US Department of Homeland Security
Campus Community Emergency Response Team (C-CERT)
Oklahoma CityRegionalEmergencyOperationsCenter
Oklahoma City, OK April 1-3, 2008
Course Overview: Building on the standard CERT curriculum adopted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, this three-day Campus CERT (C-CERT) Train-the-Trainer Program includes information and guidelines for teaching and implementing CERT in the unique context of the campus community. Each participant will be issued a CERT Instructor Guide and Campus Annex, a C-CERT backpack with Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and other training aids.
Prerequisites: Applicants should complete basic CERT training, or be current CERT instructors, or at least complete the online FEMA-EMI independent study course IS-317 Introduction to CERT, before attending this class. Prior completion of the online FEMA-EMI courses IS-100 Introduction to Incident Command System (ICS), and IS-700 National Incident Management System (NIMS): An Introduction, is also required.
Participant Audience: Campus police, public safety, fire service, EMS, emergency management, security, environmental health and safety, facility or campus housing management, community relations, faculty or other personnel employed by any public or private college or university who may be called upon to train or lead campus CERT teams, assist with program management, or teach CERT as a college course. CERT trainers also are welcome from any local public safety agency, Red Cross chapter or other organizations that provide services to colleges and universities. This regional training is open on a first-come, first-served basis to qualified registrants from any agencies or academic institutions in Oklahoma, and nationwide.
Date and Location: Oklahoma CityRegionalEmergencyOperationsCenter 4600 Martin Luther King BLVDOKC, OK73111; April 1-3, 2008. Registration begins at 7:30 am. Classes start at 8 am and lasts until 5 pm each day.
POC for Course Information: By fax to (405) 425-7295, , Kathryn McCoy or phone at (405) 425-2133.
Registration: To register for this course go to click on the Training and Education link, then on Training Calendar. Find this course, click on it, and then click REGISTER FOR COURSE on the top of the page. Registrations for the program MUST be made no later than Monday March 24, 2008.
Hotel Accommodations:
For students who must travel more than 60 miles from their place of work to the training location within the state, click YES on the website where it asks if you will need hotel accommodations. You will receive an email a week before the course with your hotel information or contact Kathryn McCoy (405) 425-2133 for information concerning hotel accommodations.
Sponsored By: Oklahoma Office of Homeland Security, The System Safety, Health & ResourceCenter of the OklahomaState Regents for Higher Education and the Oklahoma City Office of Emergency Management.
Delivered by: The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and MichiganStateUniversitySchool of Criminal Justice
Gary Davis
Training & Exercise Coordinator
OklahomaState Office of Homeland Security
(405) 425.7296 or (405) 425.7295 fax