Space Only Exhibitor Open Days Risk Assessment and Health & Safety Declaration
Deadline: 17 April 2009
Exhibitor Name / Stand No
Stand Name, if different
Completed by

Complete this form to confirm that you have read and understood your commitment to health and safety as outlined in the NEC Safe Exhibition Process/Self-Regulating Process Handbook/NEC Rules and Regulations, and to confirm you will ensure implementation of the policy within the confines of your company/ies and contractor(s)/agent(s) on site.


BUILD-UP/BREAKDOWN (if appropriate)
Position: / Position:
Mobile No: / Mobile No:


Your contractor/s will submit a Risk Assessment/Method Statement to cover the build-up and breakdown periods of the exhibition. The Stand Manager or Exhibition Health & Safety Officer has a responsibility to consider any risks/suitable risk control tactics for the dressing of your stand and for its operation the open days. Items of Special Risk, as defined by the NEC, can be viewed here – you must comply with the instructions given within the specific Guidance Notes and ensure details are included within your Risk Assessment. A separate document can be submitted or complete the following:


1. /
Identify potential hazards on your stand
 / Slips, trips and falls /  / Services, e.g. electrical or water supplies
 / Machinery /  / Hazardous substances, e.g. chemicals, biological
 / Manual handling and lifting /  / Noise and/or vibration
 / Vehicles /  / Working at height
 / Other (please state): ______
2. /
Identify persons that could potentially be harmed
 / Exhibitors /  / Contractors
 / Visitors /  / Staff
3. / Identify control methods to reduce the risks
 / Slips, trips and falls eliminated by:
 / Carpet taped down securely
 / No trailing cables across the stand or gangways
 / All display items safely attached/secured to the stand
 / Good housekeeping employed – general cleanliness, tidiness, non slip surfaces
 / Clear access and egress to stand and gangways
 / Other (please state): ______
 / All regulations will be complied with and services will be used for the purposes for which they were intended
 / Electrical sockets not overloaded
 / Correct fittings used to connect to any services
 / Other (please state): ______
 / Machinery
 / Fitted with suitable guarding to prevent access to moving parts, hot surfaces, sharp edges etc
 / Products and waste materials: storage and handling processes in place
 / Any necessary protective clothing and equipment supplied
 / Any necessary permits/licences acquired
 / Other (please state): ______
 / Manual handling and lifting
 / Equipment used suitable for purpose
 / Manual handling processes known and understood
 / Any necessary permits/licences acquired
 / Other (please state): ______
 / Hazardous substances
 / COSHH Risk Assessment completed and submitted to the organisers/data sheets available on site
 / Suitable handling, waste and storage procedures and processes
 / Any necessary protective clothing and equipment supplied
 / Other (please state): ______
 / Working at height
 / Suitable/fit for purpose equipment and protective clothing supplied
 / Trained personnel operating equipment and completing task
 / Other (please state): ______
4. / Additional comments


 / I will make available at the exhibition a copy of our company’s Health & Safety Policy and COSHH-related data sheets. Our stand staff will be sufficiently instructed and trained in relevant matters in order to carry out their tasks competently
 / The company has purchased space only. The principal contractor has undertaken a specific Risk
Assessment and prepared a Method Statement for the construction/dismantling of our stand in accordance with HASAWA74 etc and he has trained and notified his staff and sub-contractors in all such areas identified as being a risk. A Risk Assessment/Method Statement to cover the open days of the Exhibition has also been undertaken taking account of all the activities taking place on our stand. Exhibitor Risk Assessment:
is submitted now  will follow

Keep a copy for your records and submit to:

Lynn Williams, AVEX 2009, E-mail: , Fax: +44 (0) 20 8661 1763