Date: February 28, 2016 / Lewis County #
Applicant: Lewis EDC / Address: P.O. Box 916
Contact Name: Matt Matayoshi / City, State, Zip: Chehalis WA 98532
County: Lewis County / Phone: 360-748-0114
Signature Position of person authorizing submittal: / Fax/Email:
Project Title: EDC Operations and Implementation of Strategic Initiatives, Operations of Economic Development Offices
Project Type: This funding will support the operations of the EDC and the retention, expansion, and recruitment of business and industry.
□ Engineering
□ Infrastructure development
□ Building construction
Total project cost $: 125,000 Annually for two years for a total of $250,000 over two years / Is your request a funding gap? Yes X No □
Amount raised to date $223,598 projected income annually / What are you requesting now?:
Is this a phased in Project?
Yes □ No X / If yes, how many phases and how many years?
phases years
Is this a Loan □ or a Grant X request?

1.  Briefly describe your project. When did you start work on it? Who is involved? What is the scope of the project? (Use provided space only.)

EDC operates a County-wide economic development program details of our program may be found in our Strategic Plan. (See attached)

EDC seeks to contribute to the economic vitality of the community, increase the number of jobs, and improve the quality of life. To meet that mission we persuade industrial and primary employers that produce goods and services to expand and locate in our community.


EDC has a robust marketing program which helps attract new business and industry to Lewis County. The organization maintains a website with properties, demographics, and incentive information. EDC contracts with a consultant, “Site Location Partnership”, for lead generation at industry trade shows. The organization’s network of site selection professionals and the “Washington State Department of Commerce” generate additional leads. The EDC will continue to maintain these efforts.

Business Retention/Expansion

Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) is a critical part of the work to retain the primary employers (e.g. manufacturers) in our community. The EDC markets our community to potential new business investment. The best way to position our County for recruitment is to retain our existing businesses through:

·  Business retention interviews

·  Centralia College Workforce Training Programs

·  Partnership with the Small Business Development Center

·  Craft3 providing financing to non-bankable businesses

2. How does the project satisfy, in whole or in part, your economic diversification strategy?

EDC works to diversify the economy of Lewis County through the recruitment of industry within our four clusters: Wood, Glass, & Plastics; Healthcare, Food Processing, and Telecommunications & Internet Technology. This will include scoping future opportunities and sectors that we will actively recruit to the community.

3. Is this project a documented county wide priority?

□ Yes it ranks (1st, 2nd, etc.) in our county wide prioritization process.

4. Summarize efforts taken to date regarding the project in terms of specific steps/studies and dates of action, where appropriate. (Use provided space only.)

A. Is this project part of a plan (capital facilities, growth management, business, etc.)?

B. What engineering reports and feasibility studies have been prepared, and when?

Not applicable

5. Summarize efforts you’ve taken to date regarding the project in terms of: (Give specific titles and dates of adoption where appropriate. (Use provided space only.)

A.  Have you secured funds for this project from local, state or federal programs or foundations? Specify sources, including local match and dollar amounts. If there are conditions attached to any of these secured funding sources, please specify.

EDC projects that we will raise $223,598 annually during 2016 and our organization intends to raise the same amount in 2017 to match the request made to Lewis County of $125,000 annually for 2016 and 2017.

B. Are there other efforts you have made that are unique to this project?

What are the anticipated outcomes of this project in terms of the criteria identified below? Quantify information where possible. (If a section does not apply, mark it “NA”.)

How many full-time, permanent jobs will this project create or retain? Retain? Create in 1-3 years? Create in 3-5 years?

What is the size of the population that will benefit by these infrastructure improvements? Lewis Co. pop 75k

How will this project improve local infrastructure capacity? Our organization will work to retain our manufacturers, market our community to potential new business investment, and grow the number of businesses.

How many businesses do you plan on serving with this project?

How many months will the work on this project take to complete? 12 + months

6. Are there other factors significant to this project that we should be aware of, such as emergency declaration, bird in hand industry, volunteer efforts, etc.? (Use provided space only.) Not applicable

7. What quantifiable outcomes are you going to track to measure the success of this project?

EDC will report quarterly to Lewis County on the number of businesses retained and businesses recruited to Lewis County