Minutes of the 273rd meeting of the Registration Committee held
on 22nd February,2007 in Room No.142 ,Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi
The 273rd meeting of the Registration Committee (RC) was held under the Chairmanship of Dr. N.B. Singh, Agriculture Commissioner on 22nd February, 2007 at 1030 hrs. in Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi, Shri P.N. Maji, Addl. Industrial Advisor, M/o. Chemicals & Petrochemicals, and Dr. (Mrs.) S. Kulshrestha, Secretary, CIB&RC attended the meeting. Since the quorum was not complete, therefore, the meeting was adjourned and reconvened at 11.00 a.m.
Following officers from the Secretariat of CIB&RC were also present:
(i) Dr. Hari Prasad, Jt.Dir.(Chem.)
(ii) Sh.Vipin Bhatnagar, Jt.Dir.(Chem.)
(iii) Dr. R.M. Shukla, DD (Ent.)
(iv) Dr.Subhash Kumar, Dy.Dir.(WS)
(v) Sh. R.C.Gulati, SO
(vi) Sh. Niraj Kulshrestha, Assistant(Legal)
At the outset the Chairman welcomed the participants and requested Secretary, CIB&RC to take up Agenda for discussion. The following decisions were taken :
Agenda ItemNo.1.0 / Confirmation of minutes of the 272nd meeting of the Registration Committee.
The Minutes of the 272nd meeting of the Registration Committee (RC) were confirmed.
Agenda ItemNo.2.0 / Follow up action on the decisions taken by the Registration Committee in its 272nd meeting.
The Committee noted the follow-up actions taken on the decisions of the Registration Committee.
Agenda ItemNo.2.1 / Applications pending under various Sub-sections of the Insecticides Act, 1968
The Committee noted the pendency of the applications under various Sub-sections of the Act.
Agenda ItemNo.3.0 /
Government Business
Agenda ItemNo.3.1 / Clarification on the direction on issuance of import permit for import permit for import of insecticides for non-insecticidal purposes.
The Secretary, CIB&RC apprised the members that further clarification on the direction on issue of import permit of insecticides for non-insecticidal purposes have been received from the Deptt. of Agriculture & Cooperation on 15.2.2007. According to this, till the time final decision is communicated, a status-quo prior to the order No.21-13/2006-PP-I, dated 15.12.2006 is restored and applications are to be disposed of accordingly. The Committee noted the clarification.
Agenda ItemNo.3.2 / Information regarding decision in the Appeal of M/s. Zirconia Cera-tech Glazes, Palaj, Mehsana, Gujarat.
The Committee noted the decision of the appellate authority.
Agenda ItemNo.4.0 /
Export Cases
Agenda ItemNo.4.1 /
Consideration of Applications for Export
Agenda ItemNo.4.2 / Consideration of an application of M/s. SWAL Corporation Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Chlorpropham Technical (Anti-sprouting Agent) under Section 9(3) for export only.
Agenda ItemNo.4.3 / Consideration of an application of M/s Swal Corporation Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Chlorpropham 50 HN (Anti-sprouting Agent) under Section 9(3) for export only.
Agenda ItemNo.4.4 / Consideration of an application of M/s United Phosphorous Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Clopyralid Technical (Herbicide) under Section 9(3) for export only.
Approved with the following conditions:
“The product is extremely irritant to eyes and therefore provide all
necessary protective devices to the workers to ensure their safety during manufacture/handling etc.”
Further, a cautionary statement may be included on the Label & Leaflets in bold letters indicating that the product is “extremely irritant to eyes”.
Agenda ItemNo.4.5 / Consideration of an application of M/s United Phosphorous Ltd, Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Flonicamid Tech (Insecticide)
Agenda ItemNo.4.6 / Consideration of an application of M/s Rotom India Limited, Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Nicosulfuron Technical (Herbicide) under Section 9(3) for export only.
Agenda ItemNo.5.0 /
9(3B) Cases
Agenda ItemNo.5.1 / Consideration of application of M/s Prakash Seeds Agro Division, Osmanabad(M.S.) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Trichoderma Viride 1.00% WP under Section 9(3B).
Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.
Agenda ItemNo.5.2 / Consideration of application of M/s Arya Biotechnologies, Aurangabad for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Pseudomonas florescens 0.5% WP under Section 9(3B).
Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.
Agenda ItemNo.5.3 / Consideration of application of M/s Varsha Bioscience & Technology, Hyderabad for grant of registration for indigenous manufature of Beauveria Bassiana 1.15% WP under Section 9(3B).
Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.
Agenda ItemNo.5.4 / Consideration of application of M/s Maa Bhagwati Biotech & Chemicals, Wardha for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Pseudomonas flurescens 0.5% WP under Section 9(3B).
Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.
Agenda ItemNo.5.5 / Consideration of application of M/s Kanbiosys Pvt. Ltd., Pune(M.S.) for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Pseudomonas flurescens 0.5% WP under Section 9(3B).
Approved for a period of two years with commercialization.
Agenda ItemNo.5.6 / Request for Extension of validity period of provisional certificate of Registration of Pseudomonas Flourescens 1.75% WP for one year with commercialization.
Approved for a period of one year with commercialization.
Agenda ItemNo.6.0 / 9(3) Cases
Agenda Item
No.6.1 / Request of M/s.Vestergaard Frandsen (India) Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi for Registration of Deltamethrin Impregnated Bed net u/s. 9(3) – Request for change in Bio-efficacy requirement.
The Committee deliberated the agenda in detail and decided to maintain status-quo with reference to bio-efficacy data requirement for registration of Deltamethrin Impregnated Bed net.
Agenda ItemNo.6.2 / Consideration of application of M/s.FMC India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Combination formulation of Clomazone 20% + 2,4-Dethyl Ester 30% EC(Herbicide) under Section 9(3).
Agenda ItemNo.6.3 / Consideration of application of M/s.Syngenta Crop Protection Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Lambda-Cyhalothrin 2.5% CS Formulation (Insecticides) u/s. 9(3).
Approved for impregnation of bed nets for vector control against An.fluviatilis mosquitoes only.
Agenda ItemNo.7.0 / 9(4) Cases
Agenda Item
No.7.1 / List of applications for registration u/s 9(4)
The Committee approved the applications, which are complete from Chemistry angle and for which MRL are fixed, partially fixed or not required. The Committee deferred decision on the applications of Sulfosulfuron 75% + Metsulfuron Methyl 5% WG in view of the appeal received by the competent authority from M/s. United Phosphorus Ltd., Mumbai.
Agenda ItemNo.7.2 / Consideration of application of M/s Crop Health Products Ltd., New Delhi for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Imidacloprid technical
Agenda ItemNo.7.3 / Consideration of application of M/s Rotam India Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Metalaxyl technical.
Agenda ItemNo.7.4 / Consideration of application of M/s Rotam India Ltd., Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Clodinafop Propargyl technical
Agenda ItemNo.7.5 / Consideration of application of M/s Indofil Chemicals Company, Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Metsulfuron Methyl technical
Agenda ItemNo.7.6 / Consideration of application of M/s Indofil Chemicals Company, Mumbai for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Sulfosulfuron technical
Agenda ItemNo.7.7 / Consideration of an application of M/s Hyderabad Chemical Products Ltd., for grant of registration of Propiconazole Technical for indigenous manufacture
Agenda ItemNo.7.8 / Consideration of application of M/s Ravi Organics Ltd., New Delhi for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Clodinafop Propargyl technical
Agenda ItemNo.7.9 / Consideration of application of M/s Crystal Phosphates Ltd., New Delhi for grant of registration for indigenous manufacture of Thiomethoxam Technical
Agenda ItemNo.8.0 / Miscellaneous Items
Agenda Item
No.8.1 / Consideration of a request of M/s Ambey Laboratories Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi for clarification on 2,4-D Technical and 2,4-D Sodium Salt 80% WP
Agenda ItemNo.8.2 / NOC for receiving back of rejected pesticide (Chlorpyriphos) for disposal
The Committee decided that permission to receive back the exported material (Chlorpyriphos Technical) that was rejected by M/s. Gharda Chemicals Ltd. be given with the condition to dispose-off material as per the provisions of the Insecticides Act, & Rules, 1968 and Hazardous Waste Management Rules of Environmental Protection Act under the supervision of State Pollution Control Board.
Agenda ItemNo.8.3 / Correction in the name of Source of Import in the Certificate of Registration of Methyl Technical in respect of M/s Krishi Rasayan Exports Pvt. Ltd
The Committee deliberated the agenda in detail and approved their request for correction in name of source of import for Methyl Parathion Tech. from M/s. China National Chemical Construction Corporation, China to M/s. China National Chemical Construction, Jiangsu Company.
Agenda ItemNo.8.4 / Consideration of extension of bioefficacy claims of Lambdacyhalothrin 5% EC in respect of M/s Syngenta India Ltd.
Approved the extension of Label claims on mangoes.
Agenda ItemNo.8.5 / Consideration of application of M/s Bayer Crop Science forlabel expansion of Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 9.3% EC for controlling weeds in rice
Approved the extension of Label claims on rice.
Agenda ItemNo.8.6 / Consideration of endorsement of change of name of source of import of Fipronil Technical from Bayer Crop Science SA, Elbeuf, France to BASF Agri Production SAS, Elbeuf, France due to divestment.
Agenda ItemNo.8.7 / Consideration of extension of Bio-efficacy Claim of Methomyl 40% SP in favour of M/s E.I. DuPont Ltd.
Approved . The extension of label claims on grapes subject to fixation of MRL by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
Agenda ItemNo.8.8 / Consideration of extension of bio-efficacy claims of Fipronil 0.3% GR in favour of M./s Bayer Crop Science, Mumbai
Approved the extension of label claim on sugarcane.
Agenda ItemNo.8.9 / Request for alternate packing of Thermoformed blister pack for Prallethrin 1.6% w/w LV in respect of CIR No. 30263/98/Prallethrin (HH)-8 proposed by M/s Godrej Sara Lee Ltd., Mumbai
Agenda ItemNo.8.10 / Request for alternate packing ofThermoformed blister pack for Prallethrin 2.4% w/w LV in respect of CIR No. 387/2005(250)-Prallethrin (w/w)-4 - proposed by M/s Godrej Sara Lee Ltd., Mumbai
Agenda ItemNo.8.11 / Ex-Post facto approval for import permits issued.
Agenda ItemNo.8.12 /
Approval of Protocols
Agenda ItemNo.8.13 / Issue of import permit for Boric Acid & Other substances for non-insecticidal use.
The Committee deliberated the agenda in detail and approved the applications of 271st, 272nd and 273rd R.C. Meetings as per the list annexed.
Agenda ItemNo.9.0 / Any other item with the permission of the Chair.
9.1 Request of extension of time for Expert Group constituted for Simplification of guidelines for registration of multi-use insecticides:
As per the deliberations in the group, the Member-Convener of the group requested the Committee for seeking extension of four months period for submission of report. The Committee decided to seek the approval of the Competent Authority for the same.
9.2 Registration of Prallethrin Technical & d-transallethrin technical for indigenous manufacture u/s. 9(4) - Judgement of High Court: Secy.CIB&RC apprised the members that a CWP No.1169/07 has been filed by Shri Vinod Shetty Vs. Union of India & Others before Delhi High Court regarding registration granted in 272nd R.C. Meeting to M/s. Manaksia for Prallethrin Technical and d-trans Allethrin Technical for indigenous manufacture u/s. 9(4) of the Act. She informed that the court has disposed off the petition with the direction that the said representation dated 12.1.2007 should be duly considered by you and after consideration, a reasoned order answering all the objections/questions, should be communicated to the petitioner in the above captioned petition within a period of two weeks. Secy.CIB&RC also informed that the points rose in the said representation received by the Chairman and the Members were duly considered while approving the applications in the 272nd R.C. Meeting. The analysis test reports of in process samples tested by Central Insecticides Laboratory, Faridabad has also established the chemical equivalence. The Committee authorized the Secretary to send proper reply to the legal notice.
9.3 Review of various Pesticides which are banned in other countries but one being used in India- Report- Part II:
The members deliberated the report in detail and accepted the same.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Decision of the Registration Committee
on applications for import permit of Boric Acid-271st Meeting
Sl. No. / Name of the Applicant (M/s) / Approved(Quantity)/Not Approved (Reason)
1 / 2 / 3
1. / Vishwa Traders Pvt Ltd, Jambusar, Gujarat / Not approved for want of recommendation of the Nodal Ministry.
Decision of the Registration Committee
on applications for import permit of Boric Acid
Sl. No. / Name of the Applicant(M/s) / Quantity Requested/Insecticide/
1 / 2 / 3
Representations for issuance of Import ermits for Dual Use Insecticides
Sl. No. / Name of the Applicant(M/s) / Issue raised
1 / 2 / 3.
1. / Zirconia Cera-tech Glazes, Palaj, Mehsana. / The case has already been decided in Appeal. Hence, not considered.
2. / Bhansali Chemicals (Madras) Ltd, Chennai. / Approved 300 MT of Boric Acid.
3. / H.R. Johnson (India) Ltd, New Delhi / Approved balance quantity of 257 MT of Boric Acid.
Decision of the Registration Committee
on applications for import permit of Boric Acid - 272nd Meeting
Sl. No. / Name of the Applicant (M/s) / Approved(Quantity)/Not Approved (Reason)
1 / 2 / 3
1. / Orient Glazes Limited, Radhu, Kheda, Gujarat / Chairman, RC informed the members about the receipt of a communication from Customs wherein import of Boric Acid by various parties, including this applicant, without import permit has been shown. Hence, it was not approved. It was also decided to seek clarification from the applicant about such imports.
2. / Nahar Colours & Coating Ltd, Udaipur (Rajasthan) / Chairman, RC informed the members about the receipt of a communication from Customs wherein import of Boric Acid by various parties, including this applicant, without import permit has been shown. Hence, it was not approved. It was also decided to seek clarification from the applicant about such imports.
3. / Navin Fluorine International Limited, Mumbai-400 022 / Chairman, RC informed the members about the receipt of a communication from Customs wherein import of Boric Acid by various parties, including this applicant, without import permit has been shown. Hence, it was not approved. It was also decided to seek clarification from the applicant about such imports.
4. / Tanfac Industries imited, Chennai-600 004. / Approved 325 MT for manufacture of Pot. Fluoborate and Fluoboric Acid.
5. / Borax Morarji Ltd, Ambernath (MS) / Approved 292.50 MT.