12 March 2018
-Richard Eason (RE)
-Nigel Edwards (NE) - chair
-Dinah Penney (DP)
-Dr Saini (DrS)
-Colin Stacey (CS)
-Belle Thomas (BT)
Item / Actions1 / Introductions NE welcomed all to the meeting
Apologies:Barbara Benedek, Heather Flint, Linda Gill, Linda Green, Patricia Morgan, Hilary Shenken, Nick Wood
2 / Minutes of meeting of 19.01.18 approved with one change –Hilary Shenken rather than HF volunteered to write newsletter. NE to make change and DP to put minutes on website. / NE/DP
3 / Actions and updates from minutes
a)WiFiinstalled and running. Excellent news.
b)Primary Care Patient Coordinators (PCPCs) DrSfeels they would bring no advantage to the practice. In fact, less focused text messages from people not based in the practice would be likely to devalue practice messages.
c)Cole Park Surgery merger seems to be running more smoothly than feared. Dr Kooner and one other GP have moved over as have most of the Cole Park surgery staff.Three sessions can now be run each day. CS reported that some Cole Park patients are finding it difficult to access the practice website (?old passwords?). DP to contact IT. DrS was disappointed with CCG support – promised but didn’t materialise.
d)Bicycle racks. The £1,000 donation from RFU (through Chris Donnelly) is somewhere in the ether. DP feels the ball is in Chris Donnelly’s court.
e)Perspex screen is fairly discrete. DP and BT reported that it seems to be working well.
f)Waiting times. The 17-day average wait reported at the last meeting is a national average. DrS said that the practice average waiting time was usually not longer than 7 days. DP said the trial Saturday morning surgery (9-1) had worked well but would be stopping at end of March.
g)Receptionists happy to identify themselves on the phone and to wear name badges. To be implemented shortly.
h)Photo board – Practice staff not happy to proceed with this on personal privacy grounds.
i)Parking for patients No one happy with current regulations. RE to write an email (with DrS’s approval) asking for a post-implementation review. With local council elections coming up this might be an opportune time to tackle this.
j)Healthwatch Hounslow volunteers RE explained the idea was to get patients’ feedback for commissioners and providers to help improve service. DrS happy to engage but there had to be an identifiable purpose with proper mechanisms – he would need evidence that the sampling strategy was sound. And he wondered whether this was duplicating work that patient surveys were already covering. RE to contact the chair of the Hounslow Healthwatch committee.
k)Practice Newsletter DP said this had been done in the past (about three times a year). It could be done via bullet points on the practice screen with news items on the website. There would need to be a few paper copies for patients not using computers. Agreed that Hilary could contact DP and think of ways to take this forward. It should not be sent out unsolicited (CS suggested an opt-in process).
l)Extending membership of PPG Could this be put back on the practice screen? Yes (DP). Could young mothers be ‘targeted’, say by giving out flyers at school gates? Possibly. RE volunteered to draw up a one-page document outlining possible ways to extend membership (including social media). / NE to feed back to LPPG
DP to contact IT
4. / Updates/issues from the practice:
DrSraised the question of GDPR (new data protection rules which come into effect in May). The general feeling was that the practice was quite safe but DrS said he would check this before the May deadline. / DrS
6. / Issues from patients:
CS raised the question of AF machines in the practice. CS explained that he and others (in an AF Heart Group) had been carrying out checks with AF machines (simple and quick) in other practices and public areas in the borough (e.g. libraries) in conjunction with a cardiologist from WMUH. DrS explained that St Margaret’s had an ECG machine (not the case in many other practices) but that he would be happy for CS’s team to do these checks in the practice. / CS/DrS
7 / AOB:
RE circulated a cover paper for the Joint Health and Oversight Committee on the NW London STP. See attached.
RE also reported that he would be attending a Health & Wellbeing Board meeting to discuss a Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan meeting.
8 / Date and time of next meetingNE to liaise with DP to sort out dates and times of meetings for rest of the year. / NE/DP