yes. Motion passed.

Upon a motion by Mr. Petsch, seconded by Mr. Ranson, all in favor, to adjourn meeting at 7:16 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

E. Lynne Rafuse,

Planning Board Secretary

Township of Franklin