WEEK OF October 10, 2016

NAME______DUE October 14, 2016

Directions: Select one activity for each subject area to make tic-tac-toe (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally!) Homework can be done on this sheet or on your own paper.

Will bought a jumbo bag of Fruit-o candy. Before chowing down, he decided to see how many pieces of each flavor there were. Use his graph on the back to answer these questions:
  1. How many more Lime pieces were there than Cherry pieces?
  2. How many fewer Cherry pieces were there than Lime pieces?
  3. What is the combined number of Banana and Lime pieces?
  4. What is the difference in the number of Banana pieces and the number of Lemon pieces?
/ Choose five of your spelling words to write in a story or in sentences. You may use more than one word in a sentence. / Go to the websites below and complete the activities about matter.

Using the dice below, create two numbers. One three-digit number and one four-digit number. Write the standard, expanded, and word form of each number you created. / Read the passage on the back of this sheet and answer the questions at the bottom on the passage. / Choose one Georgia Hero we have discussed (Mary Musgrove, Tomochichi, Sequoyah, or James Oglethorpe). Write two to three sentences on why they were important to Georgia.
Compare the numbers by putting the correct symbol in the circle.
/ Read a book for 20 minutes. Make a list of ten adjectives and/or ten plural nouns(-s, -es) you saw. /
Make a Venn Diagram comparing the Cherokee and Creek Indians.

**** If all homework is complete each week, you will receive Class Dojo points and money on your debit card.

Instructional Websites/Other Activities to do every week

 Ticking with Fluency daily

 ((One activity this week)

 Read 20 minutes daily

 First in Math ~ 15 minutes daily

Study spelling words: flew, blue, clue, true, blew, knew, dew, stew, crew, glue, *alone, *along

Study content vocabulary: physical property, chemical property, physical change, chemical change, character, setting, plot, irregular verbs, expanded form, bar graph, adjective

I, ______, have completed this homework to the best of my ability.

I, ______, have checked over my child’s homework.

Broken Arm

Kevin was playing soccer at the park. His team was doing great, and Kevin was kicking the ball toward the goal. Suddenly, he tripped over the ball and fell sideways onto the field. Ouch! Kevin landed on his arm. It hurt badly.

Coach ran over to Kevin on the field. “Hang in there, Kevin. I know it hurts. We’ll get you to a doctor.” Kevin’s parents ran onto the field. The players on both teams clapped as Kevin’s father helped him walk to the car.

The hospital was big, clean, and shiny. The people there were nice. They took a picture of Kevin’s arm. Then the doctor told Kevin that there was a crack in one of the bones. He put a big white cast on Kevin’s arm. He gave him a marker, too. Kevin’s parents were the first ones to write on his cast. His friends would write on it later.

Read the question. Circle the letter next to the correct answer.

  1. Where is Kevin when he gets hurt?
  2. at a park
  3. on his street
  4. at his school
  5. in a backyard
  6. Which word describes the coach?
  7. mean
  8. understanding
  9. loud
  10. angry
  11. What does the doctor do that is kind?
  12. He tells Kevin his arm is broken.
  13. He writes on Kevin’s cast.
  14. He takes a picture of Kevin’s arm.
  15. He gives Kevin a marker so people can write on his cast.
  16. Which word describes the hospital?
  17. dirty
  18. scary
  19. clean
  20. gloomy