Questionnaire for practical skills control for Human Anatomy,

the Ist semester, faculty of Medicine


I. Osteology

1.  Give examples of the tubular bones.

2.  Give examples of the plate bones.

3.  Give examples of the spongy bones.

4.  Give examples of the pneumatic bones.

5.  Give examples of the sesamoid bones.

6.  Give examples of the monoepiphyzar bones.

7.  Divisions of the long tubular bone.

8.  Structural components of the vertebrae.

9.  The I and II cervical vertebrae.

10.  The VI and VII cervical vertebrae.

11.  The I, X, XI and XII thoracic vertebrae.

12.  The lumbar vertebrae.

13.  Anatomical position of the vertebrae.

14.  Anatomical position of the sacral bone.

15.  The curvatures of the vertebral column.

16.  Bony elements of the vertebral column which can be palpated on an alive person.

17.  Anatomical position of the ribs.

18.  The I, II, XI and XII ribs.

19.  Anatomical position of the sternum.

20.  Sternal angle (of Louis).

21.  Costal arch.

22.  Infrasternal angle.

23.  Costoxiphoid angle.

24.  Bony landmarks of the thorax.

25.  Bones of the upper limb.

26.  Anatomical position of the shoulder girdle bones.

27.  Descriptive elementes of the scapula.

28.  Descriptive elementes of the clavicle.

29.  Bony elements of the scapula and clavicle, which can be palpated on an alive person.

30.  Radiograph of the shoulder girdle bones.

31.  Anatomical position of the humerus.

32.  Descriptive elementes of the humerus.

33.  Bony elements of the humerus, which can be palpated on an alive person.

34.  Radiography of the humerus.

35.  The bones of the forearm.

36.  Anatomical position of the bones of the forearm.

37.  Bony elements of the forearm bones, which can be palpated on an alive person.

38.  Radiography of the forearm bones.

39.  The bones of the hand.

40.  The carpal bones.

41.  The.metacarpal bones

42.  Elementes of the hand skeleton, which can be palpated on an alive person.

43.  The bones of the lower limb.

44.  The bones of the pelvis.

45.  Anatomical position of the coxal bone.

46.  Parts of the coxal bone.

47.  Descriptive elementes of the coxal bone.

48.  Anatomical position of the pelvis.

49.  False pelvis.

50.  True pelvis.

51.  The promontorium.

52.  Linia terminalis.

53.  Superior aperture of the pelvis.

54.  Inferior aperture of the pelvis.

55.  Pelviometrical points which can be palpated on an alive person.

56.  Dimensions of the pelvis.

57.  Anatomical position of the femur.

58.  Descriptive elementes of the femur.

59.  Bony elements of the femur, which can be palpated on an alive person

60.  Radiography of the femur.

61.  The leg bones.

62.  Anatomical position of the leg bones.

63.  Bony elements of the leg bones, which can be palpated on an alive person

64.  Descriptive elements of the tibia.

65.  Radiograph of the leg bones.

66.  The foot bones.

67.  The tarsal bones.

68.  Anatomical position of the calcaneus.

69.  The metatarsal bones.

70.  Bony elements of the foot, which can be palpated on an alive person.

71.  The plantar arches.

72.  The bones of the cerebral skull.

73.  Elementes of bones of the cerebral skull which can be palpated on an alive person.

74.  The bones of the facial skull.

75.  Elementes of bones of the facial skull which can be palpated on an alive person.

76.  Parts of the frontal bone.

77.  Parts of the ethmoid bone.

78.  Parts of the sphenoid bone.

79.  Parts of the occipital bone.

80.  Parts of the temporal bone.

81.  Parts of the maxilla.

82.  Parts of the palatine bone.

83.  Parts of the mandible.

84.  The bordering line between the calvaria and the base of the skull.

85.  Localization of the fontanelles of the new-born.

86.  Fossae of the endobase of the skull.

87.  Descriptive elements of the anterior cranial fossa.

88.  Descriptive elements of the middle cranial fossa.

89.  Descriptive elements of the posterior cranial fossa.

90.  The exobase of the skull

91.  Fossae of the facial skull.

92.  Communications of the pterigopalatine fossa.

93.  The walls of the orbit.

94.  Communications of the orbit.

95.  The walls of the nasal cavity.

96.  Paranasal sinuses, their communications.

97.  Communications of the cavity of the skull.

98.  The craniometrical points

II. Arthrosyndesmology

1. Examples of the synfibroses (syndesmoses).
2 . Examples of the synchondroses
3. Examples of the synostoses.
4. Examples of the hemiarthroses.
5. Examples of uniaxial joints.
6. Trochoid joints (gynglimus).
7. Trochlear joints (cylindrical).
8. Screw joints (cochlear, the snail).
9. Examples of the biaxial joints.
10. Condyloid joints.
11. Ellipsoid joints.
12. Saddle-shaped joints.
13. Examples of the pluriaxiale joints.
14. Ball-and socket joints.

15. Cotyloid joints.
16. Plane joints.
17. Amphiarthroses

18. Examples of amfiartroses.
19. Examples of the simple joints.
20. Examples of the compound joint.
21. Examples of the complex joints.
22. Examples of the combined joints.
23. Joints of the vertebral column.
24. Intervertebral disks.
25. Ligaments of the joints of the vertebral column.
26. Ligaments of the joints of the vertebral column with the skull.
27. Radiography of the spine.
28. Skull sutures.
29. Temporomandibular joint.
30. Radiography of the skull.
31. Joints of the ribs with the vertebrae.
32. Joints of the ribs with sternum.
33. Radiograph of the chest bones and joints.
34. Sternoclavicular joint.
35. Acromioclavicular joint.
36. TProper ligaments of the scapula.
37. Articular surfaces of the scapulohumeral joint.
38. Cartilaginous glenoid lip (labrum glenoidale).
39. Tendon of the long head of the biceps and its synovial sheath.
40. Movements in the scapulohumeral joint.
41. Radiography of the scapulohumeral joint.
42. Articular surfaces of the elbow joint.
43. Elbow joint ligaments.
44. Functions of the elbow joint.
45. Radiography of the elbow joint.
46. Joints of the forearm bone joints.
47. Articular surfaces of the forearm bones joints.
48. Articular surfaces of the radiocarpal joint.
49. Ligaments of the radiocarpal joint.
50. Ligaments of the hand joints.
51. Radiography of the radiocarpal joint and joints of the hand.
52. Pelvic joints.
53. Pelvic ligaments.
54. Sciatic foramena.
55. Obturator foramen.
56. Radiography of the pelvic bones and joints.
57. Articular surfaces of the coxofemural joint.
58. Fibrocartilaginous ring (labrum acetabulare).
59. Ligaments of the coxofemurale joint.
60. Functions of the coxofemural joint.
61. Radiography of the coxofemural joint.
62. Anatomical position of the knee joint.
63. Articular surfaces of the knee joint.
64. Auxilliary elements of the knee joint.
65. Functions of the knee joint.
66. Radiography of the knee joint.
67. Joints of the leg bones.
68. Articular surfaces of the talocrural joint.
69. Ligaments of the talocrural joint.
70. Functions of the talocrural joint.
71. Radiography of the talocrural joint.
72. Transverse joint of the foot (Chopart).
73. Key ligament of the Chopart's joint.
74. Tarsometatarsal joints (Lisfranc’s).
75. Radiography of the bones and joints of the foot.
76. Palpable elements of the temporomandibular joint.
77. Palpable elements of the upper limb joints.
78. Palpable elements of the lower limb joints.
III. Myology

1. Auxilliary elements of the muscles.
2. Superficial muscles of the back.
3. Deep muscles of the back.
4. Lumbar triangle (Petit’s triangle).
5. Grynfeld-Lesgaft‘s area.
6. Fasciae of the back.
7. Muscle elements in the region back, which may be inspected on an alive person.
8. Chest muscles.
9. Diaphragm.
10. Portions of the diaphragm.
11. Fasciae of the chest.
12. Chest muscles, palpable on an alive person.
13. Abdominal muscles.
14. Sheath of the rectus abdominal muscle.
15. Arcuate and semilunar lines.
16. White line.
17. Tendinous intersections of m. rectus abdominis.
18. Abdominal fasciae.
19. Inguinal canal.
20. Walls and rings of the inguinal canal.
21. Topographical formations of the abdominal muscles palpable on an alive person.
22. Muscles of the shoulder girdle.
23. Muscle and topographical formations of shoulder region palpable on an alive person..
24. Muscles of the arm.
25. Heads of the brachial biceps.
26. Aponeuroses brachial biceps.
27. Groups of the forearm muscles.
28. Anterior muscles of the forearm.
29. Posterior muscles of the forearm..
30. Muscles performing the forearm flexion.
31. Muscles responsible for forearm extension.
32. The groups of muscles of the hand.
33. Palmar muscles of the hand.
34. Dorsal muscles of the hand.
35. Axillary cavity walls and apertures.
36. Trilateral and quadrilateral openings.
37. Triangles of the anterior wall of the axillary cavity.
38. Humeromuscular canal.
39. Bicipital grooves.
40. Fossa cubiti.
41. Supinator canal.
42. Grooves on the anterior surface of the forearm.
43. Cellular space of Paron (Pirogov’s space).
44. Carpal canal. Radial and ulnar canals of the carpus.
45. Palmar aponeuroses.
46. Osteofibrous canals and synovial sheats of the flexors of the hand and fingers.
47. Osteofibrous canals and synovial sheats of the dorsal surface of the hand.
48. Muscle and topographical elements of the axillary cavity palpable on an alive person..
49. Muscle and topographical elements of the arm region palpable on an alive person..
50. Muscle and topographical elements of the forearm palpable on an alive person..
51. Muscle and topographical elements of the hand palpable on an alive person..
52. Internal muscles of the pelvis.
53. Muscles of the buttocks.
54. The groups of muscles of the thigh.
55. Anterior muscles of thigh.
56. Heads of the m. quadriceps femoris.
57. Medial muscles of the thigh.
58. Posterior muscles of the thigh.
59. Anterior muscles of the leg.
60. Lateral muscles of the leg.
61. Posterior muscles of the leg.
62. Muscles, performing the flexion of knee joint.
63. Dorsal muscles of the foot.
65. Plantar muscles of the foot.
66. Muscles, which support the plantar arches.
67. Suprapiriform and infrapiriform openings.
68. Muscular and vascular lacunae.
69. Femoral triangle (Scarpe’s).
70. Femoral ring.
71. Walls and rings of the femoral canal.
72. Oval fossa (hiatus safenus).
73. Obturator canal.
74. Adductor canal (Hunter’s).
75. Cruropopliteal canal (Grouber’s).
76. Popliteal fossa.
77. Cruropopliteal canal.
78. Musculofibular canals.
79. Plantar grooves.
80. Fascia lata of the thigh.
81. Iliotibial tract.
82. Fasciae of the leg and their derivatives.
83. Pirogov's canal.
84. Plantar aponeuroses.
85. Osteofibrous canals and synovial sheaths of the leg and foot region.
86. Muscular landmarks in the region of the buttocks.
87. Anterior muscles of thigh palpable on an alive person.
88. Posterior muscles of thigh palpable onan alive person.

89. Popliteal fossa on an alive person.
90. Muscle formations of the leg explored on an alive person.
91. Muscular and topographical elements of the ankle palpable on an alive person.
92. The groups of muscles of the neck.
93. Muscles, inserted to the hioid bone.
94. Deep muscles of the neck.
95. Scalenic muscles.
96. Triangles of the neck.
97. Triangle of the lingual artery (Pirogov’s).
98. Muscular and topographical elements of the neck palpable on an alive person.

99. Muscles of the facial expression.
100. Muscles of mastication.
101. Muscular landmarks of the region of the head palpable on an alive person.