Compass Men’s Bible Study LESSON 20 Hebrews 11:1-40
Day 1 / THEN
· Determine what was being said to the original audience of this passage.
· Examine the historical context that provides proper understanding of the passage.
· Consider the immediate context (verses before or after the passage) that may impact clear understanding.
Read Hebrews 11:1-16
1) What does the author of Hebrews say that “faith” is in verse 1? Describe what the author of Hebrews means when he says that—using other words than the author used.
2) In verse 13, what does the author of Hebrews say about the people listed in verses 4 - 12? For each of these persons, tell of their circumstance at death and what their hope was on at that point (see also verses 14 - 16). What does this say about their faith?
Pray that you will live by faith as you discover God’s plan in your life and will trust God for His promises.
Day 2 / THEN
Read Hebrews 11:7-25
3) Looking back in Hebrews 3:7-19, what did the author of Hebrews say happened to the people who did not trust God? How does this contrast with the faithful in chapter 11 help the authors argument?
4) What does the author of Hebrews say about faith in Hebrews 11:6? Now, pick one of the people listed in Hebrews 11 and describe how that person demonstrated their faith.
Pray that you will have confidence He will reward your trust and obedience in Him in this life or the next.
Day 3 / ALWAYS
· From the passage, extract the principle or principles that are true for all time.
· The truth may be directed to Christians or people in general.
· These statements generally contain words like “People,” “God’s People” or “Christians” and not contain words like “I” or “us.”
Read Hebrews 11
5) Read Hebrews 4:11, 11:8 and 11:31. What act do these verses, as well as the rest of Hebrews 11, always equate faith with? What do James 2:14 and 18 - 24 say about true faith and actions?
6) Would you tell someone that actions, obedience, and submitting to the will of God are always an evidence of faith? (If so, what verses could you provide to back up the statements you would make? If not, what verses could you proved to the contrary?)
Pray for a heart to always obey God completely in all areas of your life
Day 4 / ALWAYS
Read Hebrews 11:8-13, 32-40
7) What do the verses above say about what was the earthly result of the faith of those people listed? Look also at 1 Peter 1:10-12. What does that passage say about the prophets of old? What timeless truth can you say can be learned from these holy ones of old?
8) Read Nehemiah 4:14. What reason does Nehemiah give the people to continue? Look at Heb 11:40. What reason was given that the champions of faith listed earlier persevered? How does all this relate to Heb 12:1?
Pray that you will always not depend on immediate rewards or results in your resolve to trust and to obey God.
Day 5 / NOW
· Based on the “always” statements you discovered, determine practical and personal plans, which you can work on in your own life.
· These plans generally should be ones that go into effect “right now” and contain words like “I,” “me,” “my,” or names of people you interact with frequently.
· Good “now’ statements drive Christians to prayer.
Read Hebrews 11
9) Look at Daniel 3:17-18. What did the three men say to Nebuchadnezzar? Who were they trusting for their security? In what ways might you be called to show the faith of these men in the coming weeks?
10) What major choices are you facing that will force you to trust God? What will you be counting on to happen for God to prove His trustworthiness? Why?
Pray that you will not be swayed, by looming dangers to take your eyes of faith away from God
Day 6 / NOW
Read Hebrews 11:32-40
11) How could you use this passage to help explain to someone at your work the outcome of real faith?
12) What promises of God do you have a hard time trusting? How has this chapter helped you overcome those issues of unbelief?
Pray that you will trust God for His ultimate reward for your trust and obedience to Him.