4th July 2017

Dear Parents

Sports Day: It is now hoped to hold Sports Day on Monday 10th July, Key Stage 2 at 9.30am and Key Stage 1 at 1.30pm.

Meningitis Now: This week Year 6 will be selling a range of merchandise from ‘Meningitis Now’ after school. These include wristbands, balloons and t-shirts. They will also be holding a class fair next Friday 7th July at break time where there will be different stalls and activities.

Poetry Final: This will take place on Thursday 6th July at 11.00am.

Own Clothes Day: In the summer holidays Miss Murgatroyd will be visiting our link school – Neema School in Kenya. She is intending to take some resources to the school, including much needed stationery and classroom materials. In support of this we will be having an own clothes day on Friday 7th July for a forfeit of £1.

School Mass: This will be heldon Thursday 20th July at 9am at St Peter’s Church. Children should arrive at church at 8.45am to be registered. Parents and grandparents are very welcome to join us. Volunteers are needed to help walk the children back to school. Please let your child’s teacher know if you can help.

Leavers Lunch: Year 6 have chosen the menu for a Leavers Party lunch to be served on Thursday 20th July and would like to invite everyone to join them!The menu will be:

BBQ Chicken Wrap with Potato Balls

Hot Dog with Potato Balls


Banoffee Pie or Chocolate Crispy Cake

The meal is covered by the Infant Free School Meal Scheme for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 and is priced £2.20 for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. A cold menu option will not be offered the 20th July. Please complete the reply slip to book a place and return with payment by Friday 14th July.

Birthday Lunch: The cook would like to invite children whose birthday falls in July to a Birthday Lunch on Wednesday 19th July. The meal is the hot or cold meal of the day with the addition of a cake, hat and balloons, and is priced £2.20 for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 and is covered by the Infant Free School Meal Scheme with a charge of 50p to cover the birthday extras. Children may bring a packed lunch and join the table for 50p including the cake, hat and balloons. Please complete the reply slip to reserve a place.

Library Books: Please have a good search at home and return all library books to school ready for stocktaking. Thank you for your co-operation.

Katy, our Learning Mentor, has also recently lent books to parents. We would be grateful if all borrowed books could be returned.

Year 5 and 6 production: Years 5 and 6 will be performing Roald Dahl’s Jack and the Beanstalk at 6.30pm on Wednesday 12th July and at 1.30pm on Thursday 13th July. Children in these classes have received a separate letter to order tickets. Younger siblings will see the production during school time.

Summer Concerts: Tuesday 18th July: Due to the number of children taking part we will once again hold two concerts. The concert including children from Reception to Year 3 will be at 9.30am whilst the Years 4 - 6 concert will take place at 2.00pm. Parents and Grandparents are very welcome to join us.

Mime Artist: We are pleased to welcome Steve Hensen into school on Wednesday 19th July. Steve uses his skills in mime to interpret the Gospels. He will be leading an Assembly at 9am and parents are invited to attend; he will then be working with the children in workshops throughout the day.

Leavers Assembly: There will be an end-of-year leavers assembly on Friday 21st July at 1.15pm in the school hall. Parents and grandparents are welcome to join us.

Dinner Money, Breakfast Club, After School Club and Language Tuition Fees: As the end of term approaches please could all outstanding monies be paid up-to-date. If you are unsure of the amount owed please check at the office.

Castlerigg 2017: A reminder to the families of children in Year 5 that payment for the trip to Castlerigg in September is due to be completed next week. There will be a meeting for the parents of children going to Castlerigg on Monday 10th July at 6pm.

St Josephs Church Parish Procession: will take place at 3pm on Sunday 16th July. The theme for the procession this year will be Christ’s Work on Earth and a celebration of the Gifts that have been given to us from the Holy Spirit.

Tennis Camps: Lytham Tennis Club is organising summer camps. There will be a 5 day camp for Juniors aged 9 -16 and another for children aged 4+. Please collect a booking form from the office if your child would like to take part.

P.T.F.A Barbecue: Please support this event which will be held this Friday, 7th July, 6pm – 8.30pm, with a reserve date of 14th July in the event of wet weather. Everyone is welcome to bring along picnics, drinks and rugs and join in the fun. There will also be food and drink, including the BBQ to buy on the night.

St Peters Family Mass: 10.30am, Sunday 9th July. All welcome.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs A Heyes


Birthday Lunch – Wednesday 19th July

My child………………………….will celebrate their birthday in July and would like to join the Birthday table. I enclose £2.20 / 50p to cover the cost.


Leavers Lunch – Thursday 20th July

My child …………………………..would like to join the Leavers Lunch. I enclose £2.20 for children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 ( Cheques payable to St Peters School Fund )
