
Living for the Elderly

A Design Manual

AUTHORS: / Eckhard Feddersen and Insa Lüdtke
ISBN-13: / 978-3-7643-8871-3
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 240 p., 800 illus., 200 in color, Hardcover
PRICE: / approx. $119.00
AVAILABLE (US): / June 2009
Quality living in old age is one of the important topics of our time. Architects and builders can contribute innovative types of housing, intelligent concepts for barrier-free buildings, and advanced systems of care for people who are fragile or suffering from dementia. Intelligent design solutions can push back the limits on housing and care, on residential architecture and care facilities, on individual, collective, and assisted forms of housing, and even on the various phases of life in favor of a comprehensive trend toward integrated forms of housing.
This volume in the series Design Manuals optimizes the concept, content, and presentation of the series to improve its use by the customer. A third of the volume provides detailed expert information from around fifteen contributors, including general questions of energy management and sustainability, open space, and product design. A section of examples provides a building typology, presenting approximately forty international buildings in analyses of up to eight pages that offer exemplary solutions for multigenerational buildings, assisted living, housing for people with dementia and other special target groups, old persons’ homes, nursing homes, and integrated projects.
  • Substantial contributions by experts and a typology of exemplary international projects
  • Comprehensive presentation of the subject as it concerns architecture, building, open spaces, and urban planning
  • Presents forward-looking, integrated concepts and designs

MARKET: / Practicing architects with an awareness of the demographic challenge, and all other consultants and members of the teams for senior living projects: interior designers, urban planners, landscape architects, and others
SUBJECT: / Building Types and Functions
Herwig, Universal Design (978-3-7643-8718-1, 2008, $69.95)
Press, A Life Cycle for Clusters? (978-3-7908-1710-2, 2006, $99)
Schwarz, Aging, Autonomy, and Architecture (Johns Hopkins Univ, 0801860334, 1999, $37.00)
Carstens, Site Planning and Design for the Elderly (Wiley, 0471285374, 1993, $85.00)


Tadao Ando

AUTHOR: / Yann Nussaume, Paris, France
ISBN-13: / 978-3-0346-0005-7
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 190 p., 160 illus. in color, Hardcover
PRICE: / approx. $59.85
AVAILABLE (US): / June 2009
The minimalist concrete architecture of Tadao Ando has roots both in Japanese traditions and in Western architecture. This book begins with both contexts: it explores how Ando unites Japanese tradition with a contemporary Western architectural idiom.
By analyzing systematically and chronologically the roots and sources that have influenced the thinking of the Pritzker Prize–winning architect, the author communicates the principles and constants to which Ando’s buildings can be traced back, and at the same time he places them in the appropriate context within the architect’s characteristic ideas and intentions.
Yann Nussaume teaches at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’architecture in Paris and is the author of numerous publications on Japanese and Chinese architecture.
  • Conveys knowledgeably Ando’s distinctive way of thinking and intentions
  • Written for architects as well as for a broad audience

MARKET: / Architects, students of architecture, cultural interest readers, art historians
SUBJECT: / Architects
Frampton, Tadao Ando (978-3-7643-0518-5, 2003, $78.98)
Blaser, Tadao Ando - Architektur der Stille / Architecture of Silence (978-3-7643-6448-9, 2001, $19.95)
Dal Co, Tadao Ando: Complete Works (Phaidon Press, 0714837172, 1997, $42.33)
Jodidio, Tadao Ando (Taschen, 3822821640, 2004, $347.41)


Lighting Design

Office for Visual Interaction

EDITORS: / Enrique Peiniger, Office for Visual Interaction, New York, NY, USA and Jean M. Sundin, Office for Visual Interaction, New York, NY, USA
ISBN-13: / 978-3-7643-9957-3
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 145 p., 350 illus., 225 in color, Softcover
PRICE: / approx. $67.37
AVAILABLE (US): / June 2009
More than any building material, light influences our well being, effects architectural qualities and stages architectural designs and surfaces. The New York-based Office for Visual Interaction (OVI) goes beyond simply illuminating buildings – the firm sees lighting as a way to actively shape space, complement architecture, integrate technology, and save energy.
The inventive lighting solutions are distinguished by a highly developed sensitivity to place and by a built-in engineering smartness rather than by a fixed style. The first monograph on this award-winning lighting design studio, explores OVi’s work through descriptive texts, lush photographs, detailed drawings, and working sketches, providing unique insight into the process of lighting design from concept to realization.
Featured projects include illumination for contemporary landmarks such as Renzo Piano’s New York Times skyscraper, Zaha Hadid’s RosenthalCenter for Contemporary Art, a prototype LED streetlight for New York City, and the lighting design for Enric Miralles’ Scottish Parliament complex.
  • Packed with informative project documentations with images, illustrations and technical drawings
  • A process oriented handbook for architects, designers and students

MARKET: / Architekten, Innenarchitekten, Studenten, Lichtplaner, Designer
SUBJECTS: / Architects; Interior Architecture and Design
Ulrike Brandi Licht, Lighting Design (978-3-7643-7493-8, 2006, $46.95)
Brandi, Light for Cities (978-3-7643-7629-1, 2007, $69.95)
Karlen, Lighting Design Basics (Wiley, 0471381624, 2004, $55.00)
Russell, The Architecture of Light (Conceptnine, 0980061709, 2008, $65.00)


Basics Facade Layers (e)

AUTHORS: / Michael Pelken, Syracuse University, New York, NY, USA and Markus Hermann, Wuppertal, Germany
ISBN-13: / 978-3-7643-8929-1
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 80 p., 30 illus., Softcover
PRICE: / approx. $16.50
AVAILABLE (US): / June 2009
Basics Facade Layers expands upon the volume Basics Facade Apertures by considering the requirements for external building envelopes and the constructional approaches to meeting them. It provides an illustrated, practical introduction to the broad and varied array of such requirements, from the protection of the interior to building physics and design aesthetics all the way to energy production.
  • A step-by-step introduction to the constructional principles of facades
  • Complex requirements simply and straightforwardly explained

MARKET: / Students, lecturers, tutors, professors, young professionals
SUBJECT: / Architectural History and Theory
Knaack, Façades (978-3-7643-7962-9, 2007, $39.95)
Krippner, Basics Facade Apertures (978-3-7643-8466-1, 2007, $16.50)
Broto, Facades Selection and Details (Links International, 8496424324, 2008, $55.00)
Ed. Arch. & Int. Design, American Signs & Facades (Shotenkenchiku-Sha Company, 4785802545, 1999, $106.08)



Selected Student Work

EDITOR: / Wolf D. Prix, Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Austria
ISBN-13: / 978-3-211-89798-0
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 130 p., 120 illus., 70 in color, Softcover
PRICE: / $29.95
AVAILABLE (US): / March 2009
This publication celebrates the third anniversary of School of Architecture at the Vienna University of Applied Arts. 99+ is a collection of selected projects by students in the classes of Zaha Hadid, Greg Lynn and Wolf D. Prix between 2004-08. Along with their design studios, the three star architects Zaha Hadid, Greg Lynn and Wolf D. Prix give students the opportunity of exploring the manifold cross-border possibilities the parameters of architecture offer.
The open studio structure makes it possible for students to work on the same subject from their first semester to their degree work, while simultaneously creating dynamics that aren’t possible in regular curriculum structures.
The Cross-Over Studio is also available to students as well as the three design studios. Peter Sellars, Kivi Sotamaa and Hernan Diaz Alonso have successfully developed new architecture typologies with the students here.
The monograph is a collection of exciting projects that are characterized by their innovative design and their professional, appealing presentation. The images serve as inspiration and give us hope for a new, dynamic generation of architects from the heart of Europe.
  • Work by the students of the star architects Zaha Hadid, Greg Lynn and Wolf D. Prix
  • Exciting projects at the highest level
  • Perfect presentation with fascinating architecture graphics and illustrations

MARKET: / Students, architects
SUBJECTS: / Architecture, general; Building Types and Functions; Design, general
Prix, Prinz Eisenbeton 6: Rock over Barock (978-3-211-31028-1, 2005, $24)
Schaik, Non-Fictional Narratives (978-3-7643-7957-5, 2008, $89.95)
Toman, Vienna: Art and Architecture (H.F. Ullmann, 0841602905, 2008, $24.95)
Schonwetter, Vienna: Architecture And Design (Te Neues, 3832790268, 2005, $16.95)


Basics Urban Analysis

AUTHOR: / Gerrit Schwalbach
ISBN-13: / 978-3-7643-8938-3
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 80 p., 30 illus., Softcover
PRICE: / approx. $16.50
AVAILABLE (US): / June 2009
Basics Urban Analysis is a new addition to the module on city planning. Building on the elements of cities as described in the volume Basics Urban Building Blocks, it provides techniques for analyzing cities. As a basis for city planning and architectural design work, a solid understanding of the existing and surrounding urban structures is indispensable. This volume not only explains the possible approaches; it also describes in practical terms how to implement those approaches in the areas analyzed and how to evaluate the data one has collected.
  • Important foundation for all city planning efforts
  • Clear and accessible methodology for analyzing cities
  • Concise and practical knowledge for working in cities

MARKET: / Students, lecturers, tutors, professors, young professionals
SUBJECT: / Architectural History and Theory
Bürklin, Basics Urban Building Blocks (978-3-7643-8460-9, 2007, $16.50)
Exner, Basics Spatial Design (978-3-7643-8848-5, 2009, $16.50)
Farr, Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design With Nature (Wiley, 047177751X, 2007, $75.00)
Steiner, Planning and Urban Design Standards (Wiley, 0471760900, 2006, $90.00)


Basics Barrier-free Planning

AUTHORS: / Isabella Skiba, Dortmund, Germany and Rahel Züger, Dortmund, Germany
ISBN-13: / 978-3-7643-8959-8
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 80 p., 80 illus., Softcover
PRICE: / approx. $16.50
AVAILABLE (US): / June 2009
Buildings are not conceived solely with average people in mind; they offer a protective shell for everyone. Basics Barrier-free Planning improves our understanding of the needs of people with disabilities such as limited mobility or impaired vision, children, and the elderly, all of whom have special requirements when using a building. The book presents possibilities for designing buildings and their spaces so they can be used by everyone.
  • Explains what "barrier-free" means in practice
  • Perceiving a building and the requirements for its use
  • Integration into the design (spaces to move, orientation, etc.)
  • Designing the details (doors, thresholds, signage, etc.)

MARKET: / Students, lecturers, tutors, professors, young professionals
SUBJECT: / Architectural History and Theory
Krippner, Basics Facade Apertures (978-3-7643-8466-1, 2007, $16.50)
Exner, Basics Spatial Design (978-3-7643-8848-5, 2009, $16.50)
Holmes-Seidle, Barrier-Free Design (Architectural Press, 0750616369,1996, $85.95)
Barrier Free Environments Incorporated, The Accessible Housing Design File (Wiley, 047128436X, 1991, $95.00)


The Programme

Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture

EDITOR: / Linz 2009 European Capital of Culture
ISBN-13: / 978-3-211-89276-3
PAGES/ILLUS: / 287 p., Hardcover
PRICE: / approx. $29.95
AVAILABLE (US): / Available
2009 is an important year for Linz. The capital of the Federal Land of Upper Austria will be the European Capital of Culture along with Vilnius, the capital Lithuania. Many events will showcase Europe’s rich variety, and the spectrum of themes will be as broad as possible.
Architecture, the fine arts, education and science, the performing arts, design, Europe, film and the movie industry, gender studies, history, society and politics, industry and infrastructure, youth issues, children, communication, culinary art, literature, media, music, the public space, nature, and ecology, regions, religions, social studies, migration, sports, city areas, tourism, Vilnius, folk culture and economic affairs are the key words. The connection between industry, culture and nature is of particular interest. The book contains the full program and also shows why the capital of culture year is a milestone for the time afterwards as well.
  • A must-read book for all those interested in capitals of culture and/or Linz
  • Culture as a motor for urban development and the exemplary implementation of this idea

MARKET: / All interested in culture, art, contemporary art, theater, music, media art, architecture, literature, politics, current events, migration, Europe and urban development
Fitz, LinzTexas (978-3-211-78894-3, 2008, $44.95)
Treberspurg, solarCity Linz-Pichling (978-3-211-30562-1, 2008, $69.95)
Sandford, Encyclopedia of Contemporary German Culture (Routledge, 0415263522, 2001, $60)
White, Media, Culture and Society in Putin's Russia (Palgrave, 0230524850, 2008, $80)


Dictionary of Pharmaceutical Medicine

Second Edition

AUTHORS: / Gerhard Nahler, Clinical Investigation Support Pharmaforschung, Vienna, Austria
ISBN-13: / 978-3-211-89835-2
(Replaces ISBN: 978-3-211-82557-0)
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 350 p., Softcover
PRICE: / approx. $59.95
AVAILABLE (US): / April 2009
The dictionary contains various terms typically used in pharmaceutical medicine.The 2nd edition reflects the increasing importance of this science and the changing regulatory environment in particular on research and development of new therapies as well as on the conduct of clinical trials, marketing authorisation of new medicinal products and safety aspects including pharmacovigilance. The number of key words has been considerably enlarged and increased to over 1,600 terms; it includes new scientific areas such as gene therapy and proteomics. Furthermore, given the importance of the internet, the new edition contains a list of most important web sites. Similar to the 1st edition, also the book explains about 1,000 abbreviations most commonly used in pharmaceutical medicine.This book will be a valuable tool for professionals in the area of the pharmaceutical industry, medical and pre-clinical research, regulatory affairs, marketing and marketing authorisation of pharmaceuticals.
  • Enlarged edition with more than 1,600 keywords
  • Short and basic explanantion on terms on pharmaceutical medicine
  • New scientific areas added, e.g. gene therapy and proteomics
  • Comprehensive appendix with addresses, homepages

MARKET: / Medical doctors, clinical investigators; professionals in the area of the pharmaceutical industry
SUBJECTS: / Medicine/Public Health, general; Pharmacy
Gassmann, Leading Pharmaceutical Innovation (978-3-540-77635-2, 2008, $74.95)
Anderson, Managing Pharmaceuticals in International Health (978-3-7643-6601-8, 2004, $59.95)
Alghabban, Pharmaceutical Medicine Dictionary (Churchill, 044306475X, $52.95, 2001)
Griffin, The Textbook of Pharmaceutical Medicine (BMJ Books, 0727918400, 2006,$221.95)

Business / Economics

Logic and Integer Programming

AUTHOR: / H. Paul Williams, The LondonSchool of Economics, UK
ISBN-13: / 978-0-387-92279-9
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 215 p., 41 illus., Hardcover
PRICE: / $89.95
AVAILABLE (US): / April 2009
Paul Williams, a leading authority on modeling in integer programming, has written a concise, readable introduction to the science and art of using modeling in logic for integer programming. Written for graduate and postgraduate students, as well as academics and practitioners, the book is divided into four chapters that all avoid the typical format of definitions, theorems and proofs and instead introduce concepts and results within the text through examples. References are given at the end of each chapter to the more mathematical papers and texts on the subject, and exercises are included to reinforce and expand on the material in the chapter. Methods of solving with both logic and IP are given and their connections are described. Applications in diverse fields are discussed, and Williams shows how IP models can be expressed as satisfiability problems and solved as such.
  • Author is a leading authority on modeling in integer programming
  • Presents a breakthrough in using logic for more precise modeling in integer programming
  • A concise, clear introduction to the concepts, with exercises to reinforce and references for more detailed reading

MARKET: / Graduate-level OR, Math, IE, or Computer Science students in optimization, integer programming, or modeling classes; researchers and practitioners interested in novel approaches to solving satisfiability problems
SUBJECTS: / Operations Research/Decision Theory; Operations Research, Mathematical Programming; Optimization
LOCATION IN BOOKSTORE: / Business / Economics
Hooker, Integrated Methods for Optimization (978-0-387-38272-2, 2006, $99)
Appa, Handbook on Modelling for Discrete Optimization (978-0-387-32941-3, 2006, $149)
Milano, Constraint and Integer Programming (978-1-4020-7583-4, 2004, $135)
Eiselt, Integer Programming and Network Models (978-3-540-67191-6, 2000, $139)
Wolsey, Integer Programming (Wiley-Interscience, 978-0471283669, 1998, $122.95)
Hooker: Logic-Based Methods for Optimization (Wiley, 978-0471385219, 2000, $150.00)
Chvatal, Linear Programming (WH Freeman, 978-0716715870, 1983, $80.50)


Environmentally Benign Catalysts

EDITORS: / Masakazu Anpo, Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka, Japan and Prashant Kamat, University of Notre Dame, IN, USA
ISBN-13: / 978-0-387-48441-9
PAGES/ILLUS: / approx. 330 p., Hardcover
PRICE: / approx. $119.00
AVAILABLE (US): / June 2009
Titanium oxide-basedcatalysts are especially promising as one of the most stable, non toxic, easily available photofunctional materials known today. Previously, the successful development of second-generation titanium oxide photocatalysts using an advanced metal ion-implantation technique led to reactions that could be induced not only with UV but also visible light. Since then, not only has efficiency been improved but new materials and synthesis methods have also been developed. This book will cover the various approaches in the design of efficient titanium oxide-based photocatalysts by such methods as sol-gel, precipitation, dip-coating, metal implantation and sputtering deposition. It will cover the most recent advances in TiO2 research and their potential applications as well as detailed and fundamental characterization studies on the active sites and mechanisms behind the reactions at the molecular level. The book should serve not only as a text for research into photochemistry and photocatalysis but also to inspire more applications into environmentally-harmonious technologies.
  • Work should be of interest and significance not only in the academic community but also for the commercial and industrial sector
  • Very few competitors, and those already existing include old editions
  • Work will include innovative techniques and will also discuss future prospects
  • Anpo is one of the world's leading photochemists

MARKET: / Grad and Undergraduate students as well as technical experts in industry;People in the catalysis and photocatalysis industries, building materials industry, glass companies, air and water treatment industries; Medical and food industry workers
SUBJECTS: / Catalysis; Environmental Physics; Effects of Radiation/Radiation Protection
Fessner, Biocatalysis (978-3-540-66970-8, 2000, $69.95)
Schmidtchen, Bioorganic Chemistry (978-3-540-66978-4, 2000, $59.95)
Kozhevnikov, Catalysts for Fine Chemical Synthesis (Wiley, 0471623814, 2002, $270.00)
Regalbuto, Catalyst Preparation (CRC, 0849370884, 2006, $179.95)
