8th Grade Reading

Mabry Middle School


Mrs. Morton – 3rd Period

Mrs. Israel-Hiles – 3rd and 6th Periods

Goal: To present literature of quality from around the world to a variety of students and to encourage them to become thoughtful readers, writers and users of a variety of media.

Course Content:
Reading will be composed of the following major elements: independent reading, novel units, poetry, plays, short stories, interdisciplinary units, skills and comprehension development, and stages of the writing process.

Methods of Instruction:
A variety of methods will be used in accomplishing our goal this year and will include, but is not limited to, basic and specific reading and writing strategies for the above topics, vocabulary development, modeling reading and writing, class discussions, paired and cooperative groups and multimedia instruction.

Behavior Management Plan:
See the eighth grade Behavior Management Plan.

The grading scale for Reading is the same as your other core classes and is found in the Mabry handbook as follows:

A = 90-100
B = 80-89
C = 74-79
D = 70-73
F = below 70

All assignments will be given a “category” designation. Most homework, classwork and quizzes will fall into Category 1 or 2, while the majority of projects and tests will be assessed at Category 3 or 4. When assigning work, students will be informed of how each product will be weighted. Cumulative grades will be calculated according to the following percentages.

Category 4 – 40%
Category 3 – 30%
Category 2 – 20%
Category 1 – 10%

No Work Left Behind:
During the first 9-week grading period, students who do not bring homework to class on time will have until the next class meeting to complete their work and will receive a 50 for the assignment. A No Work Left Behind slip will be completed by the students and may go home to be signed. After the initial nine weeks of school, no late work will be accepted.

Make-Up Work:
Students are responsible for any missed work. Students should access the Reading blog off the Mabry website to keep up with missed assignments. Arrangements must be made with the teacher to make up missed tests and quizzes. Please review the Cobb County policy for guidelines regarding make-up work.

Reading Blog:
Visit our Reading blog frequently at http://mabryonline.org/blogs/israel-hiles_R/ to learn about our curriculum, activities, assessments, assignments and Mabry happenings.

Please note: This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change to better accommodate class and individual needs. Students and parents will be notified of any changes.

Should you have any questions as the year progresses, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail.

Mrs. Israel-Hiles: 770-928-5546, ext. 457,

Mrs. Morton: 770-928-5546, ext. 472,

Please print student’s name and sign below as acknowledgement that you have read this syllabus.

Print Student’s Name _________________________________

Student Signature_____________________________________ Date__________

Parent Signature______________________________________ Date__________