Microbiology An Introduction 10e
Tortora, Funke and Case
Introductory Material Outlines
Chapter 1 (all)
Chapter 14 pp. 404-406
Chap. 20 Antimicrobial Drugs p. 553-554
Note: The following abbreviations are used to indicate objectives and questions you need to know for the exams
LO = Learning Objectives found at the beginning of text sections
CYU = Check Your Understanding questions found at the end of text sections
Q = Questions found under figures
Study Questions at the end of each chapter: (R = Review, MC = Multiple Choice, CT = Critical Thinking, CA = Clinical Applications)
Chap. 1 The Microbial World and You (all)
I. Microbes in Our Lives
LO/CYU: 1-1
A. Microbes: definition
B. Ex. of different kinds of microbes
C. Majority are ‘good’ (how?)
D. Commercial Applications (examples?)
E. Pathogenic-minority of microbes
II. Naming and Classifying Microorganisms
LO/CYU: 1-2
Study Questions R6, MC1
A. Nomenclature: Genus specific epithet (species)
Staphylococcus aureus
B. Types of Microorganisms
Fig. 1.1 p. 5 Types of Microorganisms Q
Fig. 1.6 p. 13 Parasitology: Protozoa and Parasitic Worms Q
LO/CYU: 1-3
Study Questions: R4
1. Bacteria
2. Archaea
3. Fungi
4. Protozoa
5. Algae
6. Multicellular Animal Parasites
7. Viruses
C. Classification of Microorganisms
LO/CYU: 1-4
1. 1978 Carl Woese
2. Three Domain system of Classification:
A. Bacteria
B. Archaea
C. Eukarya
III. A Brief History of Microbiology
A. The First Observations
LO/CYU: 1-5
1. Hooke 1665 Cork “Cells”
2. Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1673-1723 Living Microbes
B. The Debate over Spontaneous Generation
LO/CYU: 1-6
CYU 1-7
1. Francesco Redi’s experiments 1668
2. Louis Pasteur 1861
Fig. 1.3 p. 9 Pasteur disproving the Theory of Spontaneous Generation Q
Study Questions: R1, R8, MC5
C. The Golden Age of Microbiology
1. Fermentation and Pasteurization
2. Germ Theory of Disease
a. Silkworms (Bassi -Fungus 1835, Pasteur -Protozoan 1865)
b. Joseph Lister 1867 Phenol on surgical wounds
c. Robert Koch 1876 Anthrax in cattle
LO/CYU: 1-9
LO/CYU: 14-5
1. Read Chap. 14 Principles of Disease and Epidemiology p. 404-406
2. The Etiology of Infectious Disease
Etiology: cause of a disease
3. Koch’s Postulates
Foundation Figure 14.3 p. 405 Steps of Koch’s Postulates-Used to determine the identity of the specific disease causing organism
Back to Chap. 1 The Microbial World and You
3. Vaccination
LO/CYU: 1-10
a. Small pox/ Cow pox vaccine Jenner 1796
b. Pasteur- fowl cholera, rabies
D. Modern Chemotherapy: Dreams of a Magic Bullet
LO/CYU: 1-11
1. First Synthetic Drugs
a. Paul Erlich 1910: Salvarsan (syphilis)
b. Sulfonamides (sulfa drugs) 1930s-
German physician Gerhard Domagk
2. Antibiotics Alexander Fleming
Fig. 1.5 p. 12 The discovery of penicillin Q
See also Fig. 20.1 p. 554 Laboratory observation of antibiosis Q
3. Read Chap. 20 Antimicrobial Drugs p. 553-554 LO/CYU: 20-1, 20-2
a. Terms: Chemotherapy, Antimicrobial drugs, Selective toxicity, Antibiotic resistance
b. History of Chemotherapy
· Paul Erlich’s Magic Bullet, Coined the term chemotherapy
· Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin 1928 (technical definition of antibiotic?)
· Sulfa drugs from dyes, used in WWII
· Florey & Chain – 1940 first penicillin clinical trials (good strain isolated from a moldy cantaloupe in Peoria)
· More than half of the antibiotics are produced from Streptomyces, a filamentous bacterium, and a few other bacteria. Some other antibiotics are produced by molds (For example Penicillium and Cephalosporium).
Back to Chap. 1 The Microbial World and You
E. Modern Developments in Microbiology
LO/CYU: 1-12, 1-13
Fig. 1.1 p. 5 Types of Microorganisms Q
Fig. 1.6 p. 13 Parasitology Q
1. Bacteriology, Mycology, Parasitology
2. Genomics
3. Immunology
4. Virology
5. Recombinant DNA Technology
IV. Microbes and Human Welfare
LO/CYU: 1-14
A. Recycling Vital Elements
B. Sewage Treatment
C. Bioremediation
D. Insect Pest Control
Example: Bt corn
E. Biotechnology
Example: Gene Therapy
V. Microbes and Human Disease
LO/CYU: 1-16, 1-17, 1-18
Study Questions MC 7, MC 8
Fig. 1.7 p. 18 Normal microbiota on the human tongue Q
Fig. 1.8 p. 19 Biofilm Q
Fig. 23.21 p. 659 Ebola hemorrhagic virus (EID)
A. Normal Microbiota
B. Biofilms
C. Infectious Disease
D. Emerging Infectious Disease
Additional Study Questions: R1, R5 (d-f, I, j, m, n, p)
Slide 1 List of Slides
Slide 2 Fig. 1.1 p. 5 Types of Microorganisms
Slide 3 Fig. 1.6 p. 13 Parasitology
Slide 4 Fig. 1.3 p. 9
Pasteur’s experiments disproving the theory of spontaneous generation
Slides 5-9 Fig. 14.3 p. 405 Koch’s Postulates
Slide 10 Fig. 1.5 p. 12 The discovery of penicillin
Slide 11 Fig. 1.7 p. 18 Normal microbiota on the human tongue
Slide 12 Fig. 1-8 p. 19 Biofilm on a catheter (Staphlococcus bacteria)
Slide 13 Fig. 23.21 p. 659 Ebola hemorrhagic virus (EID)