November 2, 2017
Present: Catalina Flores Gamino, Maritza Gomez Perez, Uyen Lam, Griselda Gonzalez, Afia Laiq, Yolanda Casas, Laura Yesenia Tapia, Yan Zhuang, Maria Fregoso, Linda Talmage, Graciela Torres, Yen Ju Lin, Alice Chen, Tsung Lin Chen, Lourdes Calande, Graciela Vargara, Lidia Vazquez, Krista Castillou.
Facilitator: Krista Castillou
Meeting Start Time: 8:40a.m.
Meeting End Time: 9:46a.m.
1. DELAC Welcome
Meeting was called to order by Afia at 8:40 a.m. Afia welcomed everyone to the first DELAC meeting of the 2017-2018 school year. She then introduced Krista who presented a welcome activity for all of us to participate in. Krista had us all introduce ourselves to the group and give a brief overview of ourselves and how we are connected to the district.
2. DELAC Minutes
DELAC minutes from the May 11, 2017 meeting were reviewed. It was noted that a name (Maritza Gomez Perez) was written twice in the minutes. Lourdes motioned for the correction to be made and Maritza second the motion.
3. New Business
1. Krista went over the responsibilities of DELAC as well as explaining why we have a DELAC and what DELAC does for our students and district.
2. Krista announced that our DELAC Committee was in need of two DELAC representatives. The positions that were up for election were: Chairperson and Secretary. After an explanation of each position and their responsibilities, Lourdes Calande nominated Maritza Gomez Perez for Chairperson and Maria Fregoso second. All were in favor and Maritza was elected for the position of Chairperson. Yolanda volunteered for Secretary. Krista moved to motion and Linda Talmage second. Yolanda was elected for the position of Secretary.
3. Lidia then reviewed the District Smarter Balance Consortium (SBAC) data for the past 3 yrs.
4. Lidia reviewed the Parent Involvement Policy and everyone received an informational page about the District Wide Parental Involvement Policy.
5. Krista then reviewed the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) goals and outlined and explained the 4 goals, and gave parents an informational sheet of the Districts Strategic Plan.
6. Krista shared the dates of the next three DELAC meetings: 1/25/2018, 3/18/2018, 5/10/2018
4. Adjournment
Krista called the meeting to an end at 10:02 a.m.