Approved Minutes of Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Chino Valley Agribusiness & Science Technology Center
Room 120
2275 Old Home Manor Way
Chino Valley, AZ 86323
Recorded Board meetings may be viewed in the Tri-City area on
Cable Channel 13 on Wednesdays at 3:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Members Present:
Dr. Patricia McCarver, Chair
Mr. Herald Harrington, Secretary & Spokesperson
Dr. Dale Fitzner, Board Member
Mr. Charles Leon, Board Member
Mr. Ray Sigafoos, Board Member
Staff and Guests Attending Meeting Lists are on file in the District Office.
1. Call to Order - Procedural
2. Mr. Harrington, Acting Chair, called the Yavapai College District Governing Board meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
3. Pledge of Allegiance – Procedural
The Pledge was led by Mr. Sigafoos.
4. Welcome to Guests and Staff - Procedural
Mr. Harrington welcomed all guests and staff present.
5. Approval of June 15, 2010 FY 2010-2011 Truth in Taxation Public Meeting, FY 2010-2011 Truth in Taxation Special Meeting, FY 2010-2011 Budget Public Hearing, FY 2010-2011 Budget Adoption Meeting, Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session Minutes – Decision
Mr. Sigafoos moved, seconded by Mr. Leon, to approve the June 15, 2010 FY 2010-2011 Truth in Taxation Public Meeting, FY 2010-2011 Truth in Taxation Special Meeting, FY 2010-2011 Budget Public Hearing, FY 2010-2011 Budget Adoption Meeting, Regular Board Meeting and Executive Session Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
6. Adoption of Agenda – Decision
Dr. Fitzner moved, seconded by Mr. Leon, that the Consent Agenda be approved. Motion carried unanimously.
Chair McCarver arrived at 1:08 p.m.
7. Open Call – Procedural
None received.
8. Consent Agenda – Heading
9. Receipt of Transfers and Other Expenditures –Months of May, June & July 2010 – Receipt
10. Receipt of Report on Revenues and Expenditures – May 2010 – Receipt
Mr. Harrington moved, seconded by Dr. Fitzner, to adopt the Consent Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
11. Information – Heading
12. Presentation, “Our College, Our Community, Our Diversity” – Information
Ms. Jane Hersh, Director of the Learning Center, presented a pictorial display of the numerous ways Yavapai College celebrates and promotes diversity and inclusion throughout the district.
Ms. Hersh and the College’s Advisory committee were congratulated for all their efforts in increasing diversity awareness and enriching the lives of the students, faculty, staff and community members. Yavapai College celebrates and promotes diversity and inclusion throughout the district. The presentation will be available on the College website in the near future.
13. Information from the President – Reports: Federal and State Funding; Lobbying Efforts; Arizona Community College Presidents’ Council; Arizona Community College Council; Making Opportunities Affordable-Lumina Foundation; State Board of Education; NAU/YC Regional University; Attorney General’s Opinion RE: Hiring Authority; Follow-up on Topics Addressed at Previous Board Meeting and Other Related Issues – Information and/or Discussion
Steve Walker, Vice President of College Development/Foundation introduced Tom Wixon as the new Marketing Director of Yavapai College from Interact. Katie Hoeschler will continue as part of the Interact team as Communication Manager. Mr. Wixon reported that Interact conducted a spoofing exercise (survey/test) of the Registration system at Yavapai College in June 2010. The report resulted in a number of negative findings. A meeting was conducted with Student Affairs and they immediately developed a plan, changed the calling system, and changed the phone tree. Since then, another spoofing exercise took place which resulted in a number of improved responses.
Other Related Topics
Mr. Walker reported that the College was awarded the Student Support Services grant in the amount of $419,180 per year for the next five years by the United State Department of Education. Yavapai College has been awarded this grant a number of times in the past Tribute was given to Lonnie Densberger, Director of TRIO program.
Dr. Horton reported on the following:
Federal and State Funding and Lobbying Efforts
Betsy Quilligan, Legislative Director from the Office of Congresswoman Ann Kirkpatrick, will be touring and meeting with a number of Northern Arizona University and Yavapai College officials at NAU-Yavapai Regional University. The appropriation request for the NAU-Yavapai Regional University project has made it through the Appropriation Subcommittee, with a final decision expected in November 2010.
Arizona Community College Presidents’ Council (ACCPC)
ACCPC will meet August 18 and 19, 2010 at Northland Pioneer Community College. Jeanne Swarthout, President of Northland Pioneer, is the ACCPC president for 2010-2011. Main agenda topics will be the upcoming legislative session and the development of a State board. ACCPC is working on provisions that are viable for community colleges.
Arizona Community College Council
The Arizona Community College Council formed by the Governor’s executive order is now defunct, because the executive order expired in June 2010. The Governor really wants to establish a State board.
Making Opportunities Affordable-Lumina Foundation
On August 11, 2010, Dr. Horton will be interviewed by Dr. Will Friedman, representing an outside firm, Public Agenda, which was hired to examine the Lumina Foundation grant. He is interested in talking about the impact community colleges are having on changing the face of higher education in the United States.
State Board of Education
Dr. Horton was asked to attend the Career and Technological Education Advisory Committee meeting, July 18 – 19, 2010. The Committee is a subgroup of the State Board of Education. They are in the process of setting standards for the Career and Technical programs at the high school level, which is relevant to the college level to eliminate any repetition of courses.
NAU/Yavapai Regional University
A small cohort of students will be underway beginning next week. Students register through NAU’s registration process, and there have been a number of software issues that have had to be resolved to get this underway. Since the classes are set up in a fast-track fashion, students can register every month.
ACCT Presentation
Dr. McCarver and Mr. Sigafoos will attend the first NAU-Yavapai Advisory meeting, which is scheduled for August 30, 2010. Afterwards, there will be a brief meeting with Dr. Haeger, President of NAU, and Dr. Bornstein, President of Coconino Community College, to plan the ACCT presentation for the upcoming 2010 ACCT Community College Leadership Congress. The results of that presentation meeting will be discussed at the September 13, 2010 Board meeting. Dr. McCarver emphasized the focus of the presentation and bulk of the presenting needs to come from community college Board members.
Attorney General’s Opinion RE: Hiring Authority
Board Counsel Lynne Adams reported that the Attorney General has concluded that the Board can legally delegate its authority to the President for employment, which includes both hiring and firing and everything in between (resignations, conditions of employment, etc). Refer to Board packet pages 47-55.
Follow-up on Topics Addressed at Previous Board Meeting
Board members discussed the follow-up on some of the new Legislative regulations. Refer to Board packet, pgs. 56 & 57.
14. Report from Faculty Senate, Monthly Summary and College Highlights – June & July, 2010 – Information and/or Discussion
Faculty Senate
Dr. Paul Smolenyak reported on the following:
· Faculty Association will meet on Monday, August 16, 2010. At the meeting, faculty at large will review last spring’s activities and plan activities for the 2010-2011 academic year. The next meeting is scheduled for October 12, 2010.
· Their focus will be to complete a faculty handbook by December 2010 and review the Faculty Association Constitution to assure the committee structure, organization and membership are appropriately organized to meet the current needs of the institution.
15. Reports from Board Members Harrington and Sigafoos on 2010 International Policy Governance Association (IPGA) Conference - Information and/or Decision
Mr. Ray Sigafoos and Mr. Harrington referred to the following handouts: Thoughts, 2010 Conference Workshop Schedule; CD that includes all the powerpoints and handout materials of the conference; Policy Governance Source Document; E-2 Academic Achievement, An Introduction to Policy Governance and Policy Governance Association Conference Report – Herald Harrington. Both Board members stated that it was an excellent conference on Policy Governance and encouraged all Board members to receive additional training either in-house or at a scheduled conference.
Mr. Sigafoos presented a number of points addressed in the “Thoughts” document. He highlighted the monitoring process that exists at the Clark County School District, stating the importance of having graphical presentations (right kind of graphs with the right scales). Clark County has recently completed ISO 9000 certification.
Mr. Harrington stated that all the basic concepts of ISO 9000 can line up with Policy Governance in a one-to-one framework. The ISO process is well known and offers a lot of resources, which might be something to research. ISO could do the external audit the Board is interested in.
Meeting Agenda Evaluation - Mr. Sigafoos stated the Board spends a lot of time talking about time frames, when the focus should be on content. Mr. Harrington emphasized the importance of this function and that the Board needs to determine if time is being spent on the right issues. It suggested that the Board discuss and determine options as to what the Board wants to evaluate at the September 13, 2010 meeting.
Both Mr. Harrington and Mr. Sigafoos attended the session—Monitoring: Practical Approaches to Accountable Freedom. Monitoring and setting Ends Statements are the most important functions of a Board.
· What should boards look for (and what should CEOs include) in a monitoring report so that the board has confidence its policies have been met?
· A lot of boards spend a great deal of time evaluating information they don’t need; determine what is useful.
· What makes a good interpretation?
· There are 3 types of monitoring: Internal, external monitoring and Board self-inspection.
Mr. Harrington mentioned that it is important for the Board to be aware that the Association of Community College Trustees does not support the Policy Governance model. They tried to create their own version and failed.
Both Mr. Sigafoos and Mr. Harrington recommended that the Board receive some formal training on Policy Governance. It was requested that the President research information on the Policy Governance Academy.
16. Introduction of the Education Advisory Board and National Community College Benchmark Tools – Information and Discussion
Mr. Tom Hughes, Director of Institutional Research and Mr. Clint Ewell, Vice President of Finance and Administrative Services, presented a powerpoint presentation on the Education Advisory Board and National Community College Benchmark Tools to demonstrate to the Board the availability of benchmarks across the country that will help administration set standards for the institution (refer to Board packet, pgs. 64 – 72). This service provides best practice studies and briefings, individual member custom research, unlimited expert consultations, leadership networking meetings, and online research database. It not only provides national comparisons, but also peer comparisons with other institutions that participate. Almost every Arizona community college participates in the benchmark project. The data is one year behind. Having a good set of measures will help the College and the Board stay focused in the right direction.
Board members commented that this information could be used to fine tune what the Board is measuring through its monitoring reports and to determine what is a reasonable interpretation and what isn’t.
17. Short Recess – Procedural
Meeting recessed at 2:28 p.m.; reconvened at 2:45 p.m.
18. Board Education/Strategic Thinking and Planning – Heading
Discuss and Plan the September 14, 2010 Board Workshop in Relationship to Monitoring, Metric Assessments and Reporting Processes. What does the Board want to Measure? – Discussion and/or Decision
Dr. McCarver stated that based on previous discussions, it appears that the Board is interested in focusing on monitoring and monitoring reports at the September workshop. Both Board members who attended the IPGA Conference were impressed with presenter, Jannice Moore. Staff looked into her availability, but she is not available on September 14, 2010; however her co-facilitator, Richard Stringham, is.
Board members’ comments:
· A full-day retreat.
· Review Ends in conjunction with monitoring. The conference sessions attended focused on monitoring reports, which ones were useful and those that were not, definition of a reasonable interpretation and what is considered a reasonable interpretation.
· Provide the presenter with some clear goals of what the Board wants to accomplish and forward current Board information/reports in advance.
· Mr. Harrington shared some resource books purchased during the conference, which will be shared among other members with the possibility of purchasing additional copies in the future.
· Draft September Workshop Agenda
Ø Review Ends Statements to determine if they are the right ones.
Ø Review and adapt the Board’s current Ends and reports to create better monitoring reports and measures.
Ø Review community college data using the Educational Advisory Board and National Community College Benchmark tool, discuss the data that is available to Yavapai College and ways to improve the areas the Board measures.
Ø Educate the Board on the monitoring process.
Dr. Horton presented the handout, Measures of Success, that was developed by the President’s Leadership Team and the Strategic Planning Committee on August 9, 2010 for the College. He suggested sending this document along with Board’s current information to the facilitator. Mr. Harrington shared Clark County’s Two-Year Monitoring Report Calendar, and requested that copies be given to all Board members.
The Board decided to schedule the District Governing Board regular meeting on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. at Prescott campus and the all day workshop on Tuesday, September 14, 2010 at the Prescott campus. The President will forward the above-mentioned information to the presenter, and Mr. Harrington will speak with him regarding the draft agenda and goals of the workshop.
20. Monitoring Reports – Heading
21. Receipt of Operational Metrics to Support the Board’s Ends Policies 1.4.2, 1.6.1 and 1.6.3 - Monitoring
Dr. Horton stated that the revised operational metric to 1.3 – Community Ends illustrates the tremendous impact the College is making with the high quality of the programs offered to the communities throughout Yavapai County.