Key Stage 2 Performance 2013-14
Core Subject Indicator
The school is in a family group of 11 schools. It is placed ninth out of the ten schools with KS2 provision.
The CSI fluctuates over five years but there is an upward trend over that period.
The school is placed 4th in the family group, before disaggregation. It is above the Family Group average but below LA and Walesaverages. It is in the bottom 50% of schools (quartile 3).
After disaggregation the school is 2nd best overall. It is above Family Group but marginally below LA and Wales. The school is now in the top 25% of schools (quartile 1). It has been in the top 25% in three of the last five years and in the top 50% in four of the last five years.
Non-FSM children perform better than FSM (4.1%)
The gender difference, before disaggregation, is significantly above Family Group, LA and Wales. Girls are performing better than boys. After disaggregation the gap is narrowed but it is still 1.01% above Family Group and above LA and Wales.
Performance in English
Level 4+
The school is placed 3rd in the family group before disaggregation. It is above the Family Group average but below LA and Wales. It is in the bottom 50% of schools (quartile 3).
After disaggregation the school remains in 3rd place overall, above Family Group (by 9.91%) but just below LA and Wales (~3%). It is now in the top 50% of schools (quartile 2).
The gender difference is the fifth largest in the family of schools and is above Family Group, LA and Wales. After disaggregation it moves to fifth smallest, almost matching the Family Group (0.11% difference). It is still just above LA and Wales. FSM children perform marginally better than non-FSM (by 2.2%)
Level 5+
The performance fluctuates over five years but there is an upward trend over three years and five years. The school is placed 3rd in the family group, before disaggregation, and above the Family Group but below LA and Wales averages. It is in the top 50% of schools (quartile 2).
After disaggregation the school is now placed first, above Family Group but slightly below LA and Wales. It remains in the top 50% of schools (quartile 2).
The gender difference before disaggregation is the fifth largest in the family of schools. It is consistent with the Family Group, LA and Wales. Girls are performing better than boys. After disaggregation the school’s difference narrows and the school has the third smallest gender difference. It is now smaller than the Family Group, LA and Wales. Girls still perform better than boys. Non-FSM children perform significantly better than FSM. No FSM child achieved Level 5.
Oracy L4+
The trend over three and five years is upward. Before disaggregation the school is the top performing school in the family of schools, significantly above the Family Group (by 15.5%) and above LA and Wales. After disaggregation the school remains in first place, significantly above Family Group by (~20%) and above LA and Wales.
The gender difference is the fourth largest in the Family Group, above the Family Group but below LA and Wales averages. Girls are performing better than boys. After disaggregation the difference narrows but it is still above all three benchmark averages.
Reading L4+
The trend in reading fluctuates over five years, with a peak three years ago, but there is an overall upward trend over the five-year period. There is a slight increase since last year. The school is in fourth position in the family of schools, above the Family Group average but below LA and Wales averages. After disaggregation the school moves up to second, significantly above the Family Group and just below LA and Wales.
The school has the fourth largest gender difference in the Family Group. It is larger than the Family Group, LA and Wales. After disaggregation the gender difference is the fifth largest. It is consistent with the Family Group average but is still above LA and Wales. Girls are performing better than boys in both cases.
Writing L4+
There is an overall downward trend in the school’s performance. The school is in 5th position in the Family Group, just above the Family Group but significantly below LA and Wales averages. After disaggregation the school’s position is 4th and it is still above the Family Group average but still significantly below LA and Wales.
The gender difference in writing is the fourth smallest in the family group. It is less than the Family Group but larger than the LA and Wales averages. After disaggregation it has the smallest gender difference, significantly smaller than the Family Group and smaller than LA and Wales. Girls are performing better than boys.
Performance in Mathematics
Level 4+
There is an increase in performance from last year. The performance over five years fluctuates but there is an overall upward trend since 2009/10. The school is in fourth place in its Family Group, above the Family Group average but below LA and Wales. It is in the lower 50% of schools (quartile 3)
After disaggregation it is now the best performing school in its group, above Family Group, LA and Wales averages. It is now in the upper 25% of schools (quartile 1). The school has been in quartile 1 in two of the last three, and three of the last five years.
The gender difference is the largest in the Family Group, significantly larger than Family Group, LA and Walesaverages. After disaggregation the gender difference is the third largest, though still significantly larger than Family Group, LA and Walesaverages. Girls are performing better than boys. Non-FSM children perform better than FSM (by 7.8%).
Level 5+
Though there is drop in performance in 2011/12, performance has been broadly consistent over a five-year period at around 30%. It is in 3rd position in the group, above the Family Group but below LA and Wales averages. It is in the top 50% of schools. It has been in the top 50% of schools in four of the last five years.After disaggregation the position remains the same.
Before disaggregation the gender difference is the fourth largest in the group. It is larger than Family Group, LA and Wales. Girls are performing better than boys. The trend in Family Group, locally and nationally is for boys to perform better than girls. After disaggregation the difference widens and it is now the fifth largest. Non-FSM children perform better than FSM (by 9.6%)
Performance in science
Level 4+
The performance over five has fluctuated but the three year and five year trend is upward. The school is placed fourth in the group and is above the Family Group average but below LA and Wales. It is in the lower 50% of schools (quartile 3) before disaggregation.
After disaggregation it is in 2nd place. It is above Family Group and consistent with LA and Wales. It is now in the top 50% of schools (quartile 2). It has been in the top 50% of schools (quartile 1 or 2) in four of the last five years.
The gender difference is the largest in the group, significantly above Family Group, LA and Wales. After disaggregation it is the second largest difference, still above Family Group and significantly above LA and Wales. Girls are performing better than boys. FSM children are performing significantly better than Non-FSM.
Level 5+
There is anupward trend over three and five years. The school is third in the group of schools, above Family Group but below LA and Wales. It is in the upper 50% of schools (quartile 2). After disaggregation there is no change. The school has been in the top 50% for two of the last three and four of the last five years.
The gender difference is the fifth smallest in the group - above Family Group, LA and Wales. After disaggregation it is the fourth largest difference but still larger than all three benchmark figures. Girlsare performing better than boys.Non-FSM children are performing significantly better than FSM.
Performance in combinations
Reading, writing, mathematics
The overall trend is downward – influenced by the performance in writing. The school is in 5th place in the group, above Family Group but below LA and Wales averages. After disaggregation the school is in fourth place and still above Family Group but below LA and Wales averages.
The gender difference is the fifth largest in the group, larger than Family Group, LA and Wales. After disaggregation it is the smallest. It is smaller than Family Group, LA and Wales. Girls are performing marginally better than boys after disaggregation.
Reading, writing, maths, science
The overall trend is downward – influenced by the performance in writing. The school is in 5th place in the group, above Family Group but below LA and Wales averages. After disaggregation the school is in fourth place and still above Family Group but below LA and Wales averages.
The gender difference is the fifth largest in the group, larger than Family Group, LA and Wales. After disaggregation it is the smallest. It is smaller than Family Group, LA and Wales. Girls are performing marginally better than boys after disaggregation.
Benchmarking data
Disaggregated Quartile data
2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14CSI / 1 / 3 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 1
English L4+ / 2 / 3 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
Mathematics L4+ / 1 / 3 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 1
Science L4+ / 2 / 3 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 2
2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / 2012-13 / 2013-14
English L5+ / 1 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 2 / 2
Mathematics L5+ / 1 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 2
Science L5+ / 1 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 2
The school has been in the top two quartiles 35 times in the last six years – an 83% success rate. It has been in the top quartile 20 times – 47.6%.