Fremont County School District RE-3
Cotopaxi, Colorado
Regular School Board Meeting
Cotopaxi School Common Room
0345 County Road 12
Cotopaxi, Colorado 81223
May 8, 2017
The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education, Fremont RE-3, was called to order by President Nicholas-Griesel at 5:00 pm. The following members were present: Donna Nicholas-Griesel, Mickey Kulick, Tony Reid, and Stephanie Tunstall. The following administration members were present: Randy Bohlander and Jackie Crabtree. The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by President Nicholas-Griesel. Guests at the meeting were: Amber Canterbury, Cathy Emig, Jennifer Lang, Jenny Majeski, Debbie Coats, and Kris Schoech.
Approval of Minutes: Mickey Kulick made a motion to approve the April 10, 2017 Regular Board Meeting minutes. Tony Reid seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Payment of Bills: Tony Reid made a motion to approve the payment of Bills for May. Stephanie Tunstall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Approval of Additional Items to the Agenda: None.
Approval of Agenda: Mickey Kulick made a motion to approve the agenda for May 8, 2017. Stephanie Tunstall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Open Forum – Public Input: Mrs. Schoech discussed Junior High activities, 8th grade transition day, 5th grade transition day, and Battle of the Books. Mrs. Lang discussed the end of the step challenge awards at the end of the day on Monday. Ms. Coats presented the Math Seeds program and how it helps the students. Mrs. Majeski presented her poem book that student's made.
Approve the Following Classified Employees for the 2017-2018 School Year: Courtney Cole, Devin Gulliford, Sherri Reid, Carla Gillespie, Debbie Eggleston, Grozu Damianov, Ron Thornburg, Daniel Damianov, Larry Eggleston, Curt Lukassen, Michael Thornsley, Amy Ward, Dean Ward, Linda Caputi, Kathy Gulliford, Reta Martinez, Nicole Richards, Teri Kraemer, Shelly Troutman, Mary Christensen, Amber Canterbury, Cathy Emig, Mike Brown, and Calvin Troutman. Tony Reid made a motion to approve the above classified employees. Stephanie Tunstall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Approve the Following Certified Probationary Employees for the 2017-2018 School Year: Alexis Barry, Jenna Collyer, Brady Hinds, Lorraine King, Troy Thornton, and Kristine Reed. Mickey Kulick made a motion to approve the above certified probationary employees. Stephanie Tunstall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Approve the Following Certified Employees for the 2017-2018 School Year: Mike Brown, Ryan Christensen, Debbie Coats, Tiffany Coleman, Telisa Collins, Randi Dotter, Steve Fieth, Jennifer Giangiulio (Fritz), Jennifer Lang, Margaret Leatherbery, Jennifer Majeski, and Kris Schoech.
Mickey Kulick made a motion the above certified employees. seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Regular Board Meeting – May 8, 2017
Approve the Following Sports/Coaching Assignment for the 2017-2018 School Year: Athletic Director-Ryan Christensen, Head HS Football-Jeremy Cole, Assistants HS Football-Calvin Troutman and Randy Bohlander, JH Football- Calvin Troutman, JH Volleyball-Telisa Collins, Head HS Boys Basketball-Mike Brown, Assistant HS Boys Basketball-Terry Hiebert, Head HS Girls Basketball-Troy Thornton, Assistant HS Girls Basketball-Stacy Woltemath, JH Boys Basketball-Ryan Christensen, JH Girls Basketball-Brady Hinds, Head HS Baseball-Ryan Christensen, Assistant HS Baseball-Terry Hiebert, Head HS Track-Mike Brown, Assistant HS Track-Amber Canterbury, JH Baseball-Ryan Christensen, JH Track-Telisa Collins: Tony Reid made a motion to approve the above sports coaches as stated. Stephanie Tunstall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Approve the Following Sports Volunteers for the 2017-1-2018 School Year: Terry Hiebert, Calvin Troutman, Steve Fieth, Devin Gulliford, Wes Gulliford, Tricia Fieth, Kristina Cooper, Shane Cooper, Shane Armenta, Kelia Tezak, and Paula Bertolino. Mickey Kulick made a motion to approve the above sports volunteer coaches. Tony Reid seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Approve Letter of Resignation: Tony Reid made a motion to approve the resignation of Scott Will, Industrial Arts teacher. Mickey Kulick seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Approve Step Increase for all Salary Schedules for 2017-18 School Year: Tony Reid made a motion to approve the step increase for all salary schedules for the 2017-18 school year. Stephanie Tunstall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Approve Elementary Teacher Contract for Madison Everett for the 2017-18 School Year: Tony Reid made a motion to approve the elementary teacher contract for Madison Everett for the 2017-18 school year. Stephanie Tunstall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Approve the Revised District Mission Statement to Read: Cotopaxi Schools will provide a rigorous academic curriculum in a safe, supportive environment where students, staff, and community work together to create top quality academic, athletic, musical, artistic, and extracurricular programs that encourage enthusiastic participation and inspire high achievement. Mickey Kulick made a motion to approve the revised district mission statement. Donna Nicholas-Griesel seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Board Members Report: Mrs. Tunstall discussed attending the next BOCES meeting and lots of news about school boards in the country, Cotopaxi is fortunate to have a good Board. Mr. Kulick is proud of the staff and teachers at Cotopaxi. Mrs. Nicholas-Griesel referred a lady to the school about a possible job opportunity.
Superintendents Report: Mr. Bohlander discussed the budget, insurance, makeup snow day, salary schedules, Best Grant, superintendent's job description, graduation, baccalaureate, and personnel openings.
Principals Report: Mrs. Crabtree handed out the principal's report and discussed.
Accountability Committee Report: Next meeting is October, 2017.
Athletic Directors Report: Spring sports seasons finished up well, track will represent us well at State.
Regular Board Meeting – May 8, 2017
Discussion Items: Mrs. Nicholas-Griesel asked the Board what has been the toughest or hardest thing about being a Board member. Mrs. Tunstall stated for her it was coming in in the middle of a term. A Board book would be helpful for new members. Mrs. Nicholas-Griesel stated it was stepping into the Presidency and all that is involved with that as well as trying to get Board members to feel like there was more to do. The Board has came a long way since that time. Mr. Kulick discussed the difficulty getting along with previous Board members.
Executive Session: Tony Reid made a motion to go into executive session CRS (24-6-402-(4)(h)) Student Issues at 6:28 pm. Stephanie Tunstall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
Donna Nicholas-Griesel invited Randy Bohlander and Jackie Crabtree into the meeting. Stephanie Tunstall seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mickey Kulick – aye; Donna Nicholas-Griesel - aye; Tony Reid - aye; and Stephanie Tunstall - aye. Motion carried.
The Board came out of executive session at 6:41 pm.
Stephanie Tunstall adjourned the meeting at 6:42 p.m. Mickey Kulick seconded. The next meeting will be on Monday, June 12, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.
President Secretary
Donna Nicholas-Griesel Nathaniel Hein