What You Need to Succeed in First Grade
Student’s Name: ______*Mrs. Heilman
October 28th, – November 1st 2013
Unit 4 – Week 2
Concepts: digraphs, story form: character, setting, main events; Punctuation: exclamation point, quotation marks; reading with accuracy and prosody.
Spelling Words: wall, fall, doll, hall, ball, call, mall, huff, hill, well
Trick Words: was, one, said
Sight Words: house, no, said, let, in, come
Phonics: Bonus letter spelling rule: ff,ll, and s and sometimes zz. At the end of a one-syllable word, if the word has one vowel that is short and immediately followed by f, l, s, at the end, double the consonant. The sound all because there is more than one sound, but they are glued very close together.
Math Focus: Complete Topic 5, test on Tuesday, Introduce Topic 6- Addition Facts to 12.
Daily Suggestions:
v Practice your spelling words.
v Practice Sight Word flash cards.
v Book In A Bag:
Mon._____ Tues._____ Wed._____ Thurs._____ Fri._____ Sat. _____ Sun._____
Weekly Activities
O MondayGym / O Tuesday
Gym & Art / O Wednesday
Library / O Thursday
Music / O Friday
Spelling Test
RAZ Kids ____ / RAZ Kids ____ / RAZ Kids ____ / RAZ Kids ____ / RAZ Kids ____
Notes and Reminders:
*Please sign and return this sheet on Tuesday Nov. 4th.
Parent’s Signature: ______