School and/or
Department Policies
Pertaining to:
*Student Eligibility to Participate in out-of-class Activities
*Leadership Development Integrations into Program
*SOE Integration into Program and other Policies
Step 1 Sit down with your ag staff to determine a policy for each of these areas.
Step 2 Make sure these policies are in accordance with any existing school policy.
Step 3 These policies should be developed in the best interest of the students, program and school.
Step 4 An agriculture department with high standards will produce quality students.
Step 5 Submit these policies to the principal and school board for approval prior to putting them into effect.
Step 6 Make this information is available to the students and parents.
Idea’s Contact other programs and discuss what has worked and not worked for them.
Note Learning from the mistakes other programs may have made can certainly save you time.
Corcoran Unified School District Grading Policy for FFA
All students in the Corcoran Unified School District Agriculture Education Department are members of the FFA program. The Ag Ed instructor allows a maximum o f10% of the student’s grade for his or her FFA activities. These grades are considered four times per year. Activities may include chapter meetings, judging teams, market animals or projects to be shown at the county fair, assisting in the completion of the chapter program of activities, and participation in chapter fundraisers.
Corcoran Unified School District Eligibility for FFA Activities
It is a policy at Corcoran High School that all students participating in out-of-class activities including FFA, maintain at least 2.0 grade point average. The Agriculture Education Department supports this policy and applies it to all FFA activities outside of class time. There may be an exception to this policy if the FFA activity does not interfere with school time. The decision in this case shall be made by the Agriculture Education Department Chairman, with advisement from the Assistant Principal at Corcoran High School.
Mr. Mendonca
Agriculture Education Department
Corcoran Unified School District
Your grade in Agriculture Science I will be based on the following:
1. Notebook 5%
2. Tests and quizzes 25%
3. FFA Participation 10%
4. Supervised Agriculture Experience 20%
5. California Vo-Ag Recordbook 10%
6. Classrooms and Lab participation 30%
Letter grades will be determined by the following percentages based upon the total possible points per grading period:
“A” = 90% and above
“B” = 80 – 89%
“C” = 70 – 79%
“D” = 60 – 69%
“F” = 59% and below
Every student in Agriculture Science I is required to conduct and maintain an on-going Supervised Agricultural Experience Program or “project”. The project may encompass any field of agriculture; sales and service; production; processing; mechanics; business; nursery/landscaping; etc. The projects may be owned by the student or they may be work experience, paid or unpaid. The project is selected by the student and can be career related. All work on projects shall be done outside of the classroom and must be recorded in the student’s recordbook for credit.
Every student is required to participate in a minimum of three FFA activities per semester in order to fulfill the FFA requirement. The activities may include meetings, contests, leadership sessions, community service activities, or a host of others.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Student Eligibility
1. Students must maintain a 2.5 GPA to participate in out-of-class activities.
2. Students must be clearly by his/her teachers prior to being out of class.
Leadership Activities
1. FFA will be taught in all Ag Classes.
2. Parli-Pro and Public Speaking will be a part of the curriculum.
Supervised Occupational Experience Program
1. Students will have an SOE by the end of his/her Freshman year.
2. The curriculum will incorporate SOEP.
3. Students will keep accurate records on all SOEP’s.
FFA is accepted as an integral part of the agricultural program by the Righetti High School Board of Trustees. FFA is taught in conjunction with classroom information and supervised occupational experience programs.
Students enrolled in agriculture course work receive credit toward their grade for involvement in the FFA program. Many varied activities, meetings, leadership conferences and contests are available for student involvement. The FFA portion of the agriculture program helps to extend and reinforce the instructional program, give students practice in self-government, building morale and spirit for themselves, the school and community, honoring outstanding achievements and provide social and recreational activities for students to participate in.
To participate in off campus FFA activities students must maintain a minimum of a 2.0 grade point average. This is a board policy for all extra/cocurricular activities, and is endorsed by the agriculture department. Students need to realize participation in trips sponsored by the FA chapter is a honor, and will earn the “right” to represent the chapter and school. A 2.0 GPA is not unreasonable to expect students to maintain, and helps to ensure the integrity of the program.
1. All participation is under the consent of an Agriculture Instructor.
2. Be proud of the farm. It is a privilege to raise an animal at the farm. When finished using the tools, equipment, be certain to return them to their appropriate location. Keep the farm area neat and organized to ensure safety for all.
3. Attend all classes and be on time knowing tardy excuses will not be given to students due to feeding/cleaning of animals.
4. Must feed animal(s) when the student signs up on the feeding schedule. If unable to feed find another student to feed, students must make there own arrangements. Only sign up on the feeding schedule when you can feed.
5. Each student is responsible for cleaning there own area where animal/project is located.
6. Protect school property and personal property of others. If you have been identified as obtaining material, equipment or feed from others without permission, you will be subject to removal from the program.
7. Any member who wishes to have an animal at the school farm must:
a. Obtain the animal under the supervision of a Righetti Agriculture Instructor and/or have the approval of a Righetti Agriculture teacher prior to making the arrangements to purchase an animal and have the animal delivered to the Righetti High School Farm.
b. In order to prevent potential disease outbreaks, no student may bring swine, sheep or market calves on to the farm. These species may only be brought to the farm by or approved by a Righetti Agriculture Instructor.
8. Periodic parental assistance is welcome. However, daily project responsibilities cannot be completed by the parent. If a student cannot fulfill the projects responsibility to include, but not limited to, feeding, cleaning and any other management practice the Agriculture Instructors, as a group, make a disciplinary decision.
Righetti FFA offers a variety of experiences that the students can get involved with. Besides all the different judging teams such as, Vegetable, Poultry, Horse, Small Animals, Floriculture, Meat and Land; Righetti also offers teams such as Parliamentary Procedure, Public Speaking, and Creed Speaking. All these activities go under the same policy as stated earlier. Other activities such as Secret Santa, apply to the previous policy stated. If the student will be missing school, then the student must have a passing grade, as stated before. All these activities are leadership and responsibilities that are needed in the future.
All activities the students are involved with get classroom credit. When entering the Agriculture Science classes the students are aware of the percentage of their grade that deals with being involved with extra curricular activities dealing with FFA. All meetings and projects are part of the students grade.