M. Phil. : Botany


The M.Phii.curriculum in Botany is of one year duration with a total of 300 marks. There will fee tilfsfy papers of 100 marks each and the third paper Is a dissertation of 100 marks. The duration of examination of theory paper is of 4 hours each. The student of MPhiL shall submit dissertation within six months for completion of theory examination. In order to pass the MPHIL examination the student shall be required to secure 50% marks In each of the theory papers as well as in the dissertation.

Theory:Paper-I 100


Dissertation Paper-Ill100

PAPER - I: Research Methodology

Ecological Methods

Bomb Calorimetry: Determination of energy content of Plant materials.

Determination of heavy metals In soil and water samples.

Determination of elements in soil and plant tissue.

General methods for analysis of physical and chemical properties of soil.

Methods for study of litter fall and decomposition.

Chlorophylls and leaf area determination of plant communities.

Community analysis: Impotence^alue index, diversity index and dominance index.

Dose response and determination of threshold vaiu»»: £C5u,,uoii-luaIc, anilujxictiuiu, hwiiiunu.

Miorobial methods

Preparation of solid and liquid media for algae, fungi and bacteria, mass culture techniques and application.Biochemical methods

Principlesinstrumentation and application of centrifuge.Purification and Identification of blomolecules by chromatography.

Spectroscopic analysis of biomolecules: plant pigments and carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids and enzymes. Principles of electrophoresis and Isoeiectrpfocusslng, DISC and SDS-PAGE, Native PAGE, Agarose electrophoresis, 2-D electrophoresis.Single cell gel electrophoresis.

Blotting techniques: southern, northern and western blotting. PCR technique, Gel documentation.

Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), genomic in situ hybridization (GISH).Dataanalysisand presentation

Analysis of variance (ANOVA), LSD test, Chi-square test, simple correlation and linear regression analysis. Software for statistical analysis, data organisation and presentation (Microsoft excel and SPSS).

Research paper reading, writing and presentation

Structuring and writing a research paper (review of literature, title, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion), citing references.

Council of Science Editors (CSE) style, choice of journals and publishers in plant sciences.

Journals' Impact factor (Annual Review of Plant Biology, Current Science, Plant Science, Plant physiology, Plant Celij,

Searching literature, research and publication ethics, peer review, plagiarism.

PAPER – II: Environmental Botany

Eco-toxicologyand EnvironmentalPollution

Concept of environmental toxicology and eco-toxicology,

Environmental hazards: pesticides, metals, UVand Ionizing radiations, nano-materials,

Toxicity evaluation in plants and ecosystems,

Ecological Impact and consequences of global climate change.

Environmental Management

Types of wastes as sources of pollution (sewage, effluent.solid waste), Waste management Phytoremeldlation of environmental pollution.

Plant responses to Environmental Stress

Sources of environmental stress - biotic and abiotic stress - oxidative stress.
Reactive oxygen species, plant adaptation to draught, salinity, temperature, pathogen.

Molecular markers of plant responses to stress, biotic and abiotic stress, antioxidants and antioxidant enzymes, stress
proteins, heat shock proteins, pathogen related proteins.4 . m

Rote of hormones and elicitors in plant responses to stress: plant hormones (salicylic acid, jasmonlc add, abscisicacid). Signal transduction – proteinkinases-

Biodiversity and Plant Resources and Conservation

Biodiversity and plant resources, aigal biodiversity, conservation and utilization, non-Conventional energy from plant biomass, hio-dlesel from plants, plant genetic resources ani diversity of plants with reference to India and Orissa. Modern trends in ethnobotany and traditional medicinal knowledge, non-timber forest products.

Bio-technoJogcaispplieaflon for plant cortservafionarid sifctslnabfe •irtiiiaetlon.Introduction ©Iffiaasgenicplants, risk and benefits associated with transgenic crops.

PAPER- III: Dissertation

The student has to choose a topic of dissertation as well as a guide from among the faculty members through interaction followed by a presentation in the departmental seminar. Oncompletion of the research work the student has to present the work in the seminar and incorporate all the suggestions and compile the dissertation for submission as per the M. Phil. regulation.