October 7, 2009 BAS SLP Professional Development

****Lateral /s/ is never developmental – goes directly to IEPT

Tier I (no ongoing direct contact with the SLP)

·  Child profile:

o  Stimulable

o  SLP is approached by a parent or educator

·  Teaching to class/small group how sounds are made

·  Not ongoing direct contact with the SLP

·  Parent Instruction/Home Program

·  Teacher/Support Staff (Title 1, paraprofessional)instruction

·  Stimulable (if not stimulable move to tier II)

·  Must have paperwork to document Tiers and interventions

·  Tier I until sounds are no longer developmentally appropriate –OR- Child is intelligible

·  If the child is not making adequate progress move to tier II

Tier II

·  Child profile:

o  May be stimulable or not

o  Within one year of developmental norms

o  1-3 sound errors

·  Contact with SLP week 1-2x/week 5-10 min per contact (# of contacts per week can be at the discretion of the SLP) 1:1 pullout sessions

·  Weekly documented homework long from parent (signed)

·  8-10 sessions and then move to tier III (if not improving) -OR- stop working with if minimal errors or maintain tier II if progressing

·  At the end of the 8-10 sessions re-assess progress.

o  If lack of progress move to tier III.

o  If making adequate progress (documented) continue at tier II level

Tier III

·  Child Profile:

o  Completed tiers I and II without progress

o  Clinician judges severity is beyond Tier I and II process


·  2-3x/week 5-7 minutes/session 1:1 pullout

Summary of meeting/need for more discussion:

·  At what age do begin the RtI model with sounds that are developmental:

o  If request for assistance is made by parent or educator (at any age) we can provide Tier I intervention.

o  One year prior to developmental norms

·  Need to develop: (consistent for district)

o  Permission letter

o  RtI documentation form (moving through the tiers)

·  Date for next meeting: Thursday Nov. 19th 8:30am @ Hilton Elem.(Ann Marie’s Speech Room)