Pierce PTSA Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2013
9:05 am
I.Principal's Report - Jim Lalik
A.Pierce Success Stories
a)Destination Imagination Team – State Finals
b)Future Chefs – So many good submissions, two were selected to move on Emilia Mushkat(crazy pasta salad), and Anna Kozleski (McComas) who won for her minted fruit salad. Rose Dore assisted with presentation. Anna won basket with lots of fun prizes
2.Pierce Community
a)Casino Night – Many thanks to Ryan Abney for her amazing time and talent planning the Pierce fundraiser Casino Night. Exceeded our fundraising goal. Jim invites suggestions on what to put the funds toward.
B.Visitor Notification System There has been a decrease in traffic. We still need to work on continuing to reduce that volume while still being open to our school community and volunteers. Jim invites suggestions on continued improvements.
C.Enrichment Programs – Programs are successful when we have parent participation. Jim invites ideas to increase parent participation in Enrichment programming.
1.iMatter for Kids after school enrichment program just finished (8 week program). Mentoring, leadership, and 21st century skill building. 1st year, the mentors were adult community leaders, this year, Groves and Seaholm students. Great outcome for both Pierce students, and student mentors. PTSA did support this program. Parent testimonial of how their child felt empowered to address a social situation after being involved in the program.
II.Welcome – Jeni Beckeman/Cortney Herschelman
A.Thank you to Ryan Abney for her leadership and planning of the Casino Night Fundraiser. It was an amazing event!! Although next year is not a major fundraiser year, Ryan has agreed to stay on as the Fundraising Chair. Confirming Chad Speller’s consideration of the co-position for Fundraising Chair.
B.Approve past meeting minutes; Amy Margolis motions, Ryan Abney second
C.Volunteer of the Year – Typically an outgoing 5th grade parent. Although Ryan would be a shoe in with her exemplary efforts for the Casino Night! Recommendations are: Tammy Hannah, Robin Eikenberry, Andrea Morganroth. Secret vote commenced: Tammy Hannah and Robin Eikenberry tie. They will be honored via the District PTSA at the Reflections ceremony in May.
D.Volunteer Appreciation Coffee-May 8 at 9:05 am. Recommended to move this from the last (very busy) week of school.
E.2013-2014 PTSA Slate and Committee Chairs Attached table. Items in yellow are not confirmed yet for next year. Confirmation of new positions will be provided at next meeting via the updated attachment. Provided recommendations for open positions to Jeni Beckman directly.
F.iMatter Financial Support – Request for 1500.00 for the 2013/14 school year. Tina Weber Motion, Amy Margolis second, approved. Previously supported through Fun Run donation.
G.Remaining Silent Auction Items – Communication being sent out with a few remaining items to bid at cost on.
III.Executive Board
A.Treasurer’s Report-Hannah Rhodes/Shelli Adams
1.Sales tax overage due to increase in spirit wear sales and auction. Budgeted 350 actual 590. Jeni Beckman motions to pay overage and update 2013/14 budget, Lucy Chinoy Second, approved.
2.Discussion regarding moving our bank to Bank of Birmingham which supported the Casino Night financially and stepped in to volunteer at the event. Our existing financial institution was approached twice and declined. Hannah, Shellie, and Beth will investigate finer details, products, and fees and decision will be made April meeting.
B.Academic-Amy Margolis
1.Book Fair-Need set up and tear down volunteers. Never takes as long as slotted for. Always can use extra hands. See Sign up genius
2.GRASP-Tricia Olevnik – Enrichment material to keep on track over summer. Format mocks ‘MEAP’ with multiple choice questions. 9 lessons, weekly rather than a daily. Both math and reading 34, or 17 each; online purchase on own – each book is 30 dollars. Flyers to go out in April. Due May. Delivered end of school year. Up to 8th grade materials.
3.Reflections lunch – April 19th – any student that submitted will be invited. This is the Pierce celebration.
4.Battle of the Book-Lucy Chinoy/Marla Kaftan - Successful Battle, tie for 2nd place. Ms. Bell extraordinary preparation. Survey recently distributed via email to those involved with Battle. Feedback to be provided at next meeting.
C.Service-Lucy Chinoy/Marla Kaftan
a)Reflections lunch-Paula Shatzman/Sandy Patel, noted April 19th.
b)Spirit Wear-Sarah Johnson - New promotion to begin now through March 22nd. Pierce Points communication coming out. Samples on display at conferences. New items, baseball style t-shirt, dry fit shirt, shorts, few new logos. Vendor easy to work with. Item suggestions are welcome Paper orders only, no online. Orders to the office.
D.Fundraising-Ryan Abney/Chad Speller/Traci Nix
1.Casino Night-Ryan Abney. Final wrap up, Thank You's going out to donors, paperwork for license, 200 attendees.
2.Plum Market - Sheryl Shenefelt. Tie your card to get Rewards at service desk. Plum program 'chooses' which organizations it partners with. Pierce needs to re-apply every year. Follow-up on 'Advertising' - "Pierce Elementary Sponsor School" at entry or exit door as a reminder? Reapply in August 2013.
E.Social-Christine Graham/Meredith Richardson
1.Coney Bingo-Monday April 29th - late start on Tuesday April 30th. $6.00 National Coney. Chips issue, and ice cream volume issue addressed from last year. Prize donations - box will be in the office - ANY NEW wrapped in the plastic items. Even fast food toys. Suggestion for those coming just for bingo (no food purchase) to offer donation to cover small expenses - bingo chips specifically.
2.Talent Show-Chairperson needed - Stacy Chambers. 2nd - 5th grade (because of length), every OTHER year, meeting right after PTSA today. 2 - 2 1/2 minutes, song must be approved.
F.Dad’s Club – Kenny Bell/Jason Unger
1.Disco Night - Jeni reported $800 profit. Comments from Trish Olevnik, difficult to have a magician in the future after dance party. Aired concerns over safety (Kinders mixed in with big 'crowd' on the dance floor, VOLUME of music (Jim reports volume has already been addressed), and 'worldliness'. Comments that other elementary schools do this.
2.Eat and Run-May 15 & 16 - Volunteers needed for check in. Possible change in title to 'Eat/Play', since the idea is to join the students at recess. Note recess is BEFORE lunch.
G.Back to School "Bonanza" - Suggestions for alternative title to encourage attendance. Registration, Back to School Prep or Registration, Package Pick Up, Ready... Set... Back to School. Room Parent Sign Up will be a new addition to Bonanza, rather than at the 1st day Parent Coffee. Date is pending.
H.Razz Kids - Traci Nix. Suggestion of Shirts - no stars necessarily, lower cost shirt?
I.Yearbook - 3 Volunteers for the committee broken down: Layout, Orders, Class communication: for shortage of class candids, review of what groups need photos.
Currently the following groups still need photos: Math Pentathlon, Student Council, Reflections, Science Olympiad, iMatter, Band. Jeni Beckeman to handle.
IV.Upcoming Events (informational)
A. Next Principal’s coffee/PTSA meeting- April 10 at 9:05 am
B.Pierce conferences/Book fair – March 20 & 21
C.Pierce ½ days – March 20 & 21
D.Spring Break - No School – March 29 – April 7
Executive Board:Name / Position / Email
Co-President / Jeni Beckeman /
Co-President / Cortney Herschelman /
Co-Vice President / Amy Margolis /
Co-Vice President / Carrie Sofikitis /
Co- Treasurer / Hannah Rhodes /
Co-Treasurer / Beth Kiefer /
Secretary / OPEN
Academic / Tricia Olevnik /
Legislative / Kim LaBarre /
Co-Proud Dad’s Club Chair / Jason Unger /
Co-Proud Dad’s Club Chair / Ken Bell /
Fundraising / Ryan Abney /
Service Co-Chair / OPEN /
Service Co-Chair / Sarah Johnson
Social Co-chair / Meredith Richardson /
Social Co-chair / Traci Nix /
Wellness Chair / Sheryl Shenefelt /
Committee Chairs:
Accelerated Reader / Meredith Carrel
Hannah Rhodes
Sue Wright /
Battle of the Books / Lucy Chinoy
Marla Kaftan /
Disability Workshop / OPEN
GRASP / Tricia Olevnik /
Math Pentathlon / Stephen Anderson
Media Center / Susan Collins /
Reflections / OPEN
Spring/Fall Book Fairs / Sarah Cvetanovski
Amy Margolis /
BBFA, BEF, CECAC and FODL Liaison / Kim LaBarre /
Community Education Liaison / OPEN
Ways and Means/Fundraising:
Box Tops/Soup Labels / OPEN
Brick by Brick / OPEN
Kroger/Target/Plum / Marla Kaftan
Membership / Hannah Rhodes/Beth Kiefer /
School Supply Program / Jeni Beckeman /
Troy Gymnastics / Traci Nix /
Band Aid Clinic / OPEN
Front Sign / Rene Taub /
PTSA Bulletin Board / OPEN
Recycling / OPEN
Room Parent Chair / VP job
Safety Week / OPEN
School Directory / Jeni Beckeman /
Site/Gardening / Diana Patterson /
Spirit Wear / Sarah Johnson /
Website / Rika Khouri /
Yearbook / Susan LaPorte /
Carnival / OPEN
Coney Bingo / Meredith Richardson
Traci Nix /
Kindergarten Round up / Jeni Beckeman
Carrie Sofikitis /
New Parent Welcome / OPEN
Staff Appreciation Week and Teacher Conference Dinners / OPEN
Staff Conference Dinner / OPEN
Fifth Grade Graduation / OPEN
Character Education / Bob Shenefelt /
Field Day / Anne Monnich /
Fun Run / Sheryl Shenefelt /
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