Stone Lake Elementary PTO General Meeting Minutes – January 12, 2016

The January meeting of the Stone Lake PTO was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Lisa Mehl.

Attendance: Jessica Trudell, JoAnna Cline, Mark Beard, Kristen Beckner, Lisa Mehl, Christina Strother, Tye Ross, Sue Howe, Yvette Sack, Erica Davis, Debbie Stovall, Dreena Freeman.

Approval of General Meeting Minutes:

A motion was made by Sue Howe and seconded by Christina Strother to approve the minutes for the December 8, 2015 meeting. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.

Treasurer’s Report/Budget:

Jessica Trudell reported on the December Treasurer’s Report. Items mentioned: 1)Box Tops (March – Dec) - $436.80, 2)Ewaste - $20.41, 3)Coupon Books - $5957.00, 4)Reading Counts - $1400 (expense). Teachers present were asked to encourage all teachers to use their classroom allocation before the end of the year. A motion was made by Erica Davis and seconded by Christina Strothers to approve the December Treasurer’s Report. Lisa Mehl called for a vote to approve the motion. All present members were in favor; no objections or abstentions.

Future Business:

A: Yearbook

Erica Davis reported that the deadline for pictures is February 8, excluding February field trips/event photos. Mr. Beard sent reminders to the teachers to submit pictures. Approximately 50 sixth grade dedications were submitted. A recommendation was made to use Google photo to send pictures.

B: Spirit Wear

Lisa Mehl reported on behalf of Jasmine Gonzalez. Items are still available for purchase. For orders and questions regarding inventory, email Jasmine at .

C: Z Best Pizza Party

Lisa Mehl reported that Mrs. Cheung’s class sold the most coupon books and won a pizza party for the class.

D: Ice Cream Social Update

Mr. Beard reported that staff will handle the logistics of the ICS with Mrs. Glaeser handling the lead. Staff will be meeting on January 25 to decide intent and more will be presented at the next PTO meeting. June 3 was announced as a possible date for the ICS.

E: Five Star Families

Kristen Beckner reported on the Five Star Families program. She asked for suggestions from teachers for other ways to earn a star on the card. She asked them to “think outside the box”. Possible suggestions included: bringing supplies, attending restaurant night, attending performances, and parent/teacher conferences.

F: 2016 Scholastic Book Fair

Lisa Mehl reported that she and Amy Sazama selected the dates of October 10-14, 2016 for the Scholastic Book Fair.

Principal’s Report

Mr. Beard asked Mrs. Freeman to report. She reported that the VAPA program would be starting in February. Flyers would be going home soon. The program is for the 3rd – 6th grades and is a 6 week program. They will accept 20 per grade. The classes will be held on Tues, Wed & Thurs from 2:45 – 3:30. There will be a parent information night on January 19.

Mrs. Freeman reported that funds had become available for the Reading Intervention program. The classroom teacher will assess which children to recommend for the program. They will hire a credentialed teacher. The program will have no more than 20 students at a time. This program meets the school’s LCAP goals.

Open Forum

Kristen Beckner inquired how the teachers were handling PE with all the rain. Teachers shared that they were using DVD’s and also using an online program called Go Noodle.


The meeting was adjourned at 6:37 p.m. on a motion by Jessica Trudell and a second by Yvette Sack.