American Power Dispatchers Association

SpringUpper Midwest Area Meeting

June 4 thru 6, 2009

Bismarck State College

Bismarck, North Dakota

President Bobby Adam called the Upper Midwest(UMW)Area business meeting to order at 10:35.

Roll Call of UMW Officers

Present were:

PresidentBobby Adam ConAgra Foods

Vice-PresidentRudy SpackMHEB

Secretary Scott BosMPW

TreasurerTodd GosnellOPPD


Also Present:

National President – Danny Bucklen

National Log Editor – Michelle Wynne

Standing Roll Call of Members

Dale WaddingDPC

Jackie BentzGRE

Dean ShirleyGRE

Scott BrooksMHEB

Robert LegaryMHEB

Calvin YakiwchukMHEB

Elmer EngmanMP

Rick LiljegrenMP

Craig LindahlMP

Joel WoitaMEAN

Mark JohnsonMDU

Dave CittaNPPD

Roger VanderpoolREMC

Dave PatekWAPA

Secretary’s Report

Secretary Scott Bos read the minutes of the Fall 2008UMW meeting, hosted byGreat River Energy.

Joel Woita(MEAN) made a motion to accept the Fall 2008 UMW meeting minutes as read and corrected. Dave Citta(NPPD) seconded the motion.

Motion Carried.


Russ Mountjoy (MRO) received a letter from Ben Acton, son of Dave Acton (Alliant Energy), thanking the UMW Area APDA for the scholarship award he had received.
Russ Mountjoy (MRO) received a letter from Kelsey Kraus, daughter of Mike Kraus (MEC), thanking the UMW Area APDA for the scholarship award she had received.

Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer Todd Gosnell read the Treasurer’s report.

January 2009 Balance……..$27,685.63


Expenses ……………...9,635.00

May 31 Balance………….…$23,844.63

Scholarship fund balance …$29,735.33

Scholarship fund raised $1265.00 at the Spring 2009 UMW APDA

Roger Vanderpool(REMC) made a motion to accept Treasures Report as read. Dale Wadding(DPC) seconded the motion.

Motion Carried.

Area Trustee Report

President Bobby Adamrepresentedthe UMW Area for Trustee Russ Mountjoy at the NationalAPDA meeting in New Orleans Nov. 20, 2008, where it was recommended that the UMW look to add a post secondary and post freshman scholarship.

$2000 was given to UMW for our 50 yr. commemorative anniversaryitem.

By-law updating, to bring them into the 21st century items... ie: email address, cell numbers. James Ford will send out information about review of the current By-laws.

It was suggested putting our past information onto CD from to make less paper work for each area and for national. A suggestion was made to have an outside company to make this happen.

With the new tax forms,national would receive the dues paid in the same year we receive it, like having it sent to National at the end of the year. Karen Mimms, National Treasure, will send out a form and items that she need sent to her for her records to each Area Treasurer.

Next National meeting will be in May 2009Atlanta, GA

Vice-President’s Report

Nothing to report.

DETC Committee Report
Nothing to report, have not met for a while.

Unfinished Business

New nametags for the past two years were sent outFall 2008.

Richard (Smitty) Smith is still managing the website and for now will continue. Smitty wants to know if we want to put our financials on the website. Michelle Wynne says the SW Area APDA puts their financial reports on their website.

New Business

President Bobby Adam noted that the 50th anniversary of the UMW area’s first business meeting would be at the Fall meeting of 2009. To commemorate, President Adam wants to look into purchasing commemorative lapel pins, with the UMW APDA logo. National APDA President Danny Bucklen commented that the UMW would receive $2000 from the National APDA for the 50th Anniversary. President Adam will talk to Regal Awards, Inc., of Omaha, Nebraska about using this money to acquire lapel pins for the UMW APDA members.

Roger Vanderpool (REMC) motioned the UMW should invite all retired members of UMW APDA to the Fall 2009 50th Anniversary meeting. There was some discussion as to having a reduced or guest rate for the registration for these retirees.

Robert Legary (MHEB) seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Michelle Wynne (Grid Services) mentions she has boxes full of old meeting minutes and photographs from past meetings. She will bring these to the 50th Anniversary meeting.

Plans are being made to notify all retired and current members about the 50th Anniversary meeting of the UMW APDA in Walker, MN on September 17-20, 2009.

A motion was made by President Adam to move the Scholarship selection responsibility from DTEC to a new Committee called the Scholarship Selection Committee. The UMW Vice-President will chair this committee and will appoint two other UMW APDA Members to this committee. The Scholarship Committee will meet to review the scholarship applications and select the candidates to receive the UMW Scholarship. The make-up of the committee will change every year.

Scott Brooks (MHEB) seconded the motion and the motion carried.


Craig McLean (MHEB)


John Olson (UPA/GRE), original charter member, passed away April 25, 2009.

Next Meeting

Hosted by Midwest ISO

September 17-20, 2009

At Chase on the Lake Resort,Walker, Minnesota

Future Meetings:

Spring 2010Manitoba Hydro – Winnipeg, MB


Spring 2011WAPA

Fall 2011???

Good for the Association

President Bobby Adam thanked and asked for a round of applause for Bismarck State College and their Co-sponsors and presenters:

–Rainbow Energy

–OES-NA (Operator Educational Services – North America)

–Primate Technologies

–MDU (Montana-Dakota Utilities)


Elmer Engman (MP) made motion to adjourn the meeting. Scott Brooks (MHEB)seconded the motion and the motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 11:25

Respectfully submitted,

Scott Bos (MPW)

UMW Area Secretary