Newsletter No 3

January 2016

Nursery and The Nest

Dear Parents and Carers

Important term dates for your diary

Monday 22 February Whole school closure for staff training

Half Term-Monday15 February – Friday19 February

Closure Day - Monday 22 February

Back to School- Tuesday23 February


Parents Consultations – please see belowyour class dates:

WestRoom –8th February1.00 – 5.00pm

East Room -8thFebruary 4.10 – 6.00pm and 9th February 1.00 – 6.00pm

South Room–3rd February 8.50am – 11.30, 4th February 12.50 – 3.50 and8th February 4.00pm – 6.50

Nest – 9th February 9.00 – 4.50, 10th February 9.15 – 1.10 and 11th February 9.15 – 9.55am

Please look at your classroom notice boards for times and sign up for a 10 minute consultation.

Happy New Year to you all! The Christmas holiday seemed to fly by! A big thank you to everyone who helped with our Christmas events. We do hope you all had a lovely festivebreak.

Thank you so much for coming on the Christmas Story Trail, “Follow that Star”. Many of you were kind enough to write your views and it was described as “fun”, “exciting” “special” “fantastic” and “magical”! It seems that the singing and dancing around the tree was a top favourite closely followed by the ‘real’ baby laying in the manger! Making and following trails and dancing and singing around the tree became part of children’s learning for the rest of the week.

The Christmas Raffle raised a huge £216.30which will go towardsspecial events and resources for the children. Thank you very, very much!

Owlets Holiday Club

The holiday club will run during February half term. £5 per hour. Come and have an extra play at Homerton with all our fun activities:

Monday 15 Feb – Friday 19 Feb 2015 - 9am – 5pm

Ask Melody Wright or the office for a request form. The holiday club does get full so please apply as soon as possible. The closing date for bookings is Friday 6 February.

School Fund

Thank you for continuing to support our school fund. Your generous contributions enable us to provide extra activities for the children that they enjoy and learn from; ingredients for cooking, planting in our allotment, a parent and children Easter activity etc. Some parents kindly give a cheque/cash to Homerton for about £7.00 per half term, or a £1 a week. Many thanks for your contributions, they really make a difference!

Special events

We have been able to buy in a music kinesiologist to come and visit the children from our school fund. We’ll add some photos and information to our website and add photos to our plasma screen in the front entrance so you can see what your children have been doing. He was excellent and the teachers learnt ideas that they can incorporate into their music teaching. We all had immense fun and felt invigorated from his visit!

Pancake day and Chinese New Year and both coming up this half of term so expect to hear more about our celebrations! Do liaise with class teachers if you have something that you would like to share with the children for these special events.


Please keep poorly children at home (48 hours after last bout of sickness or diarrhoea), it helps keep staff and other children well.

Children at Homerton love to be outdoors! Hoods, waterproofs, warm jackets etc for bad weather are a very good idea at this time of year!


Thank you to all of those who park legally and with consideration to our neighbours. It helps everyone, please keep it up!

Half Term

The last day of this half term is Friday 12thFebruary and we are back in school on Tuesday 23rdFebruary.

Drop in groups will also be closed at Homerton Early Years Centre but Fawcett Children’s Centre programme will continue as usual.

Harriet Price

Head of Centre