Ready for an exciting activity where your Chapter can win awesome prizes?
The activity is simple: just take photos or videos of the tasks and post themto your Chapter page. The three Chapters that complete the most tasks will win prizes!
Here’s how it works:
- Take a photo or video of the completed tasks or found objects. Make sure the task number is included in the photo or video taken. For example, include a piece of paper showing the number seven with the image of the cigarette butts for task number seven.
- Post your photos all at once on your Chapter page or Closed Facebook Group. To upload multiple files, select all the photos you wish to upload and click “upload.” You can also do this with videos.
- If you have technical difficulties, call Natalie Vanatta at 617-279-2240 x 262 or email her at .
So, go on a hunt and complete as many tasks as possible!
Photo Tasks
- Bring 84 people together to create a human representation of The 84.
- Blow up 84 balloons and with “The 84” written on them and put them around your school.
- Create a banner for The 84 and get at least 84 students to sign it.
- Create an artistic mural representation of The 84.
- Get 84 people to have some representation of The 84 on their clothing.
- Get 84 people to paint “The 84” on their faces.
- Clean up at least 84 cigarette butts around your school or community.
- Find someone who is 84 inches tall.
- Find someone who is 84 years old.
- Write 84 tobacco facts on 84 post-its and post them around your schoolor community organization.
- Hold a bake sale with 84-themed baked goods.
- Write “The 84” all over the sidewalk of your school in sidewalk chalk.
- Get your principal to wear a The 84 t-shirt.
- Take a picture with something that says 84.
- Take a picture with a new person recruited to your Chapter.
- Take a picture of where your Chapter meets.
- Take a picture using something from your Chapter toolkit.
- Take a picture with a local public official.
- Take a picture of something that is also a tobacco product flavor.
- Take a picture outside CVS with your thumbs up since they decided to stop selling tobacco products.
- Take a picture of someone in your Chapter looking at
- Take a picture of someone in your Chapter posting on your Chapter page or closed Facebook Group.
- Take a picture of someone tweeting, posting, or Instagramming your scavenger hunt.
- Take a picture with your adult advisor.
- Write 8 poems and 4 short essays (using exactly 84 words) about whom you are and your alternative to using tobacco.
- Write an acrostic poem (where each letter of “the eighty four” starts a line of the poem).
- Create as many words (3 letters or more) using the letters from “the eighty four” as you can.
- Create a crossword puzzle with “theeightyfour” used at least two different times in it.
- Work with your math teacher to create a homework assignment that uses the numbers “8,” “4” and “84” throughout.
- Create a special edition of your school newspaper that is 84-themed.
- List 84 facts about tobacco.
- Write 84 sentences about the 84th element in the periodic table.
- Send a text message to someone asking him or her to join The 84.
- Take 84 steps and take a picture where you wind up.
- Find a place in the world where it is 84 degrees today.
- Find a song that has 84 in the lyrics.
- Name the three states that Interstate 84 runs through.
Video Tasks
And for more of a challenge, you must post a video on your Chapter page or the closed Facebook Group with these tasks.
- Have your cheerleading squad create a cheer that uses the words, “The 84.”
- Hold a competition to see who can shoot the most free throws in 84 seconds.
- Ask 84 people about why they are a part of The 84.
- Get the marching band to move in formation to create an “84.”
- Create a dance routine that represents The 84.
- Have eight people hold a handstand for 84 seconds.
- Have twelve (8+4) people do a total of 84 pushups.
- Announce a message about The 84 in the morning announcements.
- Have someone yodel for 84 seconds.
- Have 84 people form a kick line for 84 seconds
- Ask 12 (8+4) people to do a total of 84 sit-ups.
- Ask 12 (8+4) people to do a totalof 84 pull-ups.
The 84 Movement is a project of Health Resources in Action, and funded by The Massachusetts Department of Public Health